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Thel Science of Virtual Reality is a Behavioral Modification Tool!


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The Science of Virtual Reality is a behavioral modification tool

Spontaneous light mixed with sound and images are massive mind control devices that are used to re-pattern the mind. When an event effects the emotion it begins to rewrite the DNA programing of the body & brain. I have been writing about Virtual Reality (VR) lately because I believe it is now time to reveal what is transpiring in our MIND. Notice I did not say in our world, or on our planet.

It is all happening in the human mind, which projects and creates or modifies our awareness levels. However today I thought I would take a few steps back and begin creating awareness of how virtual systems are being used everyday to modify behavior especially in our children to create something far less than any of us would desire.

I wanted to address some proofs in the next article of how to recognize that we are living inside a virtual reality deception, however I decided to take a few steps back and reveal that our technology today, although not as advanced or perfected like the one that we are being trapped in via an alien race, is still very effective as a tool to reprogram minds and modify behavior.

We all know how powerful the television is, the television has many characteristics of virtual reality as it creates visual stimulus as well as enters the mind through audio, which creates random & non-random inner flashes of light that induce a programming effect. Thus T.V. Shows are called PROGRAMS.

The only thing television lacks that virtual reality does not is interaction. And this is a key. Whenever a mind is being stimulated via sight, sound and light it carries the elements of DNA programming. However often times it is not locked. What I mean by that is, locking a program into the mind needs one more enforcement, and that is emotional interaction. The ability to interact within this new environment, which will create a newly activated belief paradigm.

Many in the past have been able to create this new force simply using the imagination which is extremely powerful. The imagination can be used for absolute good as well as absolute darkness. Imagination can fill in the necessary ingredients that interaction creates, except much slower.

One can use the mind to literally reprogram themselves if they created what is called Momentum, that which is a continual movement forward to a desired or miscalculated/undesired effect until it begins to actually manifest.

So when the T.V. was born it became a source to program the mind, however it lacked interaction, but used imagination. I am sure everyone has experienced that imaginative interaction at one time or another. We might be viewing a program and begin to imagine our interaction within the elements provided visually and audibly. One might have viewed Bonanza and imagines being part of the family at the Ponderosa.

It wasn't until pre-virtual reality was presented to the human race called, "Video Games" that interaction became available. Now video games are not in the truer sense a virtual reality, however they come close enough to create the change within the DNA structure in the body and mind. I have spoken often that anything that is allowed in the mind is a DNA software program whether you bring it in audibly or visually as such as, even reading a book.

I decided to write this because I remembered back in the 90's when I used to visit this pub that had as entertainment an NTN trivia game. We used to all get together to find out who was smarter, most of the time we just had a lot of fun talking about this or that.

One night a few of us began talking about Y2K. Obviously that was a huge topic at the time and we availed ourselves to it. During this conversation one night, one of the lady's I spent a lot of time talking about the paranormal and metaphysical, brought her two sons with her. They were both college age at the time and one of them just found work in a high paying top of the line job in New York City.

So these were good kids basing it on their demeanor, education and desire to make something of themselves in life. They would have been considered the cream of the crop in most circles. and knowing their mother as I did, it was not a shock that she raised two decent lads.

But this one night really made me shutter as to where our conversation morphed discussing the Y2k theory. That day I was totally shocked as to how one never knows what is inside people's minds no matter what track or side of the fence they come from. Obviously one good reason not to stereo-type anyone.

As we were discussing Y2K and its implication on society, one of the sons I mentioned began to utter extremely frightening words. He said, well if the lights go out and everything shuts down, it would be a real kick to pick up a rifle and head to the city on the tallest building and start picking people off at random.

I looked over to him and I said, WHAT???

Then the other son along with a couple of their friends joined in and all said, yea that would be real cool. I commented to them, do you hear yourselves, do you know what you are saying? They said, hey if Y2K happens there will be nothing left anyway, there would be no more hope.

I then replied, I said, hope is something you make happen, you never give up no matter how bad things look or appear. And especially not to harm others. You should instead want to give a helping hand in time of need, not stand on buildings and destroying everyone else's hope. It is time for you to become a hero not a villain. I said what would make you even think that?

Looking back there were all sorts of video games coming out and some of them were glorifying snipers. In my mind I did not put two and two together back then, but these guys were playing a lot of video games, and let me tell you they were dead serious in what they were saying.

As I look back now and realize how so many of these video games, glorify war, murder, bloodshed, rape, destruction of property etc... it is no doubt why kids snap. Many speak of Manchurian candidates, it is difficult for some to believe in this because they wonder would not someone know when these people were being taken to be programmed to do such things, there is seldom a time where these shooters ever reveal that they disappeared for a while. But for some unknown reason they snap like a twig and go ballistic.

It does not take long to realize that a mind can be programmed simply by the toys these kids are buying, and because it is so seemingly harmless the programming becomes more effective, because it is a slow seductive change. It is an absolute joke for anyone to say that music, movies, games and or T.V. cannot effect children's, or even adult's minds. Not only does it effect them it is internally reprogram them, if they see this world as reality, and to accept what they see and at times interact with it as reality without remorse, it then becomes what they have been seduced to believe it is.

One area I personally believe is that people who greatly find strength in divine awareness are the hardest people to reprogram maybe even impossible, and I don't mean religious people, there is a huge difference between religion and spirituality. Simply stated, people that believe they have an importance beyond this life and world , and that character and things do matter, no matter who is watching here, are not easily taken for a ride. It is easier for people that believe this world is a real world and its reality ends in death without hope to be reprogrammed.

These two boys did not believe in any type of divine, although their mother was strongly into that belief, they did not accept it. So their reality was based on whatever occurs here, and when they envisioned no hope and saw no divine justice, they would then retrogress into the basic animal instinct, and more so even without soul. And it does not even matter how good or bad a person might be, what matters is what lies deep within their structure of reality, or in most cases illusion.

I could spend hours discussing this method of mind control but I believe the point is there, enough to comprehend that virtual reality of any type has one common element, it is used to effect change on the mind. Now granted that change could be used for good, but sadly in the wrong hands it is often used to strip away the layers of the protection we have against fallen intruders.

I am a firm believer that one should reprogram their own mind by the use of momentum. I have always believed that when it comes to control it is far better people have control of their own lives and mind and do not sell it to anyone for any cause. You are the only one responsible!

So in retrospect in getting back to the virtual reality that we exist in it is paramount that one understands that the use of this program is for nefarious means. It is not being used to create goodly little godly angels. That responsibility lies in your own hands between you and the divine. This program is being used to erase that which was good and compliment it with some devious dark maturation. And in time the desire is for us to erase our spiritual consciousness with some aborted feces that will become an abomination that makes desolate.