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Dave Hodges

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May 7, 2013


genocide cant hide

The first four parts of this series examined the first seven stages of an eight stage paradigm which historically leads to genocide. The framework used for the analysis was based upon a paper written by Greg Stanton which was presented as a briefing paper for the State Department in 1996 in which he postulated that genocide progresses through eight states. The fundamental research question posed by this multi-part series “Is the United States preparing for a mass genocide against selected segments of its population?”

Unfortunately, the United States fully meets the criteria for the first six stages and the groundwork is clearly in place for carrying out stage seven, Genocide. This stage examines the final stage, Denial. Further, this article will respectfully address the wholesale ignorance of Americans who believe that a genocide could never be visited upon the American people at the hands of its government. Denial comes in many forms. Stanton wrote about denial as a form of national policy following the genocide. Some see denial as the condition from which people deny their active or passive role in the act of genocide. This article looks at denial in both aspects.

In writing the first four parts of this series, I have been accused of being a member of the lunatic fringe or an undercover operative for DHS.

Some readers have angrily protested that a genocide could never happen on American soil. A few expressed outrage as they asked me how dare I disparage my country and my government with unsubstantiated charges of laying the foundation for future genocide?  “This is America, by God, and we don’t commit genocide.” Really?

According to Ward Churchill, a professor of ethnic studies at the Universityof Colorado, the reduction of the North American Indian population from an estimated 12 million in 1500 to barely 237,000 in 1900 represents a vast genocide. In fact, biological warfare was committed against the Native Americans.

Crimes Against Humanity Committed On American Soil


Just Substitute Christians for Native Americans

Just substitute Christians for Native Americans and you’ll get the idea of what lies ahead.

Ward Churchill writes that on June 20, 1837, the U.S. Army began to dispense diseased “trade blankets” to the Mandan Indians (one of the tribes which aided the Lewis and Clark Expedition). The blankets were presented to the Mandans at Fort Clark in present-day North Dakota. Churchill states that the blankets had been taken from a army infirmary in St. Louis which had been previously quarantined for smallpox. and the Mandans became symptomatic on July 14 leading a local medical official to advise the Indians to scatter and seek refuge in the villages in nearby villages, thus, the pandemic commenced as it was spread far and wide.This was a clear cut case of biological warfare committed against a civilian population.

President Andrew Jackson was instrumental in the events leading up to what historians call the Trail of Tears. President Jackson’s policies toward Native Americans involved the ethnic cleansing of several Indian tribes. This is not unlike what Obama and his DHS and military minions are in the early stages of doing to Christians. Genocide happened to the Cherokee and it is beginning to happen the followers of Jesus.

Trail of Tears

Trail of Tears

Under President Andrew Jackson, 17,000 Cherokees were forced off their land in 1838 and had to undertake the long journey across the Trail of Tears. Historical parallels conjure up images of the Death March to Bataan and the Nazi persecution of Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto. Make no mistake about it, this was an ethnic cleansing inspired genocide carried out with forethought and malice in what became one of the darkest chapters in American History as 4,000 Cherokees died on the Trail of Tears from malnutrition, exposure, and disease.

Some of the darkest days in history took place under Hitler’s Final Solution. Interestingly, Hitler actually got the idea for his concentration camps from the “Final Solution” treatment of Native Americans.


And let’s not forget the the biggest genocide in the history of the planet, namely, abortion, and this heinous persecution of God’s most precious creatures has taken place right here on American soil. Some abortions are medically necessary. The vast majority are not. Tragically, adoption centers have waiting lists of loving parents ready to open their homes and their hearts. Through Planned Parenthood, we have institutionalized genocide against the helpless.

planned parenthood

We presently live under a despotic President who is forcing Catholics to fund abortions against their religious doctrine. This is evil personified. Since abortion became “legal” in the early 1970′s, 53 million innocent human beings have been the victims of this horrific genocide and now it is official governmental policy. And please spare me the political correctness arguments. To hell with political correctness, we are talking about mass murder, make no mistake about it.

Someone needs to speak for those who cannot. And there are still people who do not think genocide can happen here despite the fact that six of the eight Stanton stages of national genocide have been fulfilled in modern day America and we are in the midst of an ongoing holocaust which surpasses Hitler and Stalin.

I have news for my historically ignorant friends, there have been genocides in America, there is presently a genocide in America and the big genocide is right around the corner.

Stage Eight: Denial

He Had the Guts to Say No to Hitler. Do You Know Anyone Who Will Say No to Obama?

He Had the Guts to Say No to Hitler. Do You Know Anyone Who Will Say No to Obama?

This leaves us with the final stage in the Stanton genocidal hypothesis, Denial. Stanton states that leaders will attempt to hide the genocide from world. However, this stage could be a moot point for this present administration, because if the globalists achieve the complete takeover of the world’s economy and subsequently their governments, there will be nobody left to conceal the truth from.

Why do so many people still revere Andrew Jackson? Simple, those who win the battles, end up writing the history books. Or, do we not care because the Jackson’s victims are only Indians? If that is the case, then we will surely manifest our own negative future through Karma or whatever religious term you choose to affix to this coming calamity.  Regardless, if we allow the banksters who have hijacked our government to continue with their psychopathic policies, they too will write the next chapter of history and Ron Paul supporters, Christians, Second Amendment supporters, Constitutionalists and Libertarians will be the next generation of Native American genocidal victims.

Through the NDAA and the National Resources Defense Preparedness Executive Order (13603), Obama has already built in escape clauses into his heinous preparations on the road to the enslavement of the American people and ultimately to genocide. By some twisted logic, he has granted himself the authority to commit secret arrests and murder whether it be carried out by drones, robots or DHS jack-booted thugs backed up by their 2.2 rounds of newly acquired ammunition. Thanks to a series of Obama Executive Orders and the NDAA, enslavement culminating with genocide will soon be official national policy.

obama final solution

If we ever allow Obamacare to become fully implemented on January 1, 2014, with all of its euthanasia policies, we will never recover as a nation. Make no mistake about it, Obamacare is not about healthcare, it is about enslavement and the full implementation of systematic genocide.

benghazi stand-down

Obama and his fellow band of communists deserve the same fate that they visited upon Chris Stephens. This event could have been our line in the sand and could have toppled this criminal administration. The push back against pending genocide could have been achieved. America, we missed a golden opportunity.

We Are Out of Time and Out of Options

At this point, all options should be on the table. We have been conquered by the mega-bankers. We are being ruled by sociopaths who do not play by any set of rules. The Benghazi murders gave me temporary hope because it was clear that there were some senior level military command officers willing to take on the President and his illegal policies. I am still hopeful that the military will rise up and take back our country against this illegitimate government because I am quite sure that the sheep that now inhabit this nation do not possess the intestinal fortitude to do it themselves. Stuart Rhodes may indeed become the most pivotal figure in our immediate futureamerican troops protect us.

America, we have a little over seven months to reverse the suicidal direction our nation has undertaken, for if we do not, we will witness humanities darkest days within our national borders.

 God Help us!