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Silent Sound (Infrasound) Can Make You Physically Ill

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From: Dick Eastman
Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 1:07 AM
Subject: [frameup] Fw: Silent Sound (Infrasound) Can Make You Physically Ill
Interesting that 20Hz is mentioned particularly as it is the normal frequency of the pineal, and other mysterious ductless glands in the human body.
Anyone who is open to acceptance of the indisputable fact that we have all had more lifetimes in humanoid mammalian life forms, and other, than we could ever count, can accept the fact that in numerous earlier societies the mechanisms of control have been far more insidious than anything the current primitive governments could crudely imagine.  Overt electronic zapping has long been applied as effective mind control, in this and earlier universes, particularly as a dumbing-down mechanism, to make one forget one's past lives and experiences, and to turn off all the abilities now called Para-normal, which are in reality nothing but normal.  It's just that current humanoids are very un-normal.  There's a current TV commercial in which the stupid actress proclaims "I have this one body, and this one life to live," as she takes her pills.  Kind of like denying childhood, saying you never existed before high school.  Ever wonder why schooling is so boring?  After a few thousand times it should get boring.  Even sub-consciously.
We swim in so much pollution of every kind, including electronic.  This may very well restimulate our earlier implanted electronic controls.  One of the ancient ones was to apply two different frequencies to the body, positive on one side and negative on the other, good for forgetting.  HISTORY OF MAN, by Hubbard touches on some of these.  Easy to see when this stuff gets restimulated in present life-time with someone suffering an epileptic seizure, or a heart attack, or even the ubiquitous sexual orgasm.  There is obvious unconsciousness there, though pain may not be obvious. In the original implants there was also verbal control installed.  That is never seen except when properly processed out.  The key-out point reached in meditation is likely nothing more than re-living a time when an electronic implant was turned off. The release would have felt great.
I have personally had an implant visually restimulated years ago by watching black and white TV. It starts with flickering lights around the periphery of my vision, narrowing down to a slit.  First time was both sides, though never been but one side since.  I mentioned this to the eye doctor I saw recently and he has the same thing, with head aches, and has run into others in his practice.  I could not explain cause to him as his solution is with pills.  One time a pressure line turned on down through the whole body.  Very spooky.  That's where heart attacks come from.
I have always been interested in the field of electronic medicine, going back to Royal Rife, who was curing people of cancer in the '20s and '30s, until stopped by the phony AMA/FDA/Big Pharma money-makers.  Someone understanding electronic frequencies, as well as having a real knowledge of ancient electronic implants, should be able to as-is these harmful frequencies, totally nullifying them, individually and en masse.  The machinery for doing so already exists.  Just a matter of identifying the harmful frequencies when in restimulation.  How to do that is the problem.  Be glad to play guinea pig.  Of course governments would oppose this even though they suffer from the same situation.  That's the problem with living on an insane mudball.  May need to keep sanity secret.

Best regards,.

Bob Taft

The Taft Ranch

Upton, Wyoming

(307) 465-2206

"We hang the petty thieves and appoint

the great ones to public office." Aesop

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 11:26 PM
Subject: Silent Sound (Infrasound) Can Make You Physically Ill

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Silent Sound (Infrasound) Can Make You Physically Ill

by: Junji Takano

Sounds you don't hear make you sick...this is nothing new at all. After the World War II, many popular magazines around the world started to publish strange maladies caused by sounds you don't hear.


There was a case where an old woman was suffering from stress, headache, and sleeplessness. The cause was unknown. Doctors could not find any illness out of the complaints from the elderly woman.

One day, her eldest son came to their place to visit her. The son immediately noticed the problem of his mother when he also felt something different during his nap. He stood up and tried to find out what is making him feel unusual and uneasy. He went around the house including their old warehouse just beside their house. He noticed something different when he entered the old warehouse. He searched and inspected every corner of the warehouse when something caught his eyes. It was the old water well pump. He asked a well pump technician nearby to check and replace it.

What was bothering him during his nap was the noise from the well pump motor, which is on almost the whole day to give water to their vegetable plantation. Since the time the motor was replaced, the headache, sleeplessness, and other stress-related problems of the old woman was gone just like bad spirits melted with heavenly fire.


The true identity of this mystery is sounds you don't hear. The human ears are capable of hearing sounds with frequencies as low as 20 Hz all the way up to 20,000 Hz (20 kHz). However, this range decreases with age, with most adults being unable to hear above 16 kHz. Sound at frequencies below 20 Hz, called “infrasound”, are ultra low frequencies that we cannot hear but can be felt as vibration. However, our brain is affected by this ultra low frequency and will appear as stress of unknown cause. Low frequencies have stronger oscillatory wave to the brain through skull and other bones. To know the mysterious low frequency, you can place a candle in front of loud speaker, and the candle flame won't be swayed, but with ultra low frequency, the flame will be swayed.

We know that there are many animals and machines such as elephants, jet plane, and air conditioners that produce very low frequency.


Just a decade ago, in Akita prefecture, Japan, people had complained about stress, headaches, and other mysterious symptoms. Scientists found that the cause was infrasound coming from a dam constructed several miles away. The drainpipe was producing sounds when water is discharged. Frequency was about 20 Hz.


Ear ringing, dizziness, palpitation, and autonomic imbalance, are symptoms caused by ultra low frequency or infrasound.

Infrasound can penetrate any objects unlike middle and high frequency sounds. We should be well aware of it, because many countries are trying to apply it as war weapon!

Home appliances such as hair drier, oven toaster, television, personal computers, and surprisingly, even commuter train you are riding every day may produce infrasound!

We should know that infrasound can destroy and melt calcium in the body. What does it mean? It means that we will be destroyed sooner or later!

In this modern world, infrasound is prevalent everywhere we live, whether through man-made or natural sources! Whether we like it or not, we are in it.

Do you have any idea on how to escape from the destruction by infrasound? Yes, there are some remedies for it. Let us listen to music we love and enjoy. Believe it or not, music we love to listen can eradicate it, if not reduce the destructive power of infrasound!

Many patients who were affected by infrasound from their neighbors were able to escape from various symptoms, just by listening to music every now and then. Believe it!

Also read article “PYRO-ENERGEN Therapy and Listening to Music Can Make Your Life a Success”.



About the author:

Junji Takano is a Japanese health researcher involved in

investigating the cause of many dreadful diseases. In 1968,

he invented PYRO-ENERGEN, the first electrostatic therapy

device for electromedicine that effectively eradicates viral

diseases, cancer, and diseases of unknown cause.

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