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9/11 Truth: Expert Who Concluded WTC 7 Was Controlled Demolition Killed In Car 'Accident' (more like remote control vehicle steering-lock assassination

From Alex James

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Assassination by remote control vehicle steering-lock could be a possible explanation for this alleged “accident”……..a la Dr. Kelly, Diana, etc?

See also at the end:

Former CDI Controlled Demolition Loader Tom Sullivan/Fire Engineer Scott Grainger: 9/11 Truth: AE911Truth Returns to Europe: Ten-City Tour with Explosive Evidence

Deceased R.I.P. Danny Jowenko’s interview can be watched here: <> &feature=player_embedded <> &v=sep-HDZoEBM <> &v=boNzLZInbjU <> &feature=player_embedded


Subject: Fw: WNY Truthers: Expert Who Concluded WTC 7 Was A Controlled Demolition Killed In Car Accident

Expert Who Concluded WTC 7 Was A Controlled Demolition Killed In Car Accident

Jul, 11

Posted by  ALaRosa <> , Comment: 0 <>

Infowars  | A Dutch expert who went on  record saying WTC7 was a controlled demolition, reportedly killed in a car accident.

July 22, 2011

A Dutch building demolition expert who went on record as saying he believed that World Trade Center building Seven was brought down in a controlled demolition, has been reported killed in a car accident.

Bloggers in the Netherlands have reported that Danny Jowenko was killed instantly on Saturday when his car veered off the road and collided head on into a tree. The reports state that Jowenko’s dog was found alive in the car.

Jowenko was said to have been driving home from church. It is not clear at this time what caused the car to leave the road, according to the reports.

Jowenko is best known in the 9/11 truth community for appearing in a video that first surfaced in 2006 on a Dutch television news program called, Zembla investigates 9/11 theories.

After being shown the footage of WTC 7 collapsing Jowenko stated This is a controlled demolition carried out by a team of experts.

At the time Jowenko did not know that he was watching footage from September 11th 2001 and responded in disbelief when the reporters explained what the footage was.

In 2007 reports began to circulate that Jowenko had retracted his stance on the footage of WTC7, however, he reaffirmed his previous opinion in a phone call with blogger Jeff Hill, noting When the FEMA makes a report that it came down by fire, and you have to earn your money in the States as a controlled demolition company and you say, ‘No, it was a controlled demolition’, you’re gone. You know?

The original interview with Danny Jowenko appears below, along with the 2007 phone call:

Expert Who Concluded WTC 7 Was A Controlled Demolition Killed In Car Accident 220711accident2

Telephone interview with Jeff Hill 2/22/07:

Jeff Hill: I was just wondering real quickly, I know you had commented on World Trade Center Building 7 before.

Danny Jowenko: Yes, that’s right.

Jeff Hill: And I’ve come to my conclusions, too, that it couldn’t have came down by fire.

Danny Jowenko: No, it absolutely not.

Jeff Hill: Are you still sticking by your comments where you say it must have been a controlled demolition?

Danny Jowenko: Absolutely.

Jeff Hill: Yes? So, you as being a controlled demolitions expert, you’ve looked at the building, you’ve looked at the video and you’ve determined with your expertise that

Danny Jowenko: I looked at the drawings, the construction and it couldn’t be done by fire. So, no, absolutely not.

Jeff Hill: OK, ’cause I was reading on the Internet, people were asking about you and they said, I wonder I heard something that Danny Jowenko retracted his statement of what he said earlier about World Trade Center 7 now saying that it came down by fire. I said, There’s no way that’s true.

Danny Jowenko: No, no, no, absolutely not.

Jeff Hill: ‘Cause if anybody was Like when I called Controlled Demolition here in North America, they tell me that , Oh, it’s possible it came down from fire and this and that and stuff like that.

Danny Jowenko: When the FEMA makes a report that it came down by fire, and you have to earn your money in the States as a controlled demolition company and you say, No, it was a controlled demolition, you’re gone. You know?

Jeff Hill: Yeah, exactly, you’ll be in a lot of trouble if you say that, right?

Danny Jowenko: Of course, of course. That’s the end of your the end of the story.

