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Genocidal maniac Prince Charles Gets Political on Syria and Climate Change

The Unhived Mind

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November 24, 2015theunhivedmind 2 comments

Prince Charles Gets Political on Syria and Climate Change

By Gary Cutlack on 23 Nov 2015 at 2:30PM

That man who might be king one day has given a rare TV interview to Sky, which is being sold under the tabloidy title of Climate Crisis: Prince Charles Speaks Out.

And yes, he does speak out. The programme airs tonight, with the prince using his clout to get his ideas across ahead of the COP21 climate summit that’s taking place next week. The key idea he’d like to get across — and the one publicised by Sky probably because it’s the most incendiary — is that it’s climate change that’s responsible for the Syrian refugee crisis.

Charles told Sky that: “…there’s very good evidence indeed that one of the major reasons for this horror in Syria, funnily enough, was a drought that lasted for about five or six years, which meant that huge numbers of people in the end had to leave the land.”

And he thinks it’s a crisis that could’ve been averted had climate concerns been addressed more promptly, explaining: “We’re seeing a classic case of not dealing with the problem, because, I mean, it sounds awful to say, but some of us were saying 20 years ago that if we didn’t tackle these issues, you would see ever greater conflict over scarce resources and ever greater difficulties over drought, and the accumulating effect of climate change, which means that people have to move.”

He’s quite worried indeed, stressing: “The difficulties in 2008 with the financial crash — that was a banking crisis. But we’re now facing a real possibility of nature’s bank going bust.”


November 24, 2015 at 2:39 am

The Ancients and their Venetian Arsenal designed the psy-op and mind conditioning scam known as climate change then passed the orders to implement these actions via their forks such as the Fabian Society, Tavistock Institute, Stanford Research Institute, Population Matters (Optimum Population Trust [The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire’s Jonathan Porritt is the adviser of Prince Charles). The climate change scam is designed to bring about a new economic model as well as being a genocidal plan to reduce the World’s population down by fifty percent by 2050 then a further thirty-five percent reduction of the surviving humans by 2100. We all know the true reasons behind the Syrian Crisis and it’s all because of the U.S. Department of Defense (U.S. is a slave plantation of the House of Windsor and the New Venice Empire) ultimate plans to control both energy and Russia in the desire to turn the nation into nothing more than a resource slave state. Do not let the Great Master of the evil Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath and future New Doge of New Venice scam you into believing any of this climate nonsense. The House of Windsor is at the top of the evil pile of those who demand this genocidal plan and utilize loyal Zeusian figures like Hans Joachim Schellnhuber & Jonathan Porritt both of which are Commanders of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Keep your eyes on a sheep-dipped Jesuit soldier by the name of Ottmar Edenhofer who’s one of the biggest scam artists when it comes to this subject. Some believe these Zeusians care about humanity because they don’t want to destroy humanity in a quick run World War III unlike another faction of the Olympians but in the future the end result is exactly the same. Both the Zeusian and the Kronos sects need to be replaced by Promethean minded powers.


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November 24, 2015 at 4:45 am