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Review:Jesse Ventura:Manchurian Candidate Conspiracy Theory (videos)

Sterling D. Allan

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Jan. 18, 2010

n Episode 6 of his "Conspiracy Theory" series, movie star, professional wrestler, former Navy SEAL and former Minnesota governor, Jesse Ventura, takes on the subject of mind control, more commonly known as the Manchurian Candidate phenomenon – a government (MKUltra/CIA/NSA, etc) program to turn ordinary citizens into programmed killers: "Plucked from the crowd, subjected to mind control, tortured, and turned into ticking time bombs to kill on command."

"You can take over someone's mind to the point that they essentially are your robot." -- Alan Scheflin, legal scholar and mind control expert

The program asserts that such "robots" don't know when they'll strike; and when they do, they won't remember a thing. In this episode, Jesse Ventura and his conspiracy team infiltrate the government's hair-trigger conspiracy; and Jesse goes face-to-face with one of the killers. They call them "Manchurian Candidates", super soldiers, the government's real-life predators.

A Manchurian Candidate is "an artificially created multiple personality, where there's another identity inside which is given the mission parameters, carries out the mission. The idea is that if they are caught and interrogated, the front person has no memory of the mission; so it keeps the information secure." – Colin A. Ross, M.D., Psychiatrist & lecturer

The reason we include this Manchurian Candidate topic here at, which usually focuses on breakthrough clean energy technologies, is that this is a piece of the puzzle that could explain some of the suppression incidences that have reported by some inventors over the years. The recent Eugene Mallove murder, for example, remains unsolved.




Part 1 of 6

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Part 2 of 6

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Part 3 of 6

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Part 4 of 6

  • (YouTube; January 06, 2010)
  • Includes interview with General Albert Stubblebine III, former Head of U.S. Army Intelligence, behind the program on which the movie "Men Who Stare at Goats" was based.

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Part 5 of 6

  • (YouTube; January 06, 2010)
  • Interview with David Corso, the Black Ops Veteran who lead the pack of army robotic soldiers – "Project Talent". "Black Ops are projects that the government doesn't want people to know about." Assassination, robbery, theft, blackmail.
  • Interview with Duncan O'Finioan, "Super Soldier"; e.g. three days of missing time in the Virgin Islands.

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Part 6 of 6

  • (YouTube; January 06, 2010)
  • Jesse meets with Duncan O'Finioan, "Super Soldier"; "we did multiple jobs". An MRI after a car accident caused the compartmentalization to break down so he began to remember. "Don't be surprised if some of you Navy Seals were some of us."