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Feb. 6, 2015*lz9iSv2Pg3-D*TjkDM-e8kz6obcCK1YnmH1Ah6SuZY92jLxtpz/americansniper.jpg?width=500

Glenn Canady (Friend me!)

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Once again, Gordon Duff, senior editor of Veterans Today (VT) dropped bombshell after bombshell about the real story of Chris Kyle (American Sniper) that of course will never be told on our fake news.  Go read VT’s articles every day if you want the truth not being told by 95% of the alternative “tip of the spear” types that censor everything they put out!  Things such as the Edward Snowden Leaks on 9/11, Senator Songstad and Governor Sundquist Caught on Tape Plotting to Murder Lee Wanta, Gordon Duff’s huge speech in Syria and much much more!  If you’re listening or supporting ANYBODY in alternative media not talking about Veterans Today, you’re listening to controlled opposition being paid to destroy this country while VT is taking action and naming the names of the criminals!


Before Gordon talked about Chris Kyle he talked about the many soldiers who are locked up in secret prisons for trying to blow the whistle on the US’s drug operation in Afghanistan that anybody but the most naive already knows all about!   He also discusses HUGE information about 9/11 you won’t hear ANYWHERE else!  That’s why Gordon and Veterans Today is censored by all the fakes in alternative media.  if you’ve never heard Gordon Duff before, you’re in for a real treat!  Stop supporting ANY alternative media that is not publishing their huge news!  These are the good guys in US Intelligence and our Veterans!  


Gordon begins talking about the REAL story of Chris Kyle at the 38:00 Minute Mark!


Here’s just some of the things discussed.


We’ve always known Chris Kyle to be a blowhard and an opportunist but we are sorry he was killed.


We have now investigated the matter and now know why he was killed.  Chris Kyle had a lot of political capital after his book came out.  The Jesse Ventura lawsuit made him look like a total fool.  Every time he opened his mouth he looked more stupid.  The plans for this public relations coup behind “American Sniper” had been ongoing for a long time.


Chris Was Killed because he was destroying his legacy with every word that came out of his mouth.  


Chris Kyle was killed not at a shooting range on his property on the back 40 as we are told.  He was killed a SUPER ELITE multi million dollar facility called “Rough Creek Lodge”.  This is a four star facility that George W. Bush keeps a 1300 square foot private suite with security bedrooms!  This suite includes Bose system, HDTV, soaking tub, large stone shower with an adjoining library!   There is also an LBJ suite there too!  This is a VERY elite facility with famous chefs cooking all the meals!   This facility has a water park and tennis courts!  The five supreme court justices that put Bush in office meet there regularly!  The next generations of the people that planned the Kennedy assassination meet there regularly!  It’s a big GOP, Defense Contractor, and Banking hangout and is one of the most exclusive resorts in the United States!


Chris Kyle was killed on a multi million dollar resort in a perfectly controlled environment with range supervisors, loaders, a target placement crew and nobody saw anything!   The DVDs and HD security video all disappeared!  None of the staff knew anything.  You can look up “Rough Creek” Texas, it’s about an hour outside of Dallas.   So Chris Kyle was killed at the most exclusive shooting ranges in the country with outdoor air conditioning and every luxury you can imagine and every safety measure possible!  The fake news totally lied about everything as usual!


They had to shut up Chris Kyle because they didn’t want him to ruin his value in propaganda!  Chris Kyle said he killed 30 people in New Orleans during Katrina!   Many other shocking truths about Chris Kyle are discussed in this MUST LISTEN interview with Gordon Duff.   


Please share this important interview so the truth is told!  Chris Kyle was killed to shut him up so they could milk his story for money and give America a twisted hero to worship to feel good about the millions we have killed in our illegal wars for Daddy Bush and the shadow government running the US!


Here’s more information about the SUPER ELITE Rough Creek facility