Jeff Hill: Yeah, ’cause I was calling demolitions companies just to ask them if they used the term, Pull it in demolition terms and even Controlled Demolitions, Incorporated said they did. But the other people wouldn’t didn’t want to talk to me about Building 7 really because obviously ’cause they knew what happened and they didn’t want to say it.

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*       Brent Blanchard is to the implosion industry as the Chickenhawk is to Foghorn Leghorn. "Quit Bothering me boy"

There was an ABC Documentary on Explosives demolition where they referred to Blanchard and his sidekick as the "Beavis and Butthead of the Implosion industry"

 <> einsteen 4 years ago

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*       NIST is not finished, FEMA was a joke. This is what demolitiondave (at JREF) had to say about Blanchard (contacted him no response):

I wouldn't read Blanchard's garbage. He has no experience with explosives, blasting or demolition. He is not an engineer either. He maintains an implosion website and during the day he monitors vibrations on pile driving jobs.

He is a self proclaimed "expert"

 <> einsteen 4 years ago

*       thanks, it was a mega-job, I used some dictionaries and of course google for some expressions, couldn't hear a few words because even in this small country there are accents

Former CDI Controlled Demolition Loader Tom Sullivan/Fire Engineer Scott Grainger: 9/11 Truth: AE911Truth Returns to Europe: Ten-City Tour with Explosive Evidence


Former CDI Controlled Demolition Loader – Tom Sullivan

Watch for Sullivan in the DVD

“9/11: Explosive Evidence –  <> Experts Speak Out”

Premieres Everywhere September 10

Many experts give sound reasons for questioning the official theory of what happened at the World Trade Center on 9/11/01. Tom Sullivan, an explosives technician, offers particularly relevant experience – given the explosive nature of the Twin Towers’ destruction on 9/11. His video testimony <>  can be seen now on our evidence page.

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Tom Sullivan - Explosives Technician -- Loader <>  

From: ae911truth <>   | Mar 19, 2011  | 21,096 views



Tom Sullivan - Former Explosives Loader for Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI)

Tom discusses the complex process of preparing a building for controlled demolition and sites the reasons why WTC building 7 had to have been a controlled demolition.

Tag: This is raw footage from one of the experts appearing in our upcoming, hard-hitting documentary on the evidence for the destruction of the 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers.

"9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out"

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39 Year Fire Protection Engineer - Scott Grainger P.E.

Watch for Grainger in the DVD

“9/11: Explosive Evidence –  <> Experts Speak Out”

Premieres Everywhere September 10 Protection Engineer Scott Grainger explained that “the NIST story just does not make any sense,” and over 1,500 architects and engineers agree.

Many experts give sound reasons for questioning the official theory of what happened at the World Trade Center on 9/11/01.

A new DVD now in production,  <> 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, contains the testimonies of more than 40 architects and engineers explaining why they think the official story is incomplete, inaccurate, false, or fraudulent. Some of these testimonies can be previewed <>  on our website. These videos present solid, compelling evidence from respected professionals enumerating many reasons why a new independent investigation is necessary.

One of the experts presented is Scott Grainger, FPE. His testimony is available on a 4:37 video <>  linked from our Evidence <>  page.


From: [] On Behalf Of AE911Truth

Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 4:20 AM

To: Action Alerts

Subject: AE911Truth Returns to Europe: Ten-City Tour with Explosive Evidence ;Former CDI Controlled Demolition Loader Tom Sullivan

Newsletter not displaying correctly? View it on our website <>  

 <> Image removed by sender. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth / Blueprint Newsletter

AE911Truth Blueprint Newsletter | Vol. XXVII | Mid-June 2011  

 <> Image removed by sender. Mid-June Newsletter banner


 <> • AE911Truth Returns to Europe: Ten-City Tour to

     Shatter 9/11 Myth with Explosive Evidence

 <> • Explosives Technician Blows Away Official WTC

     Conspiracy Theory

 <> • Open Up 9/11 Conversations with Dramatic Yard Signs

     Now Available in Our Online Store

 <> • Poll: 48% of New Yorkers Support Building 7


 <> AE911Truth Returns to Europe: Ten-City Tour to Shatter 9/11 Myth with Explosive Evidence

by Eli Rika

 <> Image removed by sender.It has been almost three years since AE911Truth <>  crossed the Atlantic to share the explosive 9/11 evidence with Europe. Now, founder Richard Gage, AIA, and other activists are making a return visit. The month of June will take Gage across the British Isles and onto the mainland in a new tour of Europe, where numerous audiences will be exposed to the WTC technical analysis that has the backing of more than 1500 architects and engineers.

