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Planned Parenthood ex-employee spills all: Abortion group disguises illegal organ harvesting as 'fetal tissue studies'

Jonathan Benson

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Sept. 4, 2015

(NaturalNews) A former clinic director at Planned Parenthood of the Gulf Coast, where the fifth video in an ongoing undercover series released by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) was captured, has come forward with further shocking details about this criminal baby chop-shop operation.

Abby Johnson, who worked at the Texas-based affiliate for eight years, told The Daily Signal in a recent interview that Planned Parenthood is absolutely profiting from the sale of aborted baby body parts. Echoing the sentiments of her former colleague Melissa Ferrell, Johnson explained how it's all about line items and categorizing "extraction" costs in such a way that profits can be siphoned through the system without incurring scrutiny.

She also spilled the beans about Planned Parenthood's tactics for gaining access to these baby body parts, which must be removed with informed consent. In essence, Planned Parenthood lies to women who come in for abortions, telling them that if they're willing to donate their extracted "tissue" – this is code for murdered baby – they'll be helping to create life-saving medicines.

"We would tell the client that we are participating in a study and she has an opportunity today to donate the tissue that's removed from her uterus to a research laboratory where they will be working on life-saving treatments for various diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or other types of medical studies," Johnson told The Daily Signal.

"We would tell her this is an opportunity for her to possibly save the life of someone else by donating this tissue," Johnson added. "By creating this altruistic scenario, women would almost always consent and say, 'Yes, absolutely.'"


Planned Parenthood trains employees to intentionally avoid using body part names like "leg" and "arm" to avoid humanizing extracted "tissue"

Telling women at Planned Parenthood abortion clinics about this fictitious "research" after they've already signed the abortion consent forms also helps make the process easier, Johnson explained. The abortion provider refers to this process as "counseling," but Johnson says it's a procedural formality for sealing the deal.

"The actual fetal tissue study—the research—is not brought up until she goes into counseling," Johnson admitted, noting that Planned Parenthood officials have "absolutely no idea what the tissue [is] going to be used for."

"I'm saying counseling, but it's really when she goes in to sign all the papers. After she signs the consent form for the abortion, then we would bring up the study."

Women are also more easily persuaded to give up their "tissue" for research purposes when the words used to describe the process are sanitized to remove all references to human life. Johnson told The Daily Signal that it's routine process for Planned Parenthood to avoid mentioning specific body parts, even removing all references to "fetal" and "fetus," which might conjure up images of dead babies.

"We never discussed, 'They may want just a leg, or an arm, or these specific organs,'" Johnson is quoted as saying. "That would create a sense of humanity in their unborn child. And really, we would even shy away from calling it fetal tissue research because just calling it tissue sanitizes it—the women don't necessarily think about the body of their baby, they're just thinking about blood and tissue."

As for the profits made from the tissue itself, Johnson admitted during the interview that the only real additional cost incurred by Planned Parenthood for its "tissue research" scheme is the cost of shipping – which for an average body part is only about $20. But for an entire Petri dish filled with the body parts of a dead baby, Planned Parenthood is paid about $200, for a profit margin of about 900%.

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