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Steve Quayle

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Oct. 8, 2012


I know the sound of tornadoes. I know the sounds of fireworks ... I know the sounds of 'exposions' at the (Nearby) US Steel plant.

I know the sound of artillery...

Napping on Saturday evening, I awoke to the sound of artillery, nearby. A storm was coming in from the West ... there was thunder and lightning ... What I heard was Artillery... North and East of me... Toward Birmingham ... but closer ... More in the direction of the US Steel Plant, in Fairfield, Alabama.

It disturbed me enough that I decided to drive in that direction. My neighbors were in the streets ... looking in that same direction. I stopped and asked an elderly man what he had heard...

"I am a Vietnam Vet ... That Ain't thunder ... That's Artillery! That's why I'm Outside!".


He motioned toward the storm that was blowing in ... behind us, and to our West ...

From approx. 7:30 PM until 8:00 PM, we ALL heard these "Boom ... BOOM ... BOOM!" sounds. Saw lights in the sky after each "BOOM".

I drove from my home to the US Steel plant in Fairfield ... I saw nothing unusual ... other then vapor crossing the road.


Today I emailed my Sister, who lives fairly close to the Plant. She thanked me... Because she had told my Brother-in-Law about the "BOOMS", (Which shook her house ... My Brother-in-Law was out of the area at the time... and didn't believe my Sister).

She appreciated that I confirmed her experience.


I know that the Feds have used the extensive USS Fairfield Works property to dispose of ordinance in the past ... But that was ONE BIG EXPLOSION! THIS was like "Practice" ... over 30 to 45 minutes ... Individual rounds sent somewhere, down-range.


Watched the news today. Read the Newspaper... NOTHING Mentioned!

Normally, I would ignore this ...

But the Neighborhood ... (Neighborhoods!) ... were outside, and looking in the same direction I was... At the same time I was!


Eerie... We all looked at one another, as if Alabama was under ATTACK!