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Depopulation, the elites agenda

David Icke

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FW 3/10/12

From the David Icke Newsleter of June 19, 2011













Newsletter, June 19th 2011
Hello all ...
There are some simple 'rules of thumb' that allow you to bypass all the smokescreens and apparent complexity that is directed our way to maintain the target population in a state of ignorance, confusion and bewilderment.
The global public is deluged with information. Not the truth, of course, just information. The 24 hour rolling news channels, radio, newspapers and the Internet pour it out on a scale never seen in known human history. People can experience information fatigue and when that happens they switch off.
I remember my mother once observed: 'They tell you something's good for you, then they say it's bad for you. I can't be doing with it.' This is what the system wants. The sequence is bombard, confuse, switch off. You can, however, 'cut through the crap' and see the Illuminati agenda playing out with crystal clarity if you ask a few simple questions. Here's one:
Is the government doing something that costs fantastic amounts of money at a time when there are massive financial cut-backs in spending because they say they have no money?
If the answer is 'yes', it is the Illuminati global agenda at work. The most obvious example is a war. It has often been said that no matter how bad the finances of a nation might be they can always find money for a war. Yes, they can and this is why: Governments don't go to war for the benefit of the population. They do it to benefit the Illuminati and the imposition of mass human control.
America is stone, solid broke. The official national debt is closing in on $15 trillion and this is growing at a rate of around about $4 billion a day. It is equivalent to nearly $50,000 for every American citizen. Annual interested is estimated at 430 billion and 32 per cent of the debt is owed to foreign governments and interests. This is what a trillion looks like numerically: 1,000,000,000,000. Multiply that by 15 to get close to the current official debt and remember that the real debt is way higher even than that.
So what does Obama do in response to this catastrophic state of affairs? He starts war in Libya and he's manoeuvring for another two in Pakistan and Yemen. These are being added to Afghanistan and Iraq as the dominos fall in Africa and the Middle and Near East in the Illuminati frenzy of slaughter and conquest.
If the United States government reduced military spending by 85 per cent it would still be spending more than any other country on the planet to oppress and kill people. Obama has officially requested a 'defence' (attack) budget of $670.6 billion for 2012. But this is only what they admit to. Add in the hidden 'black budget' projects and development costs, and so much more, and you are looking in excess of our old friend 1,000,000,000,000.
How many homes would that buy for Americans in the 'cities' of tents?
The people of Canada and Europe are also being severely affected by the bank-induced financial crash, but the governments can still fund military campaigns whenever necessary. Canada has announced that it is negotiating to establish military bases in Kuwait, Germany, Jamaica, Senegal, Kenya, Singapore, and South Korea. Canadian military spending has doubled since 2000.
When was the last time that Canada was attacked by anyone? When was it even threatened by anyone?
Defence Minister Peter MacKay said:
'The focus of the planning, let's be clear, is on our capability for expeditionary participation in international missions - we're big players in NATO, we're a country that has become a go-to nation in response to situations like what we're seeing in Libya, like we saw in Haiti, we are constantly working within that paradigm of countries to see where we can bring that niche capability to bear.'
Ah, now we are getting to the point: '... our capability for expeditionary participation in international missions - we're big players in NATO, we're a country that has become a go-to nation in response to situations like what we're seeing in Libya ...'
Canada's military spending has not doubled to protect Canadians and nor does America spend at least a trillion dollars a year to protect Americans. The militaries of North America and Europe are a world army in all, but name.
The world army command centre is officially NATO and this is also a vehicle for the Hidden Hand behind global affairs. The unthinkable amounts of money spent collectively by these countries on mass murder and expansion of human control is all serving the sick and demonic interests of the bloodline families, most notably the House of Rothschild. This is why there is always money for war when people are homeless and hungry.
Another question that will traverse the maze:
Are governments still pressing on with something which has been totally discredited?
If the answer is 'yes', it is the Illuminati global agenda at work.
There is a long list of examples in this category headed by 'global warming' or 'climate change'. The pressure for more climate taxation, de-industrialisation and impositions, such as the cumulatively-lethal 'energy-saving' light bulbs', continues to crack on even though the whole credibility of the 'science' is in tatters. More and more former believers are breaking ranks and telling the truth. It has been a scam from the start.
There was a telling moment when Obama was speaking to Congress about the need to meet the challenge of 'climate change' and everyone started to laugh ...  click here...
