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Islamic Extremist Teen's Stabbing Spree IGNORED by Media

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News broke on March 13 that a Florida teen had been arrested, after stabbing to death his friend and attempting to kill his friend’s mother and another peer at a sleepover. The suspect confessed afterwards that he had recently converted to Islam and his beliefs motivated him to murder.

While the horrific violent act was covered by local news in Jupiter, Florida, and nationally March 14 by Fox News Channel, the big three networks have ignored the story thus far.

Florida’s The Palm Beach Post reported March 13 that “a Jupiter teen said his Muslim faith led him to fatally stab a boy on his 13th birthday and injure two others at a sleepover Sunday night.”


The reason for the attack? Johnson told police that two of the boys had made comments that offended his Islamic beliefs. His friend’s brother, Dane, had “made fun of” his faith and how he prayed, while Sierra allegedly had called celebrities, “gods,” which upset Johnson because it was against his faith to idolize others as a god, he told the police after he was arrested.