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Winston Smith

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Posted Feb. 20, 2009

"Those unaware are unaware of being unaware" Merrill Jenkins, M.R.

(July 21, 2005)

Credit exists only in thoughts. When the IRS has written that dollar bills "are not dollars" and the Federal Res-erve wrote that their system "works only with credit" (dollar bills are bills of credit) we be on the thought stan-dard as opposed to the gold standard.We must first think that a law requires us to use W-4 forms, then think we have an income of dollars and then think that a law re-quires us to report an income of dollars when no lawyer can prove any of these things.

The first function of G. Orwell's thought police is to in-fluence our thoughts with fear of jail and of property confiscation. They are aided and abetted by their minis-try of fear, the perfidious press, that prevaricates persis-tently. 100 per cent of all reports on government spend-ing are lies in this system that works us only with credit!

Their second function is to monitor the thoughts of ter-rorized citizens as they express their thoughts on 1040 forms. If they think what the thought police think they should think and report what the thought police think they should report, the thought police might think about not terrorizing them any further--but don't count on it!

The Imaginary Revenue Scum never ask in writing for "money" because we might ask them what substance be-came money after the banks stole our silver coins. If they dun you, they ask for "checks and money orders". They never ask for money!They know the system (same as Hit-ler had) works us only with credit. Their ultimate funct-ion is to regulate our consumption by regulating our use of what Nobel Laureate, Paul Samuelson called "count-erfeit" in his Economics 4th Edition

"If governments should refrain from regulation...the worthlessness of the money becomes apparent and the fraud upon the public can be concealed no longer"

--John Maynard Keynes "We are all Keynesians!" --Richard M. Nixon

When you file a 1040 form or give any information to government, you not only waive your rights that millions bled and died to preserve for us, but you are helping conceal the fraud that we are all victims of. SHAME ON YOU IF YOU DO!

"Render unto Caesar"? That was our Lord's advice, to the Herodians, not to his people! Even if he had so ad-vised his people, Caesar was the master of slaves. Are the people in Washington supposed to be our masters or are they supposed to be our servants? Obey the higher powers? Can those vermin in the District of Criminals be a higher power than we who put them there? Does the pot instruct the potter?

Land of the free? With credit being nothing and govern-ment paying for nothing, everything is free to govern-ment! We are free people because our subrosa govern-ment gets us for free to use us, accuse us, amuse us or abuse as they see fit.

Home of the brave? Is it bravery or stupidity to ride a murdercycle 80 per when you are drunk? Is it bravery when you send your sons 10,000 mile to get shot by com-munists, while lawyers, judges and journalists are en-forcing all ten planks of Karl Marx's Communist Mani-festo HERE with real estate tax, income tax and inherit-ance tax being the 1st three planks and the Federal Res-erve act of 1913 filled plank number five? Is it bravery or ignorance when a cop swaps bullets with bank robbers when it is not possible to steal money from a bank? Is it bravery or Cowardice when you voluntarily file 1040 forms which can not be done without waiving your rights that millions bled and died to preserve for you ?Is it bra-very when you vote for the lesser of two evils or when you tell the world that voting changes nothing but the faces of fascist parasites ?

Bravery is when you ask your servants at the IRS to tell you what statute makes you a person subject to Marx's second plank. Bravery is when you ask the IRS thought police to explain how they can get money from you when all that you have in the bank is numbers.Bravery is when you say, "Hell no, I won't go!" to your draft board. Brav-ery is when you tell your minister that he serves Satan with his silence on the evils listed above and his nonsense about Jesus coming soon. To believe he is coming is to deny his presence! Not one verse in Bible says Jesus "is coming" though 20 or more verses say He would return before the disciples all died. Are they all dead?

The British New World Order can not prevail without control of all divinity schools which they have had for de-cades if not a century."By their fruits ye shall know them Any minister who says, "Render unto Caesar" or, "Obey the higher powers" or who promotes democracy or keeps it secret that all ten of Marx's planks are enforced in America is serving the BRITISH New World Order.

For more on the British use of religion to enslave the world, request UNION JACK

"My people perish for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6