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Almost 50 children's bodies found in unmarked graveyard at Florida school

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Oct. 16, 2012

Almost 50 children's bodies found in unmarked graveyard at Florida school

In an absolutely horrifying story, a forensics team has found that a secret graveyard hidden behind a Florida reform school could be home to nearly 50 unidentified bodies of past students. Now, families and former peers of the victims are speaking out to say the deaths were actually caused by abusive school administrators!

How terrifying!

The cemetery dates all the way back to the early 1900s and was actually already examined very recently in 2009. At the time, investigators found 31 unidentified bodies, all of whom the state's Department of Law enforcement said died of either the flu or in a fire.

But after University of South Florida anthropologist Dr. Erin Kimmerle recently took a closer look, she found 18 more bodies buried, which had remained undiscovered during the previous inspection. "We found burials within the current marked cemetery, and then we found burials that extend beyond that," she told CNN. "These are children who came here and died, for one reason or another, and have just been lost in the woods." According to Kimmerle, there might also be a second secret cemetery segregated for black students--which means that the number of buried bodies on the school's creepy grounds could actually be much higher.

And the story only gets more horrible from there. Besides the fact that none of the bodies have been identified, now scary details about the potential causes behind their deaths are being revealed by the victim's former peers, who saythat brutal beatings and whippings at the hands of teachers were common in the 1960s.

The whole thing is just so awful that I can barely wrap my head around it. The bodies of these kids have basically been lost for years, with no apparent effort being made to identify them and alert their families, who have had to deal with the mystery of their losses for decades. And just imagine if the accusations of abuse and torture turn out to be true! That would mean this graveyard has been hiding a terrible past for years, one that could have potentially been prevented had it been investigated at the time.

I just hope that Kimmerle continues her research and is able to resolve the questions surrounding the cemetery if only to give peace of mind to any of the victims' loved ones who might still be alive.