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Did a Cancer Virus Bioagent kill Hugo Chavez

The Unhived Mind

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  • Jun 18, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    People have asked what I think about Hugo Chavez

    Since the news is what it is, I will simply tell you what I think, and why.

    I have no doubt at all he was murdered by a not so new cancer inducing re-engineered bacteriophage virus technology, which uses re-engineered bacteriophages to modify living cells rather than attack bacteria. Bacteriophages are viruses which up until the Human Genome Project (which gave bioweapons experts the exact human genome sequences to re-program the phages with) only attacked bacteria. There are two different infection modes for bacteriophages, one which kills (lytic) and one in which the phage simply places it´s DNA inside a cell´s DNA (lysogenic) and then goes dormant. It is this type that I believe has been re-engineered to create cancer cells in people. A re-engineered phage obviously would not have the DNA payload for infecting a bacteria, instead it would be re programmed to attack (for example) bladder cells, and then insert custom made cancer DNA into those cells, to for example bump off Aaron Russo, and I believe our NWO resistant Chavez.(read that last one, it nails it quite well)

    Unlike the viruses we are all familiar with, viruses which are versatile enough to cross the species barriers, bacteriophages look for exact molecular matches on the surface of the bacteria they infect, and therefore only attack one strain of one particular type of bacteria (all bacteria are susceptible, each with it´s custom phage). Due to this ability to be highly selective in what they attack, the good folks at Dimona, Israel, set out to re-engineer bacteriophages for the purpose of creating race specific bioweapons, with selectivity far beyond that of ordinary viruses. This would keep the Ashkenazi club safe, while the sephardics died around them (don´t kid yourself, the Ashkenazi don´t care much for the Sephardic Jews.) Sephardics do, in turn, hate non Jews though but in the context of THIS linked article, well, families do have favorites.

    And of course, the entire race specific bioweapons program is being marketed as a way to get rid of Arabs. If you think that is where it will stop, THINK AGAIN. Hugo Chavez would be a much easier target.

    Anyway, just read this report, and you will know what I think about what happened to Chavez, and don´t expect many details on this topic from a whole lot of sources, which in my case were handed to me by a doctorate of pharmacology who was totally flipped out about where they were taking bacteriophage technology, – in a direction where bacteriophages would become extremely selective bioweapons that could wipe out specific brain cells to alter behavior, attack specific groups of people while leaving others untouched, and modify our DNA in ways that would be passed from generation to generation. Compared to those three things cancer is childs play, if you don’t think cancer can be given to people intentionally, think again.

    It´s a little bit suspicious that people who stand against the elite one way or another die from cancer, die from heart attacks, die from suicide, die in plane crashes, or some other way. Getting a little bit obvious, DONT YA KNOW! And I used the Steve Jobs cancer reference, rather than hunt out someone else, because my computer went haywire when I searched for that, I WONDER WHY. Got it in 2004 eh? That was when Jobs was a pain in the behind for the powers that be.

    theunhivedmind says:

    June 18, 2014 at 5:55 am

    Hugo Chavez was running Cocaine into Europe aided by his African buddy Thabo Mbeki a Knight of Malta commanded by the Duke of Gloucester and Queen Elizabeth II. Hugo Chavez was very close to Linda Panetta the daughter of the former CIA Director Leon Panetta who is another Knight of Malta. Do the math and do not believe the anti-American front given by Linda.

    -= The Unhived Mind