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lanned Parenthood: You got a serious thinking disorder -


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July 2l8, 2015\

With every new day the depths of societal disintegration deepens. With the systemic dismantling of the value of individual life, the total dissolution of a moral existence hastens. What better example of this pattern of out-and-out evil is more evident than the recent expressions of selling body parts of aborted babies?  Yes, conception and development in the womb already has a soul and deserves all the natural rights of life and protection from state approved murder. Permitting a chop shop body parts business to thrive is the ultimate admission that mass insanity is institutionalized among cannibalistic savages that find nothing wrong about eating their young.

The mental disease that permeates the feminist movement of death and carnage known as “pro choice” is an insult to all of humanity and a direct assault on the meaning of language. The alternative to this insanity is en pro de vida. Yet, the popular culture would have you believe that the release of the Planned Parenthood videos: No sign of political issue fading, will not hurt the organization of Margaret Sanger eugenicist partisans.

Illustrating this point is the deceitful public relations effort to counter the gross reality from the Planned Parenthood official mindset of President of PPFA Medical Directors’ Council Mary Gatter. The video, Second Planned Parenthood Senior Executive Haggles Over Baby Parts Prices, Changes Abortion Methods, is a painful condemnation that provides evidence of total moral decay.

Now observe the response from the mainstream progressive media and the politically correct establishment to the exposure of the profiteers from abortive body parts.


“The Life News piece also goes into detail about what else may be coming down the line, noting that undercover reporters were able to infiltrate the abortion industry at its highest levels and gain access to conferences and meetings that require written recommendation from senior officials.

The piece notes that ‘Biomax’ managed to set up exhibition booths at two Planned Parenthood conferences as well as sponsoring events held by the National Abortion Federation and the national association for abortion providers in America.

While Republicans in Congress and several states have called for investigations into Planned Parenthood’s actions, Democrats are ignoring the scandal and actually calling for the Center for Medical Progress to be investigated for conducting a sting operation.

The leftist corporate media also continues to shill for Planned Parenthood, with the New York Times the latest outlet to get behind the damage control spin.”

Note that the political defenders for selective population genocide fear the backlash from normal and decent citizens so much that the mere notion of investigating their pet extermination pals requires striking back at the journalists, who videotaped the Planned Parenthood admission.

The double standard when Department of Justice videos a sting probe is fine if the target is on the “enemy of the state” list; but protecting the criminal trafficking of aborted body organs is perfectly acceptable in the disturbed world of selective application for arbitrary justice.

Obama DOJ Plans To Investigate…The Group That Busted Planned Parenthood

“JUSTICE TO PROBE CENTER FOR MEDICAL PROGRESS — While congressional committees investigate Planned Parenthood’s practices, the Justice Department agreed to look into whether the group that released the sting videos obtained the footage legally. In response to a request by House Democrats, Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Wednesday afternoon that Justice would “review all of the information and determine what the appropriate steps moving forward would be.” Planned Parenthood has staunchly defended its practices and claims that the Center for Medical Progress illegally obtained its footage, then excessively edited it to misrepresent what the organization does.”

As valid as it is to express disgust with the political and justice careerists, the focus of authentic moral outrage needs to be directed at a sick culture that minimizes life and the gutless bystanders, who allow the diabolic mutilation and butchery of the unborn. The delusional mentality of the proponents of Planned Parenthood needs to repent and face up to their own transgressions.

Carole Novielli writes a deeply heart provoking account and asks the question, When it comes to Planned Parenthood’s ghoulish crimes, are we all guilty?

“I think about what is happening in this nation. Of 42 years of legalized abortion on demand.

As I ponder what has taken place this last week, I am not shocked that babies are being chopped up and sold for parts as if an old car in a junkyard. Sadly I write this sentence.

I am not shocked because, every day, over 3000 beautifully formed, innocent babies are snuffed out in their mother’s wombs by abortion.

What shocks me more than hearing what groups like Planned Parenthood are doing with their remains, is the lack of concern for these tiny humans on a daily basis. Yes, this shocks me.”

Being traumatized over sanctioned slaughter should be the response and vital concern of every decent American. However, the lunacy of denial has taken over the frame of mind for situation ethics exponents.

Ms. Novielli continues:

“Is the harvesting of aborted baby body parts so horrific that we are now awakened to the pain and suffering of these tiny babies?


Are we not moved to tears by the mere ripping apart of their innocent arms, legs, and yes lungs and kidneys on a daily basis in an early suction abortion?

Can we not envision the horror of the abortionist’s knife grasping the limbs, torso, and head of the second trimester unborn child in a D+E abortion?”

It should be ubiquitously accepted that condemning the trade in body parts is the correct principled value. However, the entire and complete life affirming position is to end the practice of mass murder of the conceived unborn.

Lastly, Carole Novielli puts forth the moral imperative.

We have to ask the tough questions.

I ask you this: Who is more evil?

The abortionist who figured out a way to profit off every aspect of the bloody procedure or those of us on the sidelines who scold him/her for his business savvy but not for his murderous actions?

Let me clarify, I wholeheartedly condemn Planned Parenthood for their Mengele-like conduct, but I also refute them for the taking of that same human life just seconds earlier.

Have we become so accustomed to abortion that the real crime of it, the taking of a valuable human life, created in the image of God, is not the overall cause of our outrage?

How do you answer this question?

America is sinking into the pit of homicidal madness. Foreign adventures eradicate mythical foes. Domestic violence kills neighborhood rivals and the corner clinic rips out the tissue of disposable fetuses. Dehumanizing anyone brutalizes all of us.

The end result of this vicious death cycle is that ‘A New Dark Age’ has arrived.

“Nucatola is describing how an unborn baby should be killed and cut up to preserve its most valuable organs for sale by its butchers.

Welcome to God’s Country, 2015.

Planned Parenthood’s image — a progressive organization that provides free birth control to women who seek to space pregnancies as they plan their families — will not easily survive these tapes.”

Hopefully, these remarks by Pat Buchanan foretells of a pouring out of legitimate indignation towards Planned Parenthood. Nonetheless, the prospects of defunding federal resources from the PP Murder, Inc. crime family are not likely.

The killing asylum has a serious thinking disorder. This condition will not be alleviated as long as the secular culture holds firm to the psychopathic attitude that a woman has a right to choose. Choose to slay their own child is not an option in a civilized society.

The Slattern Single Mother helps explain the cognitive dissonance that leads to the abortion syndrome.

“Since the act of procreation is an action of choice, any woman who enters into that union with the satisfaction that if she becomes pregnant, she can handle the decision all on her own, has become the quintessential gender plunder. Cognitive dissonance never enters into the equation of moral responsibility, since the selfishness for emotional relief drives the behavior. Feminism is the moral enemy of women. Men clearly understand the destructive consequence it has brought upon society. But far too many females still cling to this disturbed valueless hoax, that the humiliation of their own dignity escapes them.”

Combating the scourge of Planned Parenthood requires the moral fortitude to confront the Abandoning Morality with Irrationality viewpoint head on. This is no place or time for the timid.

The malady that contaminates the body politic rests upon the demented Culture of Death Under the Law. Aborting the unborn with insouciant ease facilitates the acceptance to pull the plug on the sick and elderly. As long as the citizenry is willing to rationalize their serious thinking disorder, the unborn will be terminated and no stash of body parts will ever adopt the life that was prevented from coming to term. This is the brave new world of a terminal psychosis.

SARTRE – July 28, 2015  

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