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Aug. 6, 2014


(NaturalNews) Truth Stream Media (with Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton) carried a bombshell story a few weeks ago that suddenly makes even more sense with recent Ebola revelations. The story is entitled Edible Vaccine Inventor Jokes about Culling Population with GMO Virus and it carries a video, shown below, of Dr. Charles Arntzen, head of The Biodesign Institute for Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology (1), answering a question about how to kill off billions of humans in a depopulation scheme.


From the audience, Dr. Jason Robert asks him:


Should there be 8 billion people in this world? Is there a limit on the number of people our planet can sustain? How do we go about this lightly? ...And should we concern ourselves with feeding 8 billion people in the first place or should we natural forces of carrying capacity to effect or limit population growth?


In response, Dr. Arntzen, developer of an Ebola vaccine tested on mice, says:


Has anybody seen "Contagion?" (laughter) That's the answer! Go out and use genetic engineering to create a better virus. (laughter) Twenty-five percent of the population is supposed to go in "Contagion."


(Watch him saying this on video, below.)


The mass murder of nearly 2 billion people with a GMO virus is no laughing matter

Only in the realm of infectious disease bioweapons and tainted vaccines does someone openly laugh and joke about murdering nearly 2 billion people with a genetically engineered virus. This is much more than a joke, by the way: globalist leaders frequently talk about using vaccines to reduce human population. This is part of their plan for, in their minds, "saving the planet."


Bill Gates famously stated, during a public presentation, that vaccines could help lower the human population by 10 to 15 percent. His exact words:


"The world today has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."


Don't believe that he said this? The video has been pulled from Youtube numerous times, but we've preserved it at Click this link to watch it for yourself. The video leaves no question whatsoever about Gates' advocacy of vaccines to reduce human population.


Dr. Arntzen goes even further, stating that genetic engineering scientists should "create a better virus" that would kill billions of human beings and cause widespread suffering and death.


This is how these people think, and keep in mind this is just one of many such people developing Ebola vaccines which look increasingly likely to be forced upon the American people if this current outbreak worsens.




Ebola vaccine being fast-tracked as Obama signs executive order for quarantine

What we are really witnessing right now with the Ebola outbreak is a push to fast-track Ebola vaccines in the USA in preparation for a mandatory vaccination campaign combined with a "gunpoint quarantine" operation backed up by a new executive order just signed by Obama. (2)


That executive order says the federal government can forcibly detain and quarantine any individual who merely shows "symptoms" of a respiratory illness. Such symptoms include coughing, by the way. Under this new executive order, if you merely cough in public, you can be taken away and placed in a FEMA quarantine facility where you will most certainly be infected by the sick people they throw you in with.


Watch the Truth Stream Media video here for more details and commentary from Aaron Dykes:




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