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GOP Rep. Urges Manning's Execution (video)

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Speaking to the Michigan-based radio WHMI on Monday, Republican Rep. Mike Rogers said that Private Bradley Manning, who is held at the Quantico Marine Corps Base in northern Virginia, deserves the capital punishment.'

Read more: GOP Rep. Urges Manning's Execution

Note, Rogers says not a word about all the civilian deaths at the hands of the US and other military that were hidden until the leak exposed them. Ahh, but those killers have uniforms on, don't they, Mr Rogers, and carry the badge of the US Corporation masquerading as a government? 

You don't execute your fodder in uniform for killing the innocent, you give them a medal, right? 

But anyone with the guts (a foreign language to Mr Rogers) to expose the mass murder and deceit perpetrated by the uniforms and dark suits deserves the electric chair.  

Mass murder doesn't matter, only the public being alerted to it.  

Afghan civilian murders are irrelevant aren't they, Mr Rogers? After all, they've got brown faces, right?


August 5, 2010