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The crucifixion of John Demjanjuk proceeds on schedule

Michael Hoffman

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re of an ailing 90-year-old Christian and the extent to which his torment is gleefully celebrated by rabbis, Zionists and ghouls like Goldmann. (Goldmann insinuates that Demjanjuk is not ill: "Demjanjuk’s health issues...possibly fabricated to gain the court’s sympathy...”).

All that the never-forgive sadists have on the hapless Ukrainian-American, after decades of prosecution (including “Holocaust survivors” lying under oath and swearing he was Treblinka’s “Ivan the Terrible”), is to claim he was a lowly guard at Sobibor, on the judicial theory that anyone who worked at Sobibor is  a war criminal (with the exception of Judaics doing kapo-like jobs).

Of the tens of thousands of Israeli war criminals and many times that number of Judaic-Communist war criminals, including Solomon Morel who was harbored in the Israeli state, not one has ever faced a war crimes tribunal. Not one! They are all immune; rendered invulnerable by virtue of their sainted ethnicity. Consequently, what we see transpiring in a German kangaroo court against Demjanjuk is international Talmudic supremacy in full flower. Christianity has been defanged. The proof is a spectacle like this one, wherein crypto-rabbis bearing titles such as bishop, cardinal and pope are as mute as moth-eaten carnival puppets. The last vestiges of their thundering medieval anathemas are reserved solely for Muslim outrages, even though none of these latter-day crusaders investigates the covert role of western intelligence agencies in shaping and manipulating Al-Qaeda-type groups into betraying Islam’s centuries-old proscriptions against harming civilians or committing suicide.

There is no powerful businessman, media executive or judge anywhere in the non-Muslim, non-Arab world who attempts to expose Judaic supremacy. In attacking George Soros as one of the many Judaic collaborators with the Nazis, Glenn Beck competes with the ADL, to see who can be more philo-Judaic. The ADL explains that as a teenager at the time, Soros can’t be blamed for anti-Judaic activity; while Mr. Beck insists that he should be, for the sake of unnamed Judaics whose welfare is always the supreme object of Beck’s adoration. Even when they tell the truth about a Nazi collaborator like billionaire Soros, bigshots on the American Right such as Glenn Beck have to frame it in the most servile shades of Judaic-worship.

Here below, in Goldmann’s piece, we see the result of decades of cowardice and groveling -- and it didn’t start with Demjanjuk! Who remembers that in 1986, Pat Buchanan’s plaster saint, President Ronald Reagan, keelhauled 86-year-old anti-communist Andrija Artukovic to Communist Yugolslavia on a hospital gurney? All is forgotten, Ronnie, your icon still shines in the living rooms of amnesiacs.

After the Israeli mass murder in Jenin in Palestine, when the Israelis were threatened with a war crimes investigation, Israeli leader Shimon Peres, himself a mass murderer, declared, “No one will judge Israel!”

How right he was. From Reagan to Beck, the heroes of the Right, as much as the Marxists and Socialists of the Left, never have managed to “judge” a single war criminal from among the “Holy People.” Meanwhile, we sit on our hands as Demanjauk is wheeled on a hospital bed  into a German courtroom day after day, to the absolute unalloyed joy and applause of the Goldmanns of the world.

Do me one favor, folks. Don’t blame the Zionists for this state of affairs. We are to blame! We, the gutless wimps who have not one-thousandth of the  solidarity, vision, fearlessness, tenacity and organization of our enemies. I don’t believe in Darwin’s evolutionary doctrine, or in his "survival of the fittest" theory. But if I did believe in it, as many “white nationalist” Rightists do, I would be forced to concede that it is Judaics who are the fittest survivors of the evolutionary muck and mire.

If they don’t awaken, then the so-called Aryans are heading for the trash dump of history where they will fulfill the only testosterone-fueled role still open to them in a kashrut world — as rabbinic golem against the Muslims and Arabs. In that realm they are still permitted to exhibit all the lusty aggression and racial and religious animosities of the past.

Meanwhile, the crucifixion of John Demjanjuk proceeds seamlessly, day by day, in the cozy confines of a Munich courtroom, business as usual in the eternal enterprise that is rabbinic revenge.

Hoffman’s work is funded solely by donations and the sale of his books, newsletters and lectures.

Nov. 12, 2010