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November 17, 2012 5:19 pm TheUnhivedMind 1 Comment

Panetta orders ethics training review as several generals face scrutiny

Sat Nov 17, 2012 3:27PM

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, reminding the Pentagon’s top brass that they “lead by example,” ordered a review of ethics training after no fewer than five current and former generals fell under investigation or were reprimanded in recent weeks.

In a memo this week, Panetta directed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey to work with the other chiefs on reviewing ethics programs, expressing concern about the recent cases.

Panetta spoke out on the heels of the high-profile scandal over former Gen. David Petraeus’ affair — that controversy has since ensnared Gen. John Allen, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan.

But at least three other generals are also in trouble. As the Petraeus controversy was unfolding, the former head of U.S. Africa Command Gen. William “Kip” Ward was demoted for spending thousands on lavish travel and other expenses. He will be stripped of a star, forcing him to retire as a three-star lieutenant general, and will be forced to repay $82,000.

In addition, Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Sinclair is facing multiple sexual misconduct charges, including forcible sodomy, involving five women — including female officers who served with him. The initial hearing is over, but there has not yet been a decision on whether to proceed to a court-martial.

And Adm. James Stavridis, Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, was cautioned by Navy Secretary Ray Mabus to exercise better oversight of his staff after an investigation into travel and expense questions, including a trip to a wine dinner in France. Stavridis was cleared of any misconduct.


CIA Director David Petraeus abruptly resigned November 9 after admitting to an extramarital affair in a shocking end to a career in which he rose to become the Army’s leading counterinsurgency strategist, the top U.S. commander in Iraq and Afghanistan and then head of the country’s premier spy agency. Seattle Times

Gen. John Allen is facing scrutiny for allegedly “inappropriate” emails he exchanged with Tampa socialite Jill Kelley — the woman who originally complained to the FBI about supposedly threatening emails from Petraeus’ mistress Paula Broadwell. Allen remains at the helm of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, but his nomination for commander of U.S. European Command is on hold pending an inspector general review. Allen’s military attorney John Baker said Wednesday night that Allen “intends to fully cooperate” with the investigation.

Army Lt. Gen. Patrick O’Reilly is retiring after a Pentagon inspector general investigation found he bullied his staff. He was the chief of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency. Washington Times

On November 14, the Air Force released the results of its internal investigation of instructors at the Lackland Air Force Base in Texas engaging in inappropriate relationships with trainees, and in some cases, sexually assaulting them. Washington Times

TheUnhivedMind on November 17, 2012 at 5:32 pm said:

Do you really think the once blue-eyed boy David Patreaus had an extra-marital affair? Thats the man-in-the-middle illusion to cover up the real reason Patreaus was removed from his position. Please remember that Osama Bin Laden was executed by British Intelligence in December of 2001 and quickly buried in the Peoples Republic of China. A death certificate had to be produced for this once Central Intelligence Agency operative. Christopher Stevens had access to this document and look where he ended up recently in Libya due to U.S. controlled mercenaries which was blamed onto North African muslim patsies. Patreaus and Stevens were close friends and Patreaus was investigating this planned murder which is connected to a secret fund which he and Paula Broadwell were also investigating called the Omega Fund tied to the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst operations by Knight of Malta, George H.W Bush. Patreaus’s email accounts were unlawfully hacked by Frederick Humphries of the Federal Bureau of Investigation under orders of Robert Muller, Eric Holder (Fast and Furious) and Louis Freeh. The Central Intelligence Agency is a merger of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services and the Nazi Schutzstaffel. Knight of Malta, George H.W Bush controls the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst which is hidden in the Directorate for Intelligence division of the CIA.

-= The Unhived Mind