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Dave Hodges

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May 5, 2013

genocide removal 2

Parts one, Part two and Part three of this series examined the first six stages of an eight stage paradigm which historically leads to genocide. The framework used for the analysis was based upon a paper written by Greg Stanton which was presented as a briefing paper for the State Department in 1996 in which he postulated that genocide progresses through eight states. The fundamental research question posed by this multi-part series “Is the United States preparing for a mass genocide against selected segments of its population?”

Unfortunately, and most disturbingly, the United States fully meets the criteria for the first six stages of the eight stages.

The fourth part of this series examines the seventh stage in this paradigm, namely, extermination.  

 Stage Seven: Extermination

The good news is that mass exterminations of American citizens is not being overtly carried out by the present administration. I know that many people will say that the genocide has already begun and they will undoubtedly bring up the subjects of Chemtrails, GMO’s, Fluoride, etc.  I am not denying that these variables and several other toxins are not having a deleterious impact on human health. However, the only topic under investigation in this series is the question of mass murder being carried out by government sponsored entities against selected elements of the population.  

Although there are no exterminations taking place on American soil, the first three parts of this series lifted the covers off the bed and it is clear that our country is on a train which is gaining momentum, having passed six stages on the way to genocide. The trains next stop is unquestionably extermination unless the American people can launch an amazing rally and take back the country. However, at this point, it would probably take a civil war to take America back because our country has become such a nation typified by passivity that it probably does not have the collective guts to rise up and fight back because most of us still have food on our collective tables. Meanwhile as the train races toward genocide, it i0s gaining momentum.

What Will the Extermination Look Like?

The best predictor of future events are past events. On that basis, let’s take a short look ahead as to how Stage Seven, Extermination, could potentially look like to many Americans, when it finally unfolds.

Our Future?

It is the Christmas season of 2014. A lot has happened in the past year. The trigger event leading to the trouble that we are presently in started when the banks closed their doors when it was announced that Iran had planted a computer virus which brought down the computerized banking system. Actually, that was a lie. It was another in the long line of false flag events which was designed to help the globalists gain control over everything.


Get Your Money Out While You Still Can

Get Your Money Out While You Still Can

At first, personal banking assets were frozen and then they just disappeared. Most Americans were left without the means to pay their mortgage, or to buy food and medicine. Then the rioting and looting began, and martial law was declared. War was simultaneously launched and Iran was attacked which brought Russia and China into the conflict.

The first stage of the Extermination stage was underway when the bankers, who have seized control over the government, left the entire western half of the nation exposed to invasion. By prior agreement, the Chinese, fully in control of the Panama Canal, began moving north and eventually entered the America’s underbelly in the Southwest. The Russians crossed the Alaskan Land Bridge and decimated Alaska and Northwest Canada.  

genocide ssI

n a replay of the SS Nazi death squads entering Russia in 1940, entire geographic areas were targeted for extermination by the conquering hordes. Many in the West and the Northwest were summarily executed by the death squads. Many were rounded up and sent to camps where they worked as slave labor until they were no longer needed and were subsequently eliminated. By prior arrangement, the Chinese and the Russians do not enter into the Eastern two-thirds of the country. The Agenda 21 dream of turning the entire west into a wilderness wasteland was realized.

In the Eastern two-thirds of the country, the martial law government let the people stay in their homes so long as they deeded their house back to the bank. It became illegal to store more than three days of food and water. Americans were forced to turn in their guns. Any citizen caught with a gun was committing a capital offense and public executions were summarily carried out. Everyone, even the disabled, were assigned to work brigades. Some work brigade duty consisted of going to your regular job. Most work brigade duty consisted of performing work for the government. Food and gas was rationed. A dusk to dawn curfew was instituted. Two separate drafts, a public sector military draft and private sector government/NGO draft, were instituted (i.e. slaves to the corporations). Despite the horror that had become America, your family had somewhat adjusted until the day your six year old repeated something you had said about the “old” American Constitution at school. The teacher reported your family to the Principal, who in turn, filed an electronic “see something-say something” report with the Department of Homeland Security. You were now a target for re-education and that meant being sent to a camp. Yet, your family was totally unaware of what was coming based upon the innocent statement of your child.

genocide removals

It is 4AM, and an armored personnel carrier, with a “Department of Homeland Security” emblem displayed on the driver’s side door, accompanied by three black canvass covered trucks pulls up in front of you home. A dozen well-armed men quickly exit the vehicle and train their guns on the windows of your home. Another team exits one of the trucks and forms a protective perimeter for the black garbed terrorists surrounding your house. The troops on the perimeter were tasked with arresting anyone of your neighbors who peers out the window or worse yet, might be videotaping the proceedings. These government terrorist events have happened enough times before that most of the people know not to look out their windows when they hear noises in the early morning hours. With the lights off in the house, the parents run to their children’s rooms to make sure they do not look out the window. Your neighbors remain quiet and are just relieved that the wolf has passed by their door one more time.

genocide break down door

You and your family are fast asleep when the battering ram breaks down your front door. By predesign, from the schematics of your home, the heavily armored swat team enters every bedroom yelling and screaming. Everyone in your family is awakened with a gun pressing against their body while the intruders are incessantly yelling commands designed to terrorize and gain compliance from your family. The government terrorists would prefer not to kill you in your home, but they will not hesitate to do so if you resist.   

Your family members are immediately bound and gagged, so that when they rush you from your house, to the waiting transport trucks, your screams of terror cannot alert your neighbors as to the reign of terror that is occurring in your peaceful neighborhood.

genocide truck 2

Scantily clothed and with no shoes on your feet, you are boarded onto one truck, you attempt to yell to your children that you love them because you know the drill, as you know that you will never see them again. But your muffled sound, goes unheard by your children thanks to the gag covering your mouth. Your spouse is boarded onto a second truck and your children onto a third truck. All are shackled including the children. Then the trucks quickly speed off into the night.

genocide train

You arrive at a processing center and are dressed up in a prison uniform. You are taken into a room and injected with a microchip which contains all of your personal information as well as a detailed description of your crime against the state. You are boarded onto a train, traveling all afternoon, until you arrive at a camp, the kind of camp that you have only heard rumors about. And at this point, you realize that a new chapter in human history has begun.

Home Away From Home

Home Away From Home

 It is a hellish future that I want nothing to do with.


There are those that will deny that the first six stages are making the seventh stage possible. However, I seen no other conclusion when we collectively examine the hard evidence presented in the first three parts of this series.

Part One    Part Two    Part Three

The fifth part of this series will examine how the officials will attempt to cover up the fact that the American Holocaust has become an historical fact.