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Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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May 26, 2014

(NaturalNews) Recent revelations that VA hospitals kept veterans on secret "waiting lists" to deny them care are shocking, if not downright despicable. If the moral integrity of any government is measured by how well it treats its own veterans, the current U.S. government has almost no morality at all. We owe it to our veterans to give them dignified medical care for the duration of their lives.


It was they, after all, who were willing to give up their lives in defense of their country. But now their own country has abandoned them in their time of need. This situation is not acceptable.


Just in case you're not up to speed on the VA hospital scandal, a doctor recently blew the whistle on the "death panel" practices he witnessed firsthand there. As he explained in an op-ed piece published by the New York Times: (1)


My decision to become a whistle-blower after 24 years as a physician in a Veterans Affairs hospital was, at first, an easy one. I knew about patients who were dying while waiting for appointments on the V.A.'s secret schedules, and I couldn’t stay silent.


The secret waiting lists are really "death panels"

The real shocker in all this is that the long-dreaded "death panels" that we all knew would eventually become part of the government's socialized health care system are already in place! Veterans died under the care of VA hospitals which essentially applied death panel practices to patient wait lists.


It is unconscionable to me that our own military veterans could survive wars in foreign lands only to return home to America and die years later on secret death panel lists. In a nation where the federal government always seems to find trillions of dollars for banker bailouts, car company bailouts and (coming soon) even a federal bailout of an entire city (Detroit), it is unimaginable that money couldn't be found (or simply printed up) to provide medical treatment for our own veterans.


In many ways, federal prisoners receive better medical care than veterans do, and that situation is wholly unacceptable. Beyond basic health care, our veterans also need access to alternative and complementary medicine, including acupuncture, cupping therapy, nutritional support and other non-drug treatments. (Because another great failing of the medical system is that too often soldiers are simply drugged into a state of acquiescence rather than legitimately treated for anything.)


Cupping therapy, in particular, is extremely useful for treating PTSD as well as the kind of chronic pain issues many soldiers suffer from. (See cupping therapy photo and explanation here.)




Join the call for fundamental health care dignity for our soldiers and veterans

If anybody deserves free health care in America, it's our soldiers and veterans. That's even more true considering the fact that the Pentagon keeps exposing our soldiers to experimental vaccines (too dangerous to give to the public) and depleted uranium weapons which expose our soldiers to radiological contamination.


Soldiers are asked to take more experimental drugs, expose themselves to more experimental chemicals and engage in more dangerous activities than anyone else in society. So of course they are going to need higher medical costs in the years following their war-time activities. To abandon them after they have fulfilled their duty is the ultimate betrayal by a government that seems to have abandoned a long list of its responsibilities to the People.


As the Health Ranger, I'm calling for dignified, even lavish health care services for our veterans. I am ashamed that my own country doesn't treat its veterans like first-class citizens, and I feel a moral obligation to take action to do my part in helping veterans protect their health from a failed medical system that only looks to get worse. The decline of morality now witnessed at the highest levels of government in our nation is appalling.




Natural News to donate radiation protection formulas to veterans groups

As part of this effort to support veterans, I've decided to donate substantial quantities of my upcoming radioisotope defense dietary formula to veterans groups across America. These donations will be coordinated with Disabled American Veterans, a group I have already helped support with substantial donations in years past.


As background for this, I am the scientific researcher who developed a radioprotective dietary formula by conducting original research in our atomic spectroscopy laboratory. The resulting formula is now patent pending and laboratory validated by two different labs. It shows a 95% efficacy at capturing cesium isotopes across a wide range of concentrations, including up to 91 ppm in gastric acid during digestion. The dietary formula is the world's first emergency use "cesium blocker" which can help the body naturally eliminate radioactive cesium isotopes.


I cannot give our veterans health care services, as we are not a hospital. But we can donate these emergency preparedness items to veterans groups as a small token of appreciation for the sacrifices these men and women have made. (If you are a commander of a local DAV organization, please contact us to make arrangements.)


This new dietary formula is currently in manufacturing and we plan to begin shipping out donations this summer.


I personally salute our veterans and vow to continue fighting on the 'net for their dignified care and honor.


Sources for this article include:
