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Adan Salazar

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June 10, 2014

A US Border Patrol agent stationed in South Texas has reached out to Infowars in a desperate plea for help, stating more than half of immigrants crossing the border end up doing so successfully and that many of those are the most criminal types.

“As a Border Patrol Agent, I can tell you as an eye witness that we are currently losing more than we are catching,” the agent claims, whose name has been withheld to protect him from retaliation.

Labeling efforts to secure the border an “ongoing crisis,” the agent points to numerous issues further adding to the fruitless task, including a lack of staffing, a lack of support from the American people and the Obama administration’s refusal to acknowledge the crisis.

Patrolling the Rio Grande Valley sector, the United States’ southernmost border with Mexico and its most porous, the agent says immigrants who evade capture are typically the most violent.

“The ones we are losing are convicted felons, aliens from special interest countries, and other high risk individuals. We are so overwhelmed and preoccupied by the flood of juveniles and family units that we cannot use our resources to catch the more serious aliens,” the agent states.

Furthermore, the agent says, under the direction of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, immigrants are being rounded up and released in largely-Hispanic populated South Texas towns, such as Brownsville and McAllen, because “fewer people will notice or care.”

“We have been doing that for months before the stories broke in Phoenix, Arizona a couple of weeks ago,” reports the agent.

Americans desperate for a solution to the overwhelming number of immigrants flooding past the border (the agent estimates they are unable to prevent sometimes more than 10,000 per week) have started petitions on the White House website asking President Obama for support.

“The Border Patrol in the Rio Grande Valley Sector is overwhelmed and at a breaking point,” one petition says. “We The People need President Obama and the Department of Homeland Security to protect us and take the necessary steps to meet this state of emergency adequately and immediately.”

The agent’s statements echo sentiments put forth last year by Immigration Customs and Enforcement union boss Chris Crane, who in February testified before a House Judiciary Committee about the lawlessness behind the “nation’s broken immigration system,” stating that, “Ice has essentially prohibited its agents from enforcing” immigration law.

While Infowars frequently highlights violations of the Fourth Amendment by overzealous border agents, it is equally reprehensible the Department of Homeland Security and the Obama administration are failing to address the flood of criminal immigrants invading the nation.

Below is the agent’s distressing letter in full…

Good Morning,

I am a Border Patrol Agent in the Rio Grande Valley Sector (RGV), south of Corpus Christi, Texas.  Thank you for your continued support and coverage of the ongoing crisis on the border.  I would like to take a moment to convey the absolute desperation that we are reaching down here.  We have been ordered to release thousands of Family Units (Parent/Child), and thousands of teenage unaccompanied juveniles (Under 18).  We have encountered numerous instances of fraud, kidnapping, and exploitation where adults are claiming that very young children are their own, when in fact they are not.  Many of the unaccompanied juveniles are claiming that they have a responsible parent to be released to, when in fact they do not.

As a Border Patrol Agent, I can tell you as an eye witness that we are currently losing more than we are catching.  On a good day, we catch approximately 30 to 40 percent of all crossers while the rest simply get away.  In the RGV, we have been averaging around 10,000 apprehensions per week.  That means we are losing well over 10,000 aliens per week.  And the aliens that are getting away are not the juveniles or the family units because they are turning themselves in at the first sight of agents.  The ones we are losing are convicted felons, aliens from special interest countries, and other high risk individuals.  We are so overwhelmed and preoccupied by the flood of juveniles and family units that we cannot use our resources to catch the more serious aliens.

In the RGV, we have been releasing aliens, through ICE, in Brownsville, Texas and McAllen, Texas.  We have been ordered to go out of our way to bus them to those locations for release because they are cities of mostly Hispanic heritage, so fewer people will notice or care.  We have been doing that for months before the stories broke in Phoenix, Arizona a couple of weeks ago.

We cannot get any attention or relief down here.  We desperately need immediate manpower, resources, and a firm support of Americans.  This is de facto amnesty.  The President and the Secretary of Homeland Security will ignore this issue as long as possible in order to let as many illegal aliens gain entry into the United States.

Again, thank you for your undying support and patriotism.  You have no idea how much my fellow agents and I appreciate it.

God Bless America,

Infowars has confirmed the identity of the agent.

Article printed from Infowars: