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Death on Demand Comes to Canada, Exposing Euthanasia Agenda in America

Steve Berman

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FW:  May 17, 2016

Canada’s high court recently mandated a right to die for their citizens, propelling our northern neighbor past Belgium and the Netherlands into the forefront of euthanasia’s death culture.

Wesley J. Smith, senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, and featured writer at First Things, unpacked the Canadian medical establishment’s  extreme recommendations.

The report, which offers forty-three recommendations to effectuate the Supreme Court’s mandate, is shocking in its enthusiastic embrace of medicalized killing. Brought forward under the auspices of the Ontario Minister of Health and Long-Term Care and the province’s Attorney General, the “experts” on euthanasia urge Canada to jump headfirst into the death abyss.

To summarize, Canadian lawmakers are mandated to legalize and provide for doctor-assisted suicide in all provinces, but the recommendations go far beyond simply making the option legal.

  • Provinces should ensure access to physician- and self-administered suicide. “Ensure” means there can be no effective restrictions at all.
  • Nurses can kill patients. This will now be a regular “treatment” that nurses will be required to do.
  • No waiting period. The moment you’re diagnosed, you can die. This has to be the most heinous and damaging recommendation–how many people are misdiagnosed or change their minds?
  • No age limits. They want to base it on “competence,” meaning that children younger than the age where they can legally get a tattoo can decide to die.
  • No faith-based exemption for conscience. Doctors who don’t want to kill their patients will be required to refer them to someone who will.

Eliminating suffering by eliminating the sufferer is not seen by euthanasia supporters as a vice, but as a virtue. Indeed, the Advisory Group’s recommendations evidence that doctor-prescribed death could become the favored approach to dying. Lest anyone doubt that the same dark forces are acting in the United States, People magazine has splashily published at least three major hagiographic stories on Brittany Maynard, made internationally famous by the A-list media as an avatar of compassion and enlightenment because she promoted and committed assisted suicide.

We will undoubtedly see this agenda playing out in America soon.