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Dave Hodges

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mAY 18, 2015

Warning: The following may contain images and messages which are troublesome to those who suffer from cognitive dissonance and corporate media group think. 

A relatively new and obscure document, U.S. Army Special Operations Command “ARSOF Operating Concept” is the blueprint for Jade Helm. This document does not boldly use phrases such as “extracting political dissidents”, but it does use “legal language” to basically communicate the same messages that many in the Independent Media have been telling the public about for 6 weeks, namely, that ARSOF is going to be used to extract political dissidents and then enforce martial law.

Key phrases and terms of the ARSOF document are presented here so as to have no misunderstanding as to meaning and intent. Other relevant military documents are mentioned in order to reinforce the interpretation of the ARSOF, Jade Helm inspired document.

ARSOF  1-4. Sustaining and Enabling ARSOF: The Operating Concept

  1. Russian and American troops in Fort Carson, Colorado.[3]

    Russian and American troops in Fort Carson, Colorado.

    A global network including joint, interagency, and International partners will enable these capabilities, but that network itself is not enough. The U.S. military must place supreme value in its operators, who will be constantly challenged through the most demanding education, training, and developmental assignments. Our operators’ capabilities also rely on strong and healthy families, supported by the broader ARSOF and Army community.

[4]Why do the deep, dark forces behind the planning of Jade Helm need to have foreign mercenaries involved with Jade Helm? The answer is simple, they cannot fully trust that American soldiers will participate in the long-term subjugation of American citizens. And who would these shadowy forces behind Jade Helm be? We cannot be 100% sure, but my bet is on the CIA. From former ARSOF officer, Scott Bennett, we know that the CIA is funding ISIS through Swiss bank accounts and they have been involved in nearly every nefarious activity connected[5] to this government from Iran-Contra to the JFK assassination. The CIA is a very safe bet.

There is not a topic that I have taken more criticism for than when I have written about the presence of foreign troops on American soil, particularly, the Russians. At Ft. Carson, we are witnessing the insertion of Russian troops on our soil. The extra-constitutional “agreements”(that means illegal agreements) were inked in Washington, D.C., at the fourth annual meeting of the illegally created U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission Working Group on Emergency Situations[6].” This extra-governmental organization, formed under the Obama administration, is one of almost two dozen similar “working groups”[7] bringing together top U.S. and Russian officials. These agreements allowed for the first 15,000 Russian troops to enter the country. Case Closed!

Before taking another sip of the CNN Kool-Aid, you might want to consider the contents of the following Army document.

Appendix N of FM 3-39.4


Foreign Confinement Officer Training Program

Training U.S. Trainers

N-43. Soldiers and Marines who are assigned training missions receive a course in the preparation to deal with the specific requirements of developing the target HN confinement officers (i.e. foreign detention officers). The course should emphasize the cultural background of the HN, introduce its language (to include specific confinement-related terms and phrases) and provide insights into cultural tips for developing a good rapport with HN personnel.

[8][9]Some of these international partners will be wearing the UN blue and driving in UN white vehicles. These Jade Helm partners are not your friend. They are not here to conduct traffic control exercises. They are here to subjugate you, strip you of your assets and herd you into detention camps and when deemed necessary, they will not hesitate to fire upon you if they feel compelled to do so.