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Another great MD dies

Jack Harrison

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Dear Reader,

We have lost a legend.

I'm writing today with a heavy heart to let you know that Dr. William Campbell Douglass II, our fearless editor and my dear friend, has died after a brief illness. His death is a tremendous loss for his family, friends, and the millions of readers who benefited from his humor, wit and endless knowledge.

Dr. Douglass was a patriot, a medical maverick, and a compassionate healer who saved lives in every corner of the world. He treated our soldiers as a military flight surgeon, fought malaria in Central America, and even operated his own clinic in Africa.

And he was never afraid to tell it like it is. Dr. Douglass stood up to government bullies and billion-dollar drug company interests to make sure you'd always have access to the latest science and life-saving cures.

He was, quite simply, the conscience of modern medicine -- and Dr. Douglass kept working and fighting for you right up until the end. In fact, over the next couple months we'll be bringing you the remarkable final issues he wrote of his life-changing newsletter, Douglass Report. You won't want to miss them.

It was important to Dr. Douglass that his work continue after he was gone. He understood -- as we all do -- that while our bodies may come with an expiration date, the truth doesn't.

That's why Dr. Douglass asked me to continue writing his Daily Dose in his place to make sure you'd always have the information you'd need to make the best health decisions for yourself and the people you love. It's a responsibility I accept in his honor, and you'll continue receiving your regular issues of Daily Dose soon.

But tonight I'll be lighting up a double Corona cigar and sipping a glass of single-malt scotch in honor of my friend, Dr. Douglass -- and I hope you'll do the same. That's what he would have wanted.

And let's remember that it's up to all of us to keep up the work -- and the

fight -- that Dr. Douglass started.

To your health,

Jack Harrison