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Kill Them...Kill Them All

Mike Malloy

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Dick Cheney -- and some of us have been saying this for years -- is a bloodthirsty killer, an honest-to-god murderer who, when given the chance, will kill with impunity and without remorse.

Yesterday, as he continues his "Goddamit, I'm Innocent Tour - 2009,″ he spoke at the National Press Club in Washington, and, as he does each time he opens his mouth, he further indicted himself on future charges of war crimes -- charges that will have to be brought by a government other than ours since ours is run by cowards and possible co-conspirators.

According to the Washington Times (owned by the Korean crazy man the Rev. Sun Myung  Moon -- who sees himself as the latest incarnation of Christ) Cheney said Monday the only alternative to holding some suspected terrorists indefinitely would be to execute them, arguing against the Obama administration's plans to close the Guantanamo detainee prison.   "If you're going to be engaged in a world conflict such as we are, such as the global war on terrorism, if you don't have a place where you can hold these people, your only other option is to kill them," he said, his eyes darting wildly around the room. And, then, sneeringly, caustically, the words dripping with irony and sarcasm, the cyborg killer added, "And we don't operate that way."

"We don't operate that way," he said. And, in fact, he's being honest. Cheney never, ever operates that way, in the open, with witnesses, using some code of conduct whether it's political, religious, military, or something devised by Giant Spiders. No, Cheney operates in the darkness where sounds are muffled and the screams are quickly silenced. Ask our new commander in Afghanistan, Lt. General Stanley McChrystal. He might know. In fact, he could probably reveal a great deal about the former Vice. For example, the whereabouts of Mr. Cheney during those long, unexplained absences that were so frequent during the administration of President Chucklenuts.

In an article published May 16, 2009, titled, "McChrystal was Cheney's Chief Assassin" it was reported? suggested? revealed? that . . .

Dick Cheney headed a secret assassination wing and the head of the wing has recently been named as the new commander in Afghanistan. In an interview with Gulf News (the Persian Gulf's largest daily English language newspaper) Pulitzer prize-winning investigative journalist, Seymour Hersh, said that there is a special unit called the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) that does high-value targeting [killing] of men that are known to be involved in anti-American activities, or are believed to be planning such activities. According to Hersh, the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) was headed by former US vice president Dick Cheney and the former head of JSOC, Lieutenant General Stanley McChrystal who has just been named the new commander in charge of the war in Afghanistan.

You believe that shit? I certainly do. Of course, one must presume that Lt. General McChrystal would never, ever rat out his former handler. Not even under conditions of, um, enhanced interrogation. No, the Lt. General will keep mum on who was "targeted" (back in the day it was called "terminated with extreme prejudice"), who ordered the hit, when, where, and how it was accomplished.

But, there is a partial record, of sorts. Human Rights Watch has documented one particularly grisly form of murder. (And I am sure it was ordered -- please forgive my jumping to conclusions -- by Vice.) Death by Shipping Container...

An interrogator at Camp Nama (Afghanistan) known as Jeff described locking prisoners in shipping containers for 24 hours at a time in extreme heat; exposing them to extreme cold with periodic soaking in cold water; bombardment with bright lights and loud music; sleep deprivation; and severe beatings.

The "extreme heat" referred to inside the containers were temperatures in excess of 140 degrees Fahrenheit. (Consider where the containers were located: The Afghanistan desert.) At that point human flesh begins to slowly cook. When the shipping containers were opened in the early morning, the corpses would be shoveled out into canvas bags for burial in the desert.

And, of course, Death by Shipping Container was only one method of murder ordered by (please forgive my jumping to conclusions -- again) Vice. There was also plain, old fashioned beating.

Ah, it just goes on and on, doesn't it? The tales of absolute horror slowly leaking out; Dick Cheney continuing his "Goddamit, I'm Innocent Tour - 2009″; the Democratic Party leadership in the House, the Senate and the White House utterly refusing to order an inquiry, a hearing, an investigation.

So, where do you suppose it'll all end?

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Author's Bio: Mike Malloy is a former writer and producer for CNN (1984-87) and CNN-International (2000). His professional experience includes newspaper columnist and editor, writer, rock concert producer and actor. He is the only radio talk show host in America to have received the A.I.R (Achievement in Radio) Award in both Chicago and New York City, the number three and number one radio markets in the country. His radio experience includes the 50,000 watt blow-torches in both the South and the Midwest, respectively WSB-AM in Atlanta and WLS-AM in Chicago, and as one of the original hosts on Air America - a two-year-long association that ended in a massive train wreck. Mike's nationally-syndicated program can now be heard weeknights on affiliates of the Nova M Network and on XM Satellite and Sirius Satellite Radio as well as on live Internet streaming. It is not difficult to pigeon-hole Malloy politically. Generally speaking, he is a traditional Liberal Democrat doing his part to return the Democratic Party to its Liberal roots.