This tour kicks off on the TV3 news show Ireland: AM <>  on June 9, where Gage will discuss the scientific and forensic evidence behind 9/11 with early morning TV viewers.


 <> Explosives Technician Blows Away Official WTC Conspiracy Theory

by Dick Scar, BSAE

Former CDI Controlled Demolition Loader

– Tom Sullivan

 <> Image removed by sender.

Watch for Sullivan in the DVD

“9/11: Explosive Evidence –  <> Experts Speak Out”

Premieres Everywhere September 10

Many experts give sound reasons for questioning the official theory of what happened at the World Trade Center on 9/11/01. Tom Sullivan, an explosives technician, offers particularly relevant experience – given the explosive nature of the Twin Towers’ destruction on 9/11. His video testimony <>  can be seen now on our evidence page.


 <> Open Up 9/11 Conversations with Dramatic Yard Signs Now Available in Our Online Store

by AE911Truth

 <> Image removed by sender.

Start your own neighborhood 9/11 Truth awareness campaign with AE911Truth’s new yard signs. Your neighbors need it, visiting relatives need it, the postal carrier needs it, and passersby need it. Now you can take a stand for the truth leading up to the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 – and find out who is going to wake up to the implications of WTC 7 – because YOU took some action! Post them at your tabling events downtown and display them during your actions on the street.


 <> Poll: 48% of New Yorkers Support Building 7 Investigation

by The Remember Building 7 Team

 <> Image removed by sender.

Following the launch of the TV ad campaign on Monday June 6, Remember Building 7 released the results from a new poll we commissioned, conducted by the Siena Research Institute, on what New Yorkers believe about 9/11.

The poll produced several findings that will be very useful as we continue to raise awareness about Building 7 and build public support for a new investigation. Among them:

•  1 in 3 New Yorkers were unaware of Building 7’s collapse, only 25 percent have ever seen video footage of the collapse, and 86 percent were unable to name the building;


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Phase 3: <>  “9/11: Explosive Evidence”, an historic documentary highlighting 40+ AE’s, needs paid editing/scripting help to meet pre-9/11 deadline. Please take part by donating generously today!

Please donate today <> .

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Canadian Public Broadcasting TVO

 <> Image removed by sender. Detroit FOX 2

Detroit FOX News Channel 2

 <> Image removed by sender. KMPH 26 interview

KMPH 26 interview <> : over 300,000 views!

 <> Image removed by sender. 10-minute video from new Companion DVD

30-minute version <>  of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth

 <> Image removed by sender. 9/11: Blueprint for Truth - Trailer <>

Trailer for the 2-hr Research Edition of 9/11: Blueprint for Truth DVD.

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We are a non–partisan association of architects, engineers, and affiliates.

Our work at AE911Truth is dedicated to the victims, families and all others throughout the world affected by the tragic events of September 11, 2001 and its aftermath.

Our mission is to research, compile, and disseminate scientific evidence relative to the destruction of the 3 WTC skyscrapers, calling for a truly open and independent investigation and supporting others in the pursuit of justice.

Learn more <>  about us.   Contact us <>  if you have questions or comments.

Please forward and distribute widely!

Thank you.

Editor, Gregg Roberts / Web Implementation, Tania Torres / Editor in Chief, Richard Gage, AIA

Copyright © 2011 AE911Truth <>  All rights reserved.

2342 Shattuck Ave., Suite 189, Berkeley, CA 94704

Former CDI Controlled Demolition Loader Tom Sullivan

Watch for Sullivan in the DVD

“9/11: Explosive Evidence –  <> Experts Speak Out”

Premieres Everywhere September 10 NIST Report is very suspect, says Sullivan

Many experts give sound reasons for questioning the official theory of what happened at the World Trade Center on 9/11/01. Tom Sullivan, an explosives technician, offers particularly relevant experience – given the explosive nature of the Twin Towers’ destruction on 9/11. His video testimony can be seen now on our evidence page <> .

Sullivan worked for Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI), during the years surrounding 9/11/01 as an explosives loader. His job was to place explosives in buildings to prepare them for controlled demolition. He worked on major projects such as the Seattle Kingdome, the Three Rivers Stadium, and the Philadelphia Naval Hospital.

