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Congressman Steve Stockman

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Feb. 13, 2104

Below is a video I've prepared on how you and I can put both pro-abortion politicians and the Supreme Court on the defense.


If you haven't watched it yet, please do so right away by clicking here.


After you watch, please help spread the word by forwarding this email to your friends and family.


Your actions today will help build support for the Sanctity of Life Act, a bill that works with the Life at Conception Act to effectively overturn Roe v. Wade.


Click here to watch my brief but urgent message.




Steve Stockman,

U.S. Congressman (R-TX)





From: Steve Stockman []


Subject: Shocking: Video reveals Supreme Court weakness



I've prepared a brief but urgent video regarding breaking news in the fight against abortion.


Please take a moment to listen to my urgent message by clicking here.


After you listen, please sign the petition to rein in the Supreme Court on the issue of abortion.




Steve Stockman,

U.S. Congressman (R-TX)