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How Sound Works On The Body

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our brainwaves will be within the beta range, i.e. your brainwaves will be within the range 13 hertz to 30 hertz. You experience beta brainwaves when carrying out physical work and while talking. When you are relaxed your brainwaves will slow into the alpha range - 7 hertz to 13 hertz. When dreaming, or just before falling asleep or when day-dreaming your brainwaves will have slowed further and will lie within the theta range - 3 hertz to 7 hertz. When in deep sleep your brainwaves will be even slower and will lie within the delta range - 0.5 to 3 hertz. These brainwave frequencies can be monitored using specialist equipment. Hospitals also use them regularly.

The four latter-mentioned brainwave states contain many window frequencies that have more specific effects on both your mind and your body. Further, brainwave states of more than 30 hertz can also be used to generate other mind states.

Window Frequencies

Some of these sound frequencies can cause your glands to secrete hormones and other neurochemicals. An example of this is the action of the pituitary gland in secreting growth hormone when stimulated by the window frequencies of 1.05 hertz, 7.83 hertz [the Schumann Resonance] and various multiples of the Schumann Resonance, particularly 31.32 hertz. This is of immense benefit to the athlete. Growth Hormone has a major part to play in the development of muscle and recovery from injuries. It also plays a major role in the rejuvenation of body tissues and its rejuvenating effects on elderly persons has over recent years been well documented.

Within the four main frequency ranges, and stretching beyond them, are a vast number of Window frequencies, each of which have a specific and well-documented effect.

By listening through headphones to sound frequency patterns your brainwaves will begin to respond or rather entrain to the sounds so that the brainwave frequencies fall in step with the sounds you hear. This is called brainwave entrainment. As your brainwaves change so does your mind state. Yogis spend a lifetime doing the same thing, but without sound frequency patterns to help them.

Specific brainwave frequencies that have a known effect on your mind or body are known as Window

Many classes of brainwaves are present at any one time. Usually only one of them will be dominant. So, for example, if alpha rhythms are dominant you will be in an alpha state i.e. relaxed. However, you can train your brain to have more than one class of brainwave to be dominant at a time. Mastery of the same will substantially advance your intellect and mental and physical abilities.

Binaural Beats

Brainwave entrainment is not straight-forward. The adult ear cannot normally detect a frequency range of less than 16 hertz. It is essential, however, that frequencies lower than this be detected as the lower frequencies are those that are so beneficial to us. The problem is overcome be using binaural beats, which themselves have a substantive cognitive effect.

A binaural beat is produced as follows:

A sound is pulsed into the left ear, of, say, 100 hertz. Another sound of, say 104 hertz is pulsed into the right ear. So long as you are listening with headphones, the brain will hear a third sound. Your ears will not hear it – they cannot do so, but your brain generates the sound within you and it is detected as a separate sound. That sound is equivalent to the difference between the two pulses in each ear, i.e. 4 hertz. This is the binaural beat, and it can be heard quite distinctly over the other two sounds. It is this beat that your brainwaves will entrain to. It is not an actual sound but an electrical signal and it can only be produced when both parts of the brain work together synchronously.

The brain consists of two hemispheres. Basically, The left hemisphere deals with the logical aspect of thinking and the right hemisphere with the artistic and creative aspects of thinking. When both parts of the brain are used in synchrony there is a substantial surge in intellectual power. A binaural beat brings about the synchronous use of both hemispheres of the brain.

Beta Brainwaves

Beta Brainwaves lie within the frequency range of 13 hertz to 30 hertz. They are dominant during your normal day when awake and are associated with wakeful alertness. Generally, the higher the brainwave frequency the more tense and stressful you will become. Those working in high-pressure jobs will have higher brainwave frequencies. This can be very good if the stress can be controlled. The transfer of information between the two hemispheres of the brain will be faster if the brainwave frequencies are faster. This allows you to think and react more quickly, which is what you want when working in a high pressure job or when performing athletically. But you don't want the stress.

There is a way of experiencing the higher brainwave frequencies and doing so without stress. This involves introducing a second dominant brainwave, the alpha brainwave, which is associated with relaxation. This will act as an anchor, preventing the build up of stress and allow you to experience very high beta frequencies.

Short bursts of ultra high beta frequencies can also be used, provided they are properly anchored. Many of the world’s top athletes and sports personnel use mind technology, particularly sound frequencies in order to reach and maintain peak athletic performance. Most top athletes have comparable physiques and there is not much to choose between them. They who consistently win are those who use mind technology.

Combining beta brainwaves with alpha waves also has the effect of relaxing the muscles so that as they work they are less tense, which in turn allows them to work longer and harder and permits them to do so without sustaining the same degree of injury as they otherwise would. Athletes will normally pick up minor injuries consistently but if the muscles were more relaxed while working out they would do so to a less significant degree, and stamina would be increased and physical performance enhanced.

The ability to think fast while relaxed is an obvious aid to someone engaged in a fast sport, e.g. squash. This sport is played so fast that often there is little time to think and the game can quite easily turn into a reaction game rather than an action game, i.e. you will strike the ball by reflex rather than thinking about where and how you would like to strike it.

Working out to your limit in the gym will create tiredness and stress. Stress will suppress your immune system and make you more tired. But the use of particular sound frequency patterns while training will largely reduce your tiredness, recovery time and stress. One of the results of stress is the liberation of the hormone cortisol into the bloodstream. This will actually cause a stripping down of muscle tissue rather than a building up of it and will reduce the amount of testosterone in your body, one of the chief hormones required for endurance, stamina and muscle building.

Accordingly the athlete seeking peak performance will use beta sound frequencies combined with alpha sound frequencies, created binaurally. He will also use sound frequencies in the theta range to develop a creative approach to his sport, to visualize and to better assimilate subliminal statements. Delta frequencies will be used to increase the quality of his sleep and recovery time.

Using these techniques regularly has a cumulative effect so that the effects experienced by you:

will be achieved more rapidly;

will remain longer with you longer;

your immune system stays active for longer periods and is more effective;

you become more resistant to stress and perform better athletically.

Alpha Brainwaves

Alpha Brainwaves lie in the 7 hertz to 13 hertz frequency range. They are dominant when you are relaxed or when you are meditating. Alpha brainwaves are slower than beta brainwaves. All peak performers exhibit strong alpha waves. They are associated with health and a stress-free life.

Much emphasis has been given recently to accelerated learning. This is achieved by learning while in a state of deep relaxation, where the dominant brainwaves are in low alpha, or theta. With learning comes pleasure, mother nature’s way of rewarding us. Alpha rhythms tend to stimulate the release of the pleasure neurochemicals – endorphins, dopamine and norepinephrine. This is more so with the frequent use of alpha sound frequencies.

Regular practice at entering relaxation states helps when later you are under stress [for example during a sport]. You will quickly re-enter a relaxation state [without any mind tools] so that you can gain more control over your body and mind and suffer less stress. This will speed up your reaction time and increase your stamina and endurance.

Theta Brainwaves

Theta brainwaves range in frequency from 3 hertz to 7 hertz. They are experienced while asleep, dreaming [during rapid eye movement, or REM sleep] and also while awake when daydreaming. Brain entrainment in the theta range is primarily:

to enhance creativity;

for the acceptance of positive affirmations;

subliminal suggestions; and

as an aid to visualizing. They are also associated with accelerated learning as described above. While in theta you are able to absorb huge amounts of information quickly, and retain it.

Theta brainwaves are slower than alpha brainwaves. As you fall asleep you pass from beta to alpha [where you become deeply relaxed], enter theta [where you are on the border line of sleep] and then slip into delta, where you experience deep sleep.

Increased physical and mental health is a by-product of regular theta brainwave entrainment.


While theta brainwaves are ideal for creativity most people tend to fall asleep as soon as their brain starts to produce a large quantity of theta waves. With experience, however, you will be able to control wakefulness and participate in the mental imagery and creativity exercises that become possible. One favorite creativity coaching exercise is to walk peacefully in the woods playing a tape or CD of relaxing music into which have been embedded theta sound frequencies. This often stimulates a plethora of new ideas.

Theta states are more often experienced by children than adults. Children are more relaxed and stress-free than adults. This is one of the reasons they learn so much more quickly than we do. Children day-dream a lot. This should not be discouraged. When we are day-dreaming we are in a theta brainwave state. This is when we are at our most creative.


Visualization is particularly important when training for an athletic event or a sport. When seeing yourself performing, even though your body is not actually moving there are minute muscular contractions occurring which develop neural pathways in the brain so that you become “used to” the movement visualized.

Most sports require specific movements, e.g. racquet sports, football, martial arts. The brain remembers these movements so that with more regular use the movements come easier. The brain quickly forgets these movements, too. This is easily observed when returning from a holiday, when you notice you are a “little rusty” when participating in your usual sport.