The 'but, but, but,' in that clip is that they know that the fairy-tale about human-caused climate change is nonsense, BUT they still continue with the vastly expensive, people-controlling policies that they say are required to 'fight' something that doesn't exist. Why? It's the agenda. Has Al Gore left the planet, by the way? I haven't seen or heard of him for ages. I'm getting concerned, bless him.
Genetically-modified food, fluoride in water supplies and the fight against 'Al-Qaeda' are among endless examples in this category of something being completely discredited, but continued and expanded nevertheless.
A third question:
Are they pursuing a policy that makes no logical sense?
If the answer is 'yes', it is the Illuminati global agenda at work.
I need say no more than 'energy-saving light bulbs'. These are being enforced by law and the alternative abolished when they contain extremely toxic mercury that is released when the light is broken; they will have to be trashed by the multiple billions when they wear out with the number growing enormously by the day; and they emit seriously harmful radiation and toxic chemicals as scientists have confirmed.
But not only do they encourage people to use them - they make it compulsory. I know it may be hard for most people to believe, but they are doing this because they want us to be dosed with radiation and poisonous chemicals whenever we are at home, at work or anywhere else when the lights are on.
The plan for an colossal cull of the human population did not manifest from the fevered mind of some 'conspiracy nut'. It is real and it is not 'coming'; it is here. Most of it involves cumulative exposure to dangerous substances rather than a full-on mass killing.
The 'green' light bulbs are part of this and they are a daily source of radiation among so many other sources that are being added all the time. They include mobile phones and their communication masts, computers and overhead wires; full body security scanners and the ridiculous overuse of X-rays and CAT scanners in hospitals; irradiated food, microwave ovens; nuclear power disasters; and depleted uranium in bombs dropped across the world in the multiple wars.
The HAARP technology is punching holes in the ionosphere to allow in forms of cosmic radiation that the Earth's defences would normally block and we are going to find that the nuclear 'accident' at Fukushima in Japan was no accident at all. There is evidence pointing strongly that way already.
Fukushima continues to release extraordinary amounts of radiation into the atmosphere and the sea, and this is travelling in air and water to the United States and around the world. It is vastly in excess of what was released by the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl in the Ukraine in 1986 - some experts say 50 times more. Japan itself has been devastated.
They build so many nuclear power stations at coastal locations to use the water in the cooling process, but this also allows the release of radiation into the sea. The Sellafield plant, pictured here, in Cumbria in north-west England has been pouring radiation into the Irish Sea for decades. What a surprise that a report by Cumbrians Opposed to a Radioactive Environment (CORE) says that emissions of plutonium and other nuclear waste are going to double in the next few years.
Martin Forwood, a CORE spokesman, accused the authorities of breathtaking complacency: 'Officialdom is sleepwalking towards a situation which, unless avoiding action is taken now, will see commitments broken and a further trashing of the marine environment courtesy of Sellafield reprocessing.'
But in the shadows they are not sleepwalking. It is all by design. There are many reasons for this and I will explain them when I connect a whole lot of news dots in my next book which I am writing now. It wouldn't make sense without a lot of background information, but depopulation is part of this.
The depopulation programme also includes: Genetically-modified food; herbicide and pesticide contamination of food; meat infested with growth hormones and antibiotics; pharmaceutical drugs; reducing medical treatment for the elderly; poisons and toxic metals in chemtrails; and this is far from the complete list.
Then there are vaccinations. The human immune system is the obvious target for cumulative genocide. You open your target population to countless potential health problems when you undermine the body's natural defences.
What better way of doing this than having direct access to the body through a hypodermic needle full of poisonous crap that a still-developing immune system now has to cope with, in singles and multiples, the best part of 30 times before it is two years old? It will never recover from that to be the defence-system it is designed to be.
So I read with interest the goings on in London this week involving Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates and the British Prime Minister David Cameron.  Gates is now 'Mr Vaccines' and he has also expended much time and effort selling the nonsense about human-caused climate change. You do not have to be informed and intelligent to make lots of money. Donald Trump. I rest my case.
The Bill and Belinda Gates Foundation donates billions for vaccination programmes in the 'Third World' with a big chunk of it coming from bloodline insider, Warren Buffet. Gates attended a fund-raising conference in London this week organised by the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (Gavi).