He notes that demolition work is complex and precise. “When we load a building, all support columns on a given floor fail at the same time within milliseconds of one another.”

“The key word is ‘controlled’ in a controlled demolition.”

He adds, “Looking at the building, it wouldn’t be a problem once you gained access to the elevator shafts… a team of loading experts would have access to all the core columns and beams.”

“The story that just a few column failures can cause a synchronized global collapse – an implosion – well, that’s just nonsense.”

Sullivan also noted that a controlled demolition exhibits progressive waves of explosions that sound more like a roar than a single blast.

“What I saw was a classic implosion,” he notes, “People on the ground reported exactly what I would have expected: waves of explosions going off, not one massive big boom.”

 <> 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out debuts the weekend of September 11 as one part of a four-part strategy <>  being taken by AE911Truth to raise national awareness during the 10th anniversary activities commemorating the catastrophic events of 9/11. Please help to organize a movie screening of this premiere in your local community. We need supporters across the country to help. Visit <>  and/or our Volunteer Page <>  today to find out more.

45 Experts from AE911Truth - Powerful New DVD in the Works  <>

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Written by Mike Bondi, PEng    

Tuesday, 21 December 2010 20:45

Here at AE911Truth, we are excited to be producing a new DVD that will present hard-hitting analysis and testimony from more than 45 experts in several fields of study directly related to the destruction of the three WTC skyscrapers on 9/11. The upcoming documentary entitled “9/11: Explosive Evidence –  <> Experts Speak Out” will contain cutting-edge 9/11 evidence from high-rise architects, structural engineers, physicists, chemical engineers, firefighters, metallurgists, explosives experts, controlled demolition technicians, and others. Richard Gage, AIA, will briefly introduce the evidence sections and the experts will provide the details from their individual areas of expertise. All are degreed. Many are licensed. Several have Ph.D’s – including eminent scientist Lynn Margulis, who exposes the fraud of NIST and explains how the scientific method should have been applied.

We also interviewed a half-dozen psychologists who will help us to understand why 9/11 Truth is so difficult for the public to even touch, much less grasp – and what we as activists can do better to reach them. And we will hear from several family members of the 9/11 victims who support AE911Truth in our call for a new investigation.

One of the experts featured in this documentary is Robert McCoy, high-rise architect <> , who has been licensed in California since 1964 and has worked on the design of many large steel-framed high-rise buildings. He has even corresponded directly with the builders of the WTC complex during its construction. Like many experts, McCoy’s suspicions about the events of 9/11 started almost immediately following the events of that day.

High-Rise Architect Robert McCoy McCoy

McCoy questioned many aspects of the mechanics involved in the “collapse” of the Twin Towers and Building 7. He discusses in detail the robustness of the buildings’ design, and how sagging of the upper floors would not be sufficient to initiate collapse and bring the buildings down. He also explains the discrepancies between what we might expect to see in a fire-induced gravitational collapse (though more than one hundred fires have never caused the collapse of a skyscraper) and what actually occurred. McCoy explains that in a pancake collapse scenario, “…it’s going to come down in a staccato kind of way … it’s not going to come as a smooth fall … I saw billowing clouds of dust…”

McCoy talks about another critical aspect of the Twin Towers’ design, the massive core columns: “Those columns were probably four times as strong as they needed to be … Now you have this building coming down, and [it was as if] the columns below were simply not there … The buildings accelerated as they were coming down – not getting resistance from these massive columns in the center of the core of [these buildings].”

Turning to Building 7, McCoy notes that a key point surrounding the destruction of Building 7 revolves around NIST’s claim that the building was fully involved in fire, yet photos and video reveal only isolated pockets of fire. McCoy also wonders how the building fell without encountering any resistance until about halfway into its descent “just like a house of cards – I find that a little hard to believe… There’s something about the way those buildings came down that doesn’t add up in my mind.”

Finally, McCoy calmly notes “What I’m looking for is a new investigation, where all of the original information and tests and hypotheses are re-examined, as well as the ones that have surfaced since, including the allegations of controlled demolition.” Referring to his ongoing association with AE911Truth, he states that “I signed the petition <>  for AE911Truth because I felt it was an organization trying to get at the truth of what actually brought those buildings down.”