Visualization will help develop the correct neural pathways to make your sport more familiar to you. The movements will become second-nature and you will not have to think of them while performing – they will come naturally. This is particularly important when injured. Visualization in this way will prevent you falling behind in your training. Certain sports such as javelin throwing have to be visualized – it would not be possible to train effectively as often as you would need to without injury.

Visualizing in detail the mechanics of certain movements in your sport will help you to master the technique and become adept at even the most difficult movements.

Visualization can also be used to increase muscle growth, simply by “seeing” the muscles grow, by seeing the blood flowing into and swelling the muscles following a visualized workout, by seeing them filling with energy. The more vivid your visualization the more successful it will be. In the same way visualization can be used to gain health, to heal an injury or to overcome an illness.

Visualizing is far more effective when you are in theta.


People in theta are very susceptible to suggestions and therefore the use of positive affirmations can considerably influence people for the better. These can be made aloud, supraliminally or subliminally. Subliminal suggestions are usually made just within the sonic range, on the border of infrasonic, but at such a low volume that you cannot consciously make out the words being spoken. They are usually masked with nature sounds or “white” or “pink” noise. They would not normally be noticed unless straining to hear them. Your subconscious mind, however, does detect them and because the critical side of your mind is switched off [because you are in theta] they will usually be accepted as statements of fact, without any logical inner critique. Thus a subliminal suggestion that you always perform at your best is likely to be believed by you, without your ever having been aware that the suggestion has been made. To be effective, however, such statements should be listened to when you are in theta.

Supraliminal suggestions are those that can be heard and made out, but only with difficulty and at such a low volume that you will not normally notice it. An obvious example of this is the ticking of a clock. We can all hear it, but we rarely notice it.

Often subliminal and supraliminal suggestions are mixed.

Hypnotists work by lulling you into a theta brainwave state and then making suggestions to you.

Creating an Anchor

While in theta you can create an anchor, program your subconscious into carrying out a certain task or entering into a certain mind state at a later time. You do this by creating some kind of stimulus [sound, word or pinch, for example] while in theta, suggesting that you react in a certain way next time that stimulus is experienced. For example, if you wish to relax while playing a racquet sport you could create an anchor that conditions your mind to enter an alpha state whenever you hear the words “relax state”. Then when playing your game, if you sense you are tensed repeat your trigger words “relax state” and your mind should enter an alpha state – the relaxation state. The more you do it the more quickly your mind will respond. Hypnotists do this all of the time. The trigger does not have to be a sound. It could be a pinch of the forearm or blowing the fingers as many tennis stars are seen to do while awaiting a serve.

To create an anchor listen through headphones to theta sound frequencies. Lie down and visualize what it is you want to do, e.g. to enter a state of cool-headed relaxation while playing squash. You must visualize the match, and see yourself anticipating your opponent’s best shots and recovering them. You must see yourself acting rather than reacting. You must experience the thrill of the moment. You must feel cool-headed and in charge.

While visualizing yourself at your best you should then create your anchor. See yourself gently blowing over your hand while raising your racquet across your chest. Reinforce the anchor by hearing yourself speak a word as well, e.g. “relax”. That is your anchor created.

Next time you play, when you find yourself tensed raise your racquet across your chest and gently blow over your hand, and repeat the word “relax”. You should then enter the same mind state that you where in when you created your anchor.

An anchor is more effective if it involves more than one of your senses, e.g. sound and touch. There is no limit to the number of different anchors you can create.

Delta Brainwaves

Delta brainwaves lie within the 0.1 hertz to 3 hertz frequency range and are associated with deep sleep. This is the slowest of the brainwave frequencies. At zero hertz you would not be alive. A major window frequency associated with healing and rejuvenation lies within the delta frequency range - 1.05 Hz - one of the Growth Hormone Windows.

When short of sleep catnapping during the day while listening to delta sound frequencies can be very refreshing. The quality of sleep can be substantially improved with regular brain entrainment in this frequency range.

A combination of mid beta waves and low delta waves can have an enormously vitalizing effect.

While in delta sleep or after vigorous exercise, our body naturally secretes Growth Hormone and other hormones. Growth Hormone is one of the main hormones responsible for speedy recovery from injuries, healing, longevity and good health. The window frequencies of 1.05 hertz [not surprisingly contained within the delta range], 7.83 hertz [high theta/low alpha], again experienced while asleep – during REM, and 31.32 hertz all stimulate the pituitary gland to produce Growth Hormone.

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