The Gates' Foundation is Gavi's main source of funding, but Prime Minister David Cameron also pledged £814 million from British taxpayers to vaccinate children in poor countries. Cameron said that the money would help to vaccinate more than 80 million children and save 1.4 million lives. He said:


'That is one child vaccinated every two seconds for five years. It is one child's life saved every two minutes. That is what the money that the British taxpayer is putting in will give.


But Cameron's controllers have a mass depopulation programme. Ugh? Here is another telling question when you view world events while knowing at least the themes of what this sick and depraved network of families want to inflict upon humanity:


Why would they be doing something and funding something that would seem to be achieving the opposite of what they want?


Whenever you need to ask this question the answer is always the same. It is achieving what they want, but they have to sell their tyranny with a sugar coating. In this case, why would they want to save the lives of children that the Cabal wants dead? Answer: Vaccination programmes are not about saving lives, but taking them away. The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (Gavi) is an 'alliance' of some familiar names:


World Health Organization (WHO); United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF; World Bank Group; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; governments of donor countries; governments of developing countries; vaccine industry; research and technical health institutes; civil society organisations; and 'independent individuals'.


Mmmm. Yes, I bet it's teeming with them.

Gavi was established in 2000 at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. This is like a more on-the-record version of the Bilderberg Group involving the same people. You know, the ones that want the programme of mass depopulation.



Bill Gates (Bilderberg Group) went to meet the Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg (Bilderberg Group) and soon afterwards it was announced that Norway would double its donation to supply vaccines in Gavi's target countries.


Norway would also work closely with Bill Gates and Britain on the vaccine programme to 'save nine million children in poor countries.' This would have made the Crown Prince of Norway very happy as he returned from the Bilderberg conference in Switzerland. It is in our face if you know what to look for.


So it is with 'Agenda 21'. This was born at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. The event was headed by Maurice Strong, a Canadian oil and business billionaire who has slavishly served the interests of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers most of his life.


Agenda 21 claims to be 'a comprehensive blueprint of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the UN, governments, and major groups in every area in which humans directly affect the environment.'

