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Sept. 14, 2015 (UPpdatet


Bush Admits Guilt in the JFK Assassination


(RM: George H. W. Bush does not admit guilt in the JFK assassination in the above video.  The video does reveal, however, two interesting clues that support the facts in the above document that he was involved.)



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Rocky Montana


Note: In the above video, George H. W. Bush does not admit guilt in the JFK Assassination, however it does reveal two very interesting clues which support the facts in the above document, that he was involved.

Let it be known that I have no political leanings one way or the other and I am not conducting a political witch hunt.  I stand with and for the One God of Light, Truth, Freedom, America, the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights, Justice and the rule of law, and I vote for whomever comes closest to sharing these ideals and principles.

What would it say about a People who elected a 2nd son to the Office of the President, knowing that his father knew about before-hand and actively participated in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy?  I think it would say that the People are either ignorant of, or apathetic to the facts; that they either didn't know or care to honor the memory of a beloved fallen President who both paid the ultimate sacrifice for his country.  And I think it would say that the People either didn't know or care enough that he was murdered, like Julius Caesar, by ones around him in high offices of government and their paid minions, and who were and are allowed to walk free among us.  I believe that the majority of Americans still don't know the truth of it.  I, for one, want the truth to be known.

If the truth about the military-style ambush and murder of America's 35th President and the coup de tat of the U.S. government in 1963 were common knowledge, I believe American and world history would be far different than it is today; that Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard M. Nixon, Gerald R. Ford, and George H. W. Bush would never have held the Office of President; that George W. Bush and Jeb Bush would have ever been given the opportunity to run for the Office of President.  Sadly the cover-up, disinformation and misdirection of the truth for over 50 years has literally changed the history of both America and the world.  Many bystanders to these high crimes and ones in-the-know (Dan Rather, etc.) have been intimidated to the point of not divulging what they know about it.   

Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated in a smaller but similar military-style ambush to that of his brother, John F. Kennedy.  RFK was running for the Office of President in 1968, on a platform which embraced several of JFK's the principles and goals.  He was gunned down in Los Angeles, California.  His murder was pinned on a Palestinian immigrant, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan.  Evidence released later appears to prove that RFK was killed by a man standing behind him wearing a police uniform.  

The planning and engineering of the assassination of JFK is by far the most heinous of George H. W. Bush's crimes, but only one of many crimes he has committed against the people of the United States of America over his long political career.  His involvement in the Kennedy assassination and other sordid covert CIA activates have been documented for well over 25 years and are available to any and all who will take the time to read about them.

History is repeating itself with a 2nd Bush son (Jeb Bush) now running for the highest office in the land.  The Presidential campaigns now before the nation; many Americans will be turning their interest to this political race, if only for the entertainment value of it.  Now that Jeb Bush has announced his intentions to run, another opportunity for people of conscience presents itself to bring the truth to the people. Isn't it time for the crimes of the Bush family to be exposed once and for all, before yet another Bush takes the White House?  Do you really want another son of an accomplice to an assassination of a President to become your next President?  With the advantage of internet communication, there is no greater opportunity to share the truth about these crimes than there is right now. To remain silent concerning these things is not an option; Americans deserve to know the truth.

Including the above document, several documents relating to the two American Elitist Dynasties, the Bushs and the Clintons, are available and will be sent in the coming weeks,  God willing. Seize the opportunity to share the truth about these two Elitists running for the Office of President, Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, to the awakening masses. If after these truths have been dispersed to the nation and either Jeb or Hillary are elected President, so be it; we will have done our job and the People will have elected the person in full knowledge of the truth. Please consider taking responsibility for sharing the above written and video documents and other related documents to follow, to ones within your sphere of influence.