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Sarkozy: Primary School to Teach Memory of 11,000 Children Who Died In the Holocaust

Yossi Lempkowicz

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PARIS (EJP)---French President Nicolas Sarkozy has requested from his Education Minister that "every year starting from the upcoming 2008 school year, children in the last year of primary school should be asked to learn about one of the 11,000 French children who died in the Holocaust.

Sarkozy made the announcement Wednesday in his speech to 1,000 guests at the annual dinner of CRIF, the umbrella representative body of Jewish organizations in France.

French Prime Minister François Fillon and some 20 members of his government, including Education Minister Xavier Darcos, attended the dinner.

"Children in CM2 (the last year of primary school) will be taught the name and the existence of a child who died in the Shoah. Nothing is more intimate than the surname and first name of a person. Nothing is more moving, for a child, than the story of a child of his own age, who has the same games, the same joys and the same hopes as him," Sarkozy said.

Comment: What do French kids have to do with the Holocaust? What part did they play in it? ?

It's another way of conditioning people from a very young age, instil in them feelings of guilt for somethind they had no part in, so that they are ensured to never criticize Israel and the Jews, whatever they do. How can one put such a weight of "Antisemitic complex" on kids' shoulders? Ponerology in action.

He won a rare plaudit from the Socialist opposition over his plan. "Every time we can transmit our duty to remember, we have to do it," Socialist leader Francois Hollande told France-Info radio.

After his election last year, Sarkozy had called for a letter from a WWII Resistance hero, the 17-year-old communist Guy Moquet, to be read out in all French high schools as an example of a young man's resistance to oppression.

But that decision ran into a wall of protest from the political left, who accused Sarkozy of "stealing" a Communist icon.

In his speech to CRIF, the French president stressed the importance of educating young people in order to fight anti-Semitism and raise them so they will reject racism.

He stressed that fighting anti-Semitism "is the matter of the entire Republic and not only the matter of the Jewish community."

"Every time a Jew is frightened, it is the matter of the national community," he added.

Comment: Speechless! Do you see any frightened Jew around? If you do, please report.

One can only guess how the very large Arabic and Muslim community in France are feeling after hearing about this disgusting measure.

It seems Sarkozy has a sort of "selective memory". For example, he seems to have forgotten the Algeria war and the many crimes committed by the French against Algerians. Or France's proslavery past.

Another unfair and racist measure that will only increase the tensions between the communities and further Sarko's Zionist agenda.