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Two Handlers of Mind Controlled Slaves Exspoed, More Gang Stalking Tactics Revealed

Stefan Fobes

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By Stefan Fobes

People have asked in my previous articles why would they devote all these resources for me, just one person. It would take someone extremely abnormal to do something like that, and also like this.



As I’ve said, my mother was mind controlled and perhaps she has passed some programming functions down to me through genetics that I may not know of. I won’t rule that out. The Fobes family claims descent from many British and Scottish royals, such as Robert the Bruce. They are of the Illuminati Bruce bloodline, one of the real 13. So I’m not surprised that so many resources can be deployed in my case.

There is information locked in the minds of programmed people about Illuminati black projects, sexual perversions on their part, and rituals that would blow the agenda sky high if it ever got out. Look at the gigantic military type convoy which was described by CBS News as nearly the size of a football field headed to programming factory UCLA Neuropsychiatric Medical Institute for blatantly programmed Britney Spears when she had what was called her breakdown. Yes, her programming breakdown. If she ever got to a good deprogrammer and publicly talked about what she has been through… It’d rock this world. This is why they use everything they have. It is a desperate struggle for survival in their part. And with circumstances and the world going the way it is, there is only one inevitable ending now.

Yet, there are several key players in every intelligence agency operation whom without they cannot be truly effective. In this article I will expose one critically important class of agent — the tactical predictor.

As I’ve written in two previous articles, I have been gang stalked for months. After some digging around, I have come up with a name and with that, a photo. This man is Simon Keith Wheeldon. He lives down the hall from the apartment I live in with his partner.

He has multiple functions — pun intended. He is not only fully mind controlled, as is his partner, it seems that he is a handler for a lot of programmed individuals also.


Sad, in pain, hurting inside. Whenever you see people who have this look, you are looking at a mind controlled individual.

Unfortunately, this can only be really written at this point to people who understand what government mind control operations are, but for those who do not, take a look at the pictures included in their books of people who claim to have been subjected to these torturous procedures of them during the time they claimed to be mind controlled. Then take a look at some pictures of schizophrenics, abuse victims, bipolar individuals, murderers, and others with common mental illnesses. For those that have, they will see that people claiming to have been mind controlled have a unique look found nowhere else in the spectrum of mental disorders. Their eyes appear like their spirit has literally been turned into a block of ice.

A handler of mind controlled slaves is inevitably wildly paranoid due to what they do and this Simon Wheeldon is no different. This is how his personality is. A constant expression of rage and/or suspicion on his face and filled with constant fear, a prime one being his fear of his posessions being stolen. His blue car on the block where I and he live has a little sign on one of the windows with NO STEREO in big black caps on it. His female partner, apparently, is deathly afraid of being robbed and raped. These are echoes of the initial abuse that formed their alter system. I do not hate them for what they do, but nor do I pity them for their condition. And I obviously cannot allow them to continue what they have been sent in to do, yet it is my deep wish that they and a skilled deprogrammer do some healing work together.

Daily, this Simon Wheeldon individual clop-clop-clops up and down the stairs, making the arrangements for spotters to be placed at points around the neighborhood, increasing or decreasing numbers depending on their state of desperation on a given day to observe my route and destination. An example from last Tuesday: Six people sitting in cars near no school or event taking place at about 4PM. Since he is aware of the information I reveal here and tactics will change accordingly, I will simply lay out the prime script-program that the intelligence agencies work by.

- Ex-government mind control subject Stewart Swerdlow talks in his Blue Blood, True Blood: Conflict and Creation book of watchful eyes positioned in Black communities to scope out the most amoral individuals who will do anything for profit and get them recruited. These people are actually in every single community in America. In apartment buildings, music schools, public schools, convenience stores, luxury apartment building doormen, hot dog vendors, building superintendents, janitors. Every single ethnicity and race has a minute portion of these spies and these are the people who have been put out to spy on me.

- Two astounding examples I have found are one Black plumber who works at New York’s Central Synagogue and a White woman who works at the Austrian Consulate General’s Office not too far from there. They are all trained and used for a wide array of purposes.

- They try to use a point to point relay system by which they keep one person behind, (to try to keep wise of any doubling back by someone they are spying on) one person ahead. In the intelligence agency spnsored movies, they usually depict operatives as following someone on foot from behind. In reality operatives are instructed to run ahead of the person they are following as this is never known of or expected by anyone, much like 99.9% of people never look up. The person ahead looks over their shoulder quickly and repeatedly to try to make sure of things.

- They are assisted in this by people who look down in their government paid for apartments as backup eyes.

- For burglaries, the general policy is never come in unless they are absolutely sure that it is safe to do so. This isn’t set in stone, though.

- Place at least one person on the block of someone they try to spy on to obtain the exact time they leave, after which their Matrix-style operator is notified and the next person down the line afterwards is robotically activated to keep their eyes open. This occurs assembly line style.

