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Dave Hodges

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FW:  May 8, 2013

1obama-and-the-consitutionIs America following down a path which could culminate in the government carrying out acts of genocide against select members of its population? There is increasing internet “chatter” which addresses this topic and many are beginning to discuss the possibility for the first time. I began to wonder the same and began to actually research the patterns of genocide in an attempt to determine if America is in trouble.

The fundamental research question associated with this paper is as follows. “Is the United States moving down a predictable path towards genocide based upon Stanton’s thesis.”

Brief Summary of the Stanton Genocidal Thesis

In 1996 Gregory H. Stanton presented a briefing paperto the State Department which included the eight stages of genocide. Stanton postulated that genocide is a process that is predictable, but is not necessarily a linear process. The stages of genocide do unfold in both a predictable and chronological order. Further, earlier stages continue to operate even as the process continues to progress.

Stanton identifies the eight stages as classification, symbolization, dehumanization, organization, polarization, preparation, extermination and denial. Subsequently, I researched where America is at in reference to these eight stages. The following paragraphs are the result my research.

Part one of this series examines the first four stages of classification, symbolization, dehumanization and organization.

Stage One: Classification

us vs themStanton asserts that all cultures categorize people into “us and them” groups. The divisions are often made by using the variables of ethnicity, race, religion and nationality. Examples from history include Germans and Jews, Hutu’s and Tutsi’s. Bifurcated societies which lack mixed categories, such as Rwanda and Burundi, are the most prone to having genocide. 

America is in the process of giving back the progress made by such pioneers as Martin Luther King. Blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians and Native Americans are increasingly polarizing away from the common theme that we are all God’s children in which most of us share our unique American heritage.

The Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case typifies the increasing division between blacks and whites as Obama threw fuel on the fire by commenting on a local criminal investigation and inflamed the racial feelings associated with the case.

Illegal aliens have been another source of divisiveness and the intense animosity was best exemplified through the controversy of  SB 1070.

We exacerbate the divisions among our people in the welfare debates. With 47% of the country on some form of public assistance, there is a growing resentment among workers who feel they are supporting bums who will not work. Accurate or not, the division is growing.

Younger police officers no longer see the general public as their ally. Rather, they are trained to see all civilians as the enemy.

 In short, America has no shortage of classifications which are being used to divide and conquer. On this point, America has met the first criteria on the road to genocide.

Stage Two: Symbolization

Sociologists and anthropologists tell us that classification and symbolization are universally common to every society. However, it is reaching alarming levels in contemporary America.

obama racistI was never an Obama fan. However, I thought his election had demonstrated how Americans were no longer going to divide themselves along racial lines and we would begin to truly carry out the meaning of Constitution and work together to solve our problems. Unfortunately, the opposite has happened. The races are further apart than ever before. For example, we hear phrases which serve to differentiate individuals. For example, I see reference to terms such as the “African-American community, or the Latino Community, or the Asian Community.” It is never the “White community” because that would be considered to be racist. when actually, it is Obama who is promoting racism.

What is a black community? I know black people who live in my community. They do not live in some gated community for only black people. I work with people from all ethnic and racial backgrounds. They don’t come out of some ethnic or racial enclave to join me at work. We are neighbors and often friends, yet, the establishment media and their labels are serving to create damaging symbols which are creating unnecessary tensions between various groups. The present terminology is deceptive and divisive and serves to separate human beings who might otherwise get along.

Someone who is a homosexual has to be labeled in sexual preference terms. Why? Why should we care what people do behind closed doors? Isn’t that for God to judge? Judge not lest you be judged. But the corporate controlled media has polarized gays from straights, blacks from whites, citizens from illegal’s, and on and on and on. Why create the symbolic differences? When one is robbing someone blind, they often distract them by creating imaginary enemies, vilify each side with symbols which degrade the polar opposite. Welcome to the divided nation that is America.

