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Wall Street Journal: Whack al-Assad and His Family

Kurt Nimmo

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Aug. 28, 2013

In Mafia don fashion, the Wall Street Journal, on occasion correctly referred to as the War Street Journal, has called for whacking Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, his brother Maher and wife Asma, and apparently his children, Hafez, Zein and Karim.

Neocon hack for WSJ wants to kill this family. Photo: Camera Press

Neocon hack for WSJ wants to kill this family. Photo: Camera Press

“Should President Obama decide to order a military strike against Syria, his main order of business must be to kill Bashar Assad,” writes Bret Stephens. “Also, Bashar’s brother and principal henchman, Maher. Also, everyone else in the Assad family with a claim on political power. Also, all of the political symbols of the Assad family’s power, including all of their official or unofficial residences.”

Stephens, a favorite of the global elite (the World Economic Forum designated him a “Young Global Leader” in 2004), is a former editor of the Jerusalem Post, the neocon editorial outpost in Israel.

Bashar, his wife, and children must be butchered, Stephens argues, because the “world can ill-afford a reprise of the 1930s, when the barbarians were given free rein by a West that had lost its will to enforce global order.”

Indeed, the “barbarians were given free rein,” not by loss of will, but because of it as Antony Sutton and others have documented.

Hitler was a creature of German industrialists and Wall Street financiers, a fact ignored when the Nuremberg Military Tribunals hunted down, prosecuted and executed politically expedient scapegoats.

It is interesting how the neocon apologist Stephens is advocating something Nazi thugs and butchers were comfortable with – summary execution of entire families for alleged crimes containing political weight for his establishment paymasters.


Like Hillary Clinton’s witchy cackle upon learning that Col. Muammar Gaddafi was sodomized and then knifed to death as NATO and the United States systematically murdered 30,000 Libyans, Stephens’ cold-blooded proposition that Bashar al-Assad and his family must be murdered reeks of the sort of demented pathology that dominates the establishment media these days.

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