Washington DC.I suspect it was coming to my old apartment.Thank God I never forwarded my mail!A software error, combined with an unfortunate user ac...read more" />
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DEFCON 1! -- We Have A Situation!: Robotic Death-Chopper Goes Rogue Over DC

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gie.com/2009/06/over_the_line_road_sign_hacked.php">Washington DC. I suspect it was coming to my old apartment. Thank God I never forwarded my mail!

A software error, combined with an unfortunate user action, led to a US military robot helicopter - developed from a manned version and capable of carrying a fearsome arsenal of weapons - straying into restricted airspace near Washington DC, according to reports.

Losses of communications between unmanned aircraft and ground operators are a routine event, but seldom have serious consequences. Robot planes and choppers lacking instructions from their human masters will normally circle where they are when comms go down, and control is almost always restored shortly thereafter...

The difference here is that the MQ-8 failed to follow its built-in failure protocol, instead continuing on course. Unmanned aircraft are generally restricted to operations in special military-controlled airspace and are forbidden to enter areas governed by normal civil rules.



Aug. 2010

Posted NOv. 29,  2010