Chemical Engineer Mark Basile Basile

Additional forensic evidence is brought to light in the interview with chemical engineer Mark Basile. With 25 years of industry experience in material science, Basile started having serious question about 9/11 right from the beginning. After hearing Dr. Steven Jones speak in 2007, Basile obtained a sample of WTC dust from Janette MacKinlay <>  in order to conduct his own independent set of tests. He began working with the material in January of 2008, and found both the iron-based microspheres and the red/gray chips that Jones and his team had discovered earlier. After considering what experiments to conduct, he created an apparatus to control the energy input to the chips in order to heat them to ignition temperature and analyze the resulting products. Based on his independent analysis of two separate samples of WTC dust, Basile was able to confirm that the red layer of the chips is thermitic <>  in nature, and does indeed produce molten iron spheres. “Others can do the same thing,” he states. “We need a lot more people involved in this work. These chips really shouldn’t be there; they are not a naturally formed agglomeration of aluminum from the aircraft or materials from the building.”

 <> spheres found in WTC dust

 <> thermitic materials found in WTC dust

Basile goes on to explain that the material is made up of nano-sized particles, which are very uniform and symmetrical, held together in a silica-based matrix. “If you take these chips and section them before you ignite them, there are no iron microspheres, no iron particles, no iron films contained within these chips. It is only after you bring them up to their ignition point and they go through their thermitic reaction that liquid iron is produced and the energy is released.” Basile explains that these materials do not occur naturally. “I did this because I had questions, and I said the only way I’m ever going to really know is if I get a sample and I do it myself … and I would confirm that this material is thermitic, and it shouldn’t be there.” The other thing to understand here is that this material contains nano-aluminum, a controlled substance. “It’s very difficult to produce in these sizes and keep [it] from reacting … it’s a very difficult-to-make material.”

 <> Chips

“This demands a new investigation,” says Basile. “This is evidence that can’t be refuted by anybody that goes out and gets a sample of the dust and looks for this material – it’s very, very simple.” Of further interest, especially to those who wonder how this type of material could be used for controlled demolition purposes is Basile’s discussion of existing patents. “If you do a Google search for ‘thermite’ and ‘building demolition’, you can find all sorts of devices that have been invented to use thermite for building demolition.” For example, a 1984 patent was issued for thermite cutter charges that could shoot molten iron through structural steel in a fraction of a second.

 <> wide-flange beam

Basile discusses a FEMA metallurgical study that describes beam fragments found in the debris pile that clearly showed that melting and even evaporation of the steel had taken place. Scientists found that the steel had been attacked by a eutectic mixture <>  of iron oxide and iron sulfide. “No steel should have been melted whatsoever … all the characteristics tell me that thermite was involved in melting those steel beams.”

The startling facts discussed here and many more will be included in the documentary to be released by AE911Truth next September. Never before has there been such a comprehensive documentary, detailing the technical analysis of so many experts who question the official story of 9/11, and who have taken the time to make the results of their painstaking work available to the public.

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Former  <> Controlled Demolition Inc. Worker Tom Sullivan Discusses Controlled Demolitions on 9/11 ...

Tom Sullivan used to work for Controlled Demolitions Inc. On 9/11 and everyday since, his experiance with CDI tells him that controlled ...

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 <> Tom Sullivan - Explosives Technician -- Loader

AE911Truth's EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW! Tom Sullivan - Former Explosives Loader for Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI) Tom discusses the complex process ...

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firefighters4911truth wtc1 wtc2 wtc7 salomon bros building7 controlled demolition explosives explosions thermate thermite explosive ...

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 <> Tom Sullivan - experto en explosivos - subtítulos en español

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com AE911Truth's EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW! Tom Sullivan Former Explosives Loader for Controlled Demolition, Inc. (CDI) Did NIST Edit WTC ...

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Refer this video to anyone who believes the official 9/11 myth. by  <> ...

on Jun 18, 2011 Former CDI Controlled Demolition Loader Tom Sullivan Watch for Sullivan in the DVD "9/11: Explosive Evidence -- Experts ...

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* Sullivan_ Placeur de charges ayant travaill <> é pour Controlled Demolition Inc (CDI)

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*        <> CHANNEL

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July 26, 2011