Agenda 21 is really about depopulation, stealing much of the Earth's surface in the name of protecting it, and imposing a fascist control structure at all levels that would make humans nothing more than serfs and slaves. Time for another question:
Why would the world's biggest polluters who are punching holes in the ionosphere, introducing multiple sources of radiation into the seas and atmosphere, destroying rain forests, devastating the ecosystem in the Gulf of Mexico etc., etc., suddenly morph into tree-huggers?
To state the obvious: They haven't.
Agenda 21 is the work of the bloodline-created and controlled United Nations. It lays out in 40 chapters a programme to hijack the world. The goals include:
  • An end to national sovereignty
  • State planning and management of all land resources, ecosystems, deserts, forests, mountains, oceans, fresh water; agriculture; rural development; biotechnology; and ensuring equity (everyone equally enslaved)
  • The State to 'define the role' of business and financial resources
  • Abolition of private property (it's not 'sustainable')
  • 'Restructuring' the family unit 
  • Children raised by the State
  • People told what their job will be
  • Major restrictions on movement
  • Creation of 'human settlement zones'
  • Mass resettlement as people are forced to vacate land where they live
  • Dumbing down education (achieved)
  • Mass depopulation
All of this is planned to happen globally, nationally and locally, and this is a map of the America as these insane people would like it to be:
The red bits are designated for virtually no use by humans and the yellow areas would be 'highly regulated'. Only the green sections would for 'normal use' by the general population who would be concentrated in those 'human settlement zones' with most people packed and stacked together in high-rise buildings.
This would all be overseen by a world government dictating to 'global citizens' and the 'global village' within a multi-levelled Control System operating globally, regionally, nationally and locally.
Harvey Rubin, a vice-chairman of the Agenda 21 front operation, the International Committee for Local Environmental Initiatives (now Local Governments for Sustainability) was asked how all this would affect liberties with regard to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, private property and freedom of speech. His reply was short: ''Individual rights must take a back-seat to the collective.'
The children who are planned to be the adults living in this nightmare are being programmed to accept their fate as I speak. The Cabal-owned United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared 2005 to 2015 to be 'The Decade for Education for Sustainable Development' (ESD).
Or, put another way, a mass mind programming operation for our kids. One document says:
'The Decade of ESD is a far-reaching and complex undertaking ... that potentially touches on every aspect of life. The basic vision ... is a world where everyone ... learns the values, behavior, and lifestyles required for a sustainable future and for positive societal transformation.'
Like I say, a mass mind programming operation for our kids. One reason for the systematic dumbing down of education is encapsulated in this comment in another 'sustainability' document:
'Generally more highly educated people who have higher incomes can consume more resources, than poorly educated people who tend to have lower incomes. In this case more education increases the threat to sustainability.'
Wow. Think about the implications of that statement.
That diabolical duo, Father George Bush and Bill Clinton, supported Agenda 21 during their presidencies and so it must be about death, destruction and control by that definition alone. Clinton established The President's Counsel for 'Sustainable Development' by Executive Order with no political or public debate. The term 'sustainable development' is classic Orwellian language in that it appears to stand for one thing, but means something very different.
I am all for doing things in ways that are sustainable in the sense that they can go on indefinitely as opposed to slash and burn and other such environmental destruction. But (a) the people behind this are devastating the planet with their activities and (b) Agenda 21 is not about sustainable development; it is about sustainable control - and mass depopulation. The internationally-binding Biodiversity Treaty was launched at Maurice Strong's UN Earth Summit in 1992 headed by Rothschild-Rockefeller front-man, Maurice Strong, and the 'environment conspiracy' has come a whole long way since then.
The aim is mass depopulation and extreme levels of control for those that are left. A United Nations; Global Biodiversity Assessment Report called for an 85 per cent reduction in human numbers. Heck, you only have to look at that map of the planned 'sustainable' United States to realise the scale of population reduction that would be necessary to implement it.
The late Aaron Russo, the award-winning film producer who produced Trading Places with Eddie Murphy, began to alert people to the conspiracy in the years before he died. He said publicly in 2007 that a member of the Rockefeller family, Nick Rockefeller, had told him that the population was going to be reduced by at least half.
John P Holdren, the 'science czar' appointed to the Obama administration, is another of these 'cullers'. He says the optimum human population is one billion and he co-wrote the 1977 book, Ecoscience, which proposed mass-sterilisation by medicating food and the water supply and imposing a regime of forced abortion, government seizure of children born out of wedlock and mandatory bodily implants to stop pregnancy.
The mysterious Georgia Guidestones are an astrologically-aligned granite monument in Elbert County, Georgia, and often called 'America's Stonehenge'. They were commissioned in 1979 by someone using the pseudonym R C Christian and they include ten 'guides' for the world of the future inscribed in a series of languages.
Two of these 'guides' say: 'Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature' and 'Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.' Oh really? And who does the 'guiding', pray? Why, of course, the State.
The plan is to advance Agenda 21as quickly as possible in the next few years and that is why the United Nations General Assembly has declared 2011 to 2020 the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity. This is officially being done to 'support and promote the implementation of the objectives of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity.'
In other words, to support and promote the implementation of the objectives I have been describing here, plus a great deal more.
We are now in a whole new stage of the Illuminati's 'Great Plan' with major changes in human society about to be implemented unless people in their billions begin to make this their priority above all else. There are signs that this is happening, but we need the awakening to move and expand at a far greater speed in the next twelve months.
Simply hoping this will all just miraculously go away is not an option. It won't unless we make it so.