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Military moms make statement by breastfeeding in uniforms

Willow Tohi

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June 7, 2012

(NaturalNews) "Land of the free. Home of the brave." These words from our national anthem hold deep and significant meaning to most Americans. Some more than others. For those that have been to war, witnessed atrocities, and seen oppression such as women who may get stoned if they accidentally show an inch of wrist, ankle, or neck, or have witnessed other injustices, the words are especially sweet.

We don't have that kind of oppression here. It's just one of the reasons its such a great place to live. Sure we don't agree on much, and we have our dysfunctions, but overall its still an awesome place to live, grow and raise children. And we have come a long way in the last few decades. The youngest generations of minorities have not had to suffer the oppression their grandparents did. Women are now serving in houses of worship, and in our branches of military. But we still have progress that we need to make. We still seem to have a need to condemn something that is an obvious human right.


The facts

For the sake of this conversation we're going to assume that everyone understands a few things. First, that breastfeeding is normal, natural, and the best health option for mother and child. The scientific and medical proof is vast and easily available (

Second, though it may not be obvious to people who have never raised small children, mothers are much more focused on getting through the day than on making political statements. Most of us scurry around all day on too little sleep trying to get to everything on a to do list that is too long. Why else do we wear our hair in ponytails, and occasionally get caught with food or spit-up on our shirts? You can be sure, if we were setting out to make a political statement, you'd know. Haven't you witnessed the power of organized moms? Seen nurse-ins or sit-ins, been to the PTA, benefited from things like libraries being built in small communities? An awareness campaign for a local mom group is only on our radar because of the viral nature of Facebook.

Lastly, the decision has already been made to allow women to serve in the military. It's too late to undo it, so that is not the debate at hand. Although some may prefer to think otherwise, the people in those uniforms are not unisex. They are men and women, just like you and me, only extra brave both for what they deal with in the face of their duties, and what it costs them to do so. They have to miss birthdays and recitals and special events. Shame on anyone who would deny them the freedoms they fight for, to raise their children the way they see fit. It's not about you. If you don't like it, you don't have to look at it.

Praise and thanks, not condemnation

The picture of the military moms in uniform, nursing their babies could be considered a public service announcement. How many other capable young women could be wanting to serve but don't think they'll be able to balance service with motherhood?

If anything else can be ascertained by the photos is hard to say, but it possibly implies that the Washington Air National Guard is doing the right thing in supporting the health of their enlisted, and the next generation. And avoiding lawsuits for trampling on their rights. Either way - there's a fiscally responsible decision!

Still, they don't want to be caught in the controversy. The women were told they were wrong to be photographed that way. Why not? There may not be a law that says they can nurse, but there's also no law that you can walk if you have feet or breathe if you have a nose.

The controversy should focus on the people complaining. They clearly have issues and need to be in therapy for their sexual hangups. It would be a shame to let the loud, unbalanced minority shape policy.

Thank you, ladies, for the service you provide and the freedom you help to protect. I am glad no one has taken yours away. Yet.

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