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Debt Slave

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NIA is pleases to release Debt Slave. It was released August 28th, and it offers excellent advice. There is mounting evidence that more, and more People are being sucked under by this deliberate collapse. We are continually fed MSM stories which bare no real merit. Look around even at this site, and how the membership is increasing; it's because People are in search of answers, and looking for guidance.

I'll keep it short. Watch the video; learn to think outside of the box, and always remember there is a way. Every barricade in life has a way around it; whether it's over, under, around, or flat out busting through, it is able to be done. Remember You can really always walk away. No one is holding a gun to Your head, and making You pay the debt. I cannot stress this enough. The banks, and Corporate Elite caused this mess, and got their TARP bailout(s). They got that, and still charge us? If You want to remain a debt slave, then that is Your choice, but should You decide to walk away, then all the Power to You. There are many of Your fellow Americans doing it daily. Our country has been hyjacked by evil People, with an evil agenda.

Trailer - Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama