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John O'Neill: Assassinated Head Investigator Of The USS Cole Attack

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John O’Neill's Background

He had been with the FBI for 20 years, and was involved in investigating a number of terrorist cases, including the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. He was considered the FBI’s top man on terrorism. In the late 1990’s, he became very attuned to Israel’s involvement in many terror operations. [and finally found out the truth of the matter????]

Following the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, he had become the foremost expert on the global threat from terrorism 
