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World Day Against DP (Death Penalty)


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This year's World Day Against the Death Penalty focuses on the inhumanity of the death penalty as a cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment.

Lethal injections are experimental and frequently botched – leading to an agonisingly painful death.

The first in the 'three-drug cocktail' is an anaesthetic to put the prisoner to sleep; the second is a paralyzing agent to immobilize them; the third is a massive overdose of potassium chloride to stop their heart. If the first drug fails - often the dose is too low or the IV is not inserted properly - the prisoner remains awake, able to feel appalling pain but frozen in silence, paralyzed by the pancuronium. This is a botched lethal injection. The prisoner suffocates slowly until the potassium chloride shocks the heart so severely it stops beating. If the prisoner remains conscious at this point the pain is excruciating.

This is cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. Reprieve's Stop Lethal Injection Project has been fighting to end the trade in drugs used for executions and so far has been successful in preventing supplies from Austria, Denmark, India, Italy, Germany and the UK from reaching US death rows. Today we have called on healthcare professionals to help us debunk the myth that lethal injection is 'humane'.

Click here to watch our short film World Day Against the Death Penalty 2011: Stop lethal injections in the US.

Click here to find out how you you can support Reprieve on World Day Against the Death Penalty.

Click here to read more about Reprieve death penalty work and cases. 

Clive Stafford Smith on ‘No Pressure To Be Funny

This week Reprieve’s Director will appear on 'No Pressure To Be Funny', a topical comedy podcast presented by LBC radio host James O'Brien and created by comedians Nick Revell and Alistair Barrie that brings together guests drawn from the arts, media and politics to discuss the week's news in front of a live audience.

Click here for more information and to book tickets to the live show.


There are many ways for you to get involved and support our work. As we rely entirely on donations to fund our work, we simply couldn't continue without people like you.

Back Reprieve's founding Director Clive Stafford Smith on Buzzbnk - click here to find out more

----- Original Message -----

From: Blogger


Sent: Monday, October 10, 2011 10:49 AM

Subject: [MaryLovesJustice] World Day Against DP - Oct 10