- If you know you are being followed and you think it is just one group of spies with one operator and you can just evade, this is not the case. There are always at least two operators (some are multillingual) and as soon as one spotter notifies their operator as to your position, it is a definite that the spies living on your block all have been notified.

- Use spies working at stores to try to do psychological probes via conversation or try to keep an eye on people they are spying on. An example in my case is a Black woman operative working at the copy department on the first floor of the Staples at 87th and 3rd in New York who were doing some sort of pretend theater involving some pictures that were “to be developed”. When I talked to her she just responded in total agency lingo.

- Openly try to take pictures with mobile devices or cameras. Operatives are instructed to try to use them for intimidation when cognizance of their activities is seen as a concern.

- Paranoid and cowardly as they are, if awareness is reached of their presence they will call backup who are dispatched to observe the situation.

- Increasing the manpower occurs when too many gaps in information gathering capability appear.

- Any form of physical transportation is used to get on scene or off scene.

- Entrapment, through offering of drugs or attempts to trick someone into other criminal endeavors is used.

- Female or male honeypots are used. Some even get jobs at the places where the person they are spying on works at and even try to marry them in cases. Which shows a victim mentality on the Illuminati’s part because they use their own family members for this without hesitation. And a big victim like they are is due to attract a mighty big oppressor.

- Extensive acting and theater is used for operatives to cloak themselves in public. If a spy is living in the same home as someone they are spying on, this can include anything from pretending to type all day to setting up a false business with “payments” from other operatives. It is very sophisticated.

- If a person comes from a background of heavy abuse and/or mind control, extensive psychological probes will be attempted to be used such as asking for directions , openers such as “hi” and “how are you?” by random people will be used to determine how well adjusted socially the person is, their mental, emotional, energetic potency, and most importantly to them, exactly how dissociative they are. Physical strength tests are also used such as asking to a person to help carry items, to see how well the person can handle themselves physically.

- Mobile devices such as TomToms with their map function are used for on the go tracking and navigation across a city or town. If you see a hell of a lot of people in your neighborhood standing around at odd hours, or even not so odd hours with a mobile device just staring at it for a long time — these guys are on duty.

- On the web, they resort to connecting directly through to the servers and intercepting emails that way. I have,, and where I cannot send anyone emails because they are not recieved. Even emails sent to myself take an hour to be recieved on these accounts. Forging email addresses, spambots, the tactic is to interfere with clean electronic communication flows. Simon Wheeldon is pretty proficient with those computers he has. I wonder what type of software he has on them, eh?

- Kidnapping is also attempted for young children. When I was in the second grade, a man came up to me while I was sitting on the steps of the apartment building I live in now and tried the old “you wanna make three bucks and help me carry this painting?” These are the people who do this. Kidnappers, thieves, burglars, cold blooded killers, rapists, terrorists.

- Physical attacks are used, but if they cannot sucessfully beat a person down physically, they then switch to guile and subtlety, such as trying to spread rumors such as guns, drug involvement, anything to discredit. Strangely enough, at least in my case, they only try to spread rumors around saying that I do what they themselves are doing. This can backfire though.

- There was a man called John Todd back in the 80s who talked about his experiences with the Illuminati. who claimed he was from the Collins bloodline, and one of the most remarkable things he said was that they had a special computer system whereby they could run a check and see whether they have operatives placed at certain areas in certain positions or not. Judging by the manner and speed at which certain dirty trick attempts have happened in my life, such as messing around with a birth certificate application (this is documented) as well as deleting my “father’s” name from my birth certificate permanent record from the computer system itself, I believe that this computer system does exist — and needs to be brought to light fast.

Another person has also been involved in this who is another handler. His name is Ronald Zeck. He is another handler who has been around for a long while. I remember always thinking, this guy looks like he’s CIA. And it turns out he is a fed. He is also mind controlled with deep abuse issues from childhood which causes him to drink. He is very emotionally unstable.


From all the handlers I have seen it seems to be a constant that they are always filled with rage. I suppose this is intentional, the better to keep their handlees in line. Sitting in a public atrium near the Lehman Brothers Bank building I observed one handler with a look of barely suppressed rage on his face and the mind controlled woman he was handling just sitting there looking at me, her with her frozen eyes.

The Satanic network and the secret government are one and the same, and members even work together regularly on missions with zero discomfort on their part whatsoever.

This Simon Wheeldon and his female partner are responsible for the prediction aspect, where they use deductive reasoning based on where I’ve been in the past to make a guess when I’ll be out and make the call to put the spotters out in advance of the guessed time. They just sit there in that apartment, reclining with their mobiles and computers. Due to their programming, sleep is not really much of an issue and in Robert Fobes’s case, his alter system has been programmed to keep the body awake for, except for a few minutes, nearly 24/7. These other two, will be up as early as 6AM and as late as 3AM. Yet there is one thing they can never predict, even if they do have psychics. Consciousness. The real, all-knowing power even beyond what the energetic computer known as the mind can ever access.