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J.D. Heyes

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Oct. 16, 2015

(NaturalNews) It's now legal in California — a state that abhors the death penalty for violent criminals, child molesters and rapists — to kill yourself or, more specifically, to request death and actually have it carried out.


As reported by MarketWatch, Gov. Jerry Brown said that this law would now give terminally ill people the right to make such requests of doctors who would then do what doctors were never intended to do — take a life.


In a signing letter, Brown claimed he consulted with two groups of people who supposedly hold the sanctity of life paramount — doctors and Catholic bishops — while reflecting upon his own death.


"I do not know what I would do if I were dying in prolonged and excruciating pain," Brown wrote. "I am certain, however, that it would be a comfort to be able to consider the options afforded by this bill. And I wouldn't deny that right to others."


"The crux of the matter is whether the state of California should continue to make it a crime for a dying person to end his life," Brown continued, as quoted by CNN, "no matter how great his pain and suffering."


How profound and "compassionate" — and this, from yet another liberal who promotes a culture of death while being utterly stumped about why mass murders continue to occur in our country.


Growing the "culture of death"

Then there is the hypocrisy, as noted by Citizens Against Assisted Suicide, an organization opposed to the law.


"As someone of wealth and access to the world's best medical care and doctors, the governor's background is very different than that of millions of Californians living in health care poverty without that same access," said the coalition, adding that it is "reviewing all of its options moving forward."


"These are the people and families potentially hurt by giving doctors the power to prescribe lethal overdoses to patients," the group stated.


The culture of death was not lost on Daniel Payne, who, writing in The Federalist, notes that the country has a "deepening love affair" with death in all its forms.


"From California comes yet another plank in the death brigade's never-ending demands for more death. California is now the fifth state to permit doctors to help kill their patients by prescribing them lethal overdoses of drugs: Oregon, Montana, Washington, and Vermont already allow it," he wrote. "California's passage of the law means that, in 10 percent of American states, it is legal for a doctor to knowingly help destroy his patient's life."




Law filled with ironies

But it wasn't enough for lawmakers to simply legalize suicide; the law is layered with many ironies. For one, Payne says, it expires in 10 years, as if suddenly, in a decade's time, assisted suicide will no longer be necessary or relevant (what do California lawmakers know that the rest of us don't?).


Also, "suicidal patients must make three requests for the deadly prescription (once in writing with two witnesses present), and they must sign a form a couple of days before they kill themselves," Payne writes.


According to Democratic State Sen. Bill Monning, these are "protections" built into the law. Oh.


"Kill yourself with our blessing," lawmakers seem to be saying, but you only have 10 years to decide and to ascertain whether or not you're really, really, really sure.


Where is all of this heading? If The Netherlands is any indication, it's not good. That country decriminalized euthanasia about 10 years ago, and now, Payne reports, nearly one-third of suicide requests are from people who are just "tired of living." Turns out when suicide is made legal and accessible, more people will choose it.


In our own country, the scandal involving Planned Parenthood's illegal profiting of baby body parts is also feeding a growing culture of death, one in which both the mainstream media and Democrat politicians are complicit; the former through its non-reporting, and the latter, through their denials.


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