America has entered into the hyphenated race wars courtesy of the globalists and their controlled media. One just cannot be a respectable black person who is an American. He/she has to be an African-American. One cannot enjoy the pride of being from a Spanish speaking country, they have to be labeled a Mexican-American. My father’s family is from Germany, and I am not labeled a German-American. Why not? Because German-Americans, Italian-Americans, French-Americans are overwhelmingly white. The symbolism of skin color differences are not there and the globalists cannot gain any traction through hyphenating European descendents. Why can’t we just all be Americans without the hyphens? Because the globalists use this as a vehicle to divideand conquer. I am not minimizing the validity of celebrating the merits of one’s own cultural/racial background, regardless of ethnicity and skin color, I am espousing the virtues of finding a common American identity to better facilitate our mutual cooperation in solving our problems. However, that is not the globalist agenda. They seek to keep us distracted, keep us divided by destroying our sense of nationalism, through this artificial symbolism, and the day will come when all of us hyphenated people will never know what has hit us and we will unfortunately lack the common identity to band together against the forces that seek to enslave us.

We even condition our children to accept symbolic labels as schools make student wear RFID student cards or face suspension. The airports have become the symbolic manifestation of the enslavement of the American people as we are being conditioned to being groped and sexually assaulted by the TSA, and their blue uniforms and pot bellies are symbols of how we are to be treated by the government.

America meets the second criteria on the path to genocide.

Classification and symbolization do not always result in genocide unless they are followed by dehumanization.

Stage Three: Dehumanization

“Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists”

George W. Bush

Who will ever forget this inane statement by one the most intellectually deprived persons to ever serve in the White House? Bush’s message was simple, if you disagree with the government, you are a terrorist. In contemporary American society, this is the ultimate dehumanization as it is the 1950′s Red Scare version of being labeled a communist.

Today the list of dehumanized individuals has increased a 1000 fold as the MIAC report and the recent DHS intelligence briefing are dehumanizing veterans, Ron Paul supporters, Second Amendment supporters, Constitutionalists and Libertarians as domestic terrorists.

The above mentioned groups are not Americans, DHS is labeling them as sovereign citizens who lurk around every corner ready to set off a deadly biological, chemical or nuclear attack. This is total dehumanization. The TSA’s grabbing of our genitals is total dehumanization and we are allowing ourselves to be conditioned, lock, stock and barrel.

Sociologists tell us that dehumanization overcomes the natural barriers against the urge to murder. Media hate propaganda is removing the last barriers to this natural prohibition. America is well on the way to being conditioned to accept genocide as a matter of national policy.

Genocidal cultures lack constitutional protections which would protect contrary speech. In genocidal cultures contrary speech should be treated differently and we are seeing this with the state of Minnesota as they will soon be requiring veterans to have their former military status noted on the drivers license.   

America has mostly completed the third stage of genocide, the dehumanization of anti-governmental groups and selected enemies of the state.

Stage Four: Organization

Genocide is always carried out by the government. They often using militias to provide deniability of state responsibility, but genocide is always state sponsored.   

At this stage, plans are made for genocidal killings. Do we have such plans in the United States? Why yes we do!


Why did DHS buy 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition? Why did DHS purchase 2700 armored personnel carriers?


Is it hunting season at DHS? Who is the game? Over five rounds of ammunition for every man women and child in America.





Is this what DHS is going to be hunting? These targets should even wake a few of the sheep up.


 soviet gulag

There are 800 detention facilities that are being fully staffed and operational. Guillotines and box cars with rows of shackles are the new toys of the NWO give new meaning to the following Biblical phrase:

Why has FEMA ordered 20,000 box cars and 30,000 guillotines?


box car

“Rev. 20:4-”And I saw the souls of them who were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God…”



ndaa2Why was the NDAA passed which allows the government to secretly arrest and murder citizens. Remember, Holder  has asserted that Obama has the authority to murder America with drones.

obama ia m the law here

Why was the National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order passed? This order allows conscription for both civilian and military duty. All food is controlled by the government. All resources, including bank accounts, businesses and industry are controlled by the government under martial law conditions. This Executive Order gives the President the authority to declare martial law on his/her volition.

America, is this enough preparation for you?

America has met the fourth requirement on the path to becoming a genocidal society.

Part two of this series examines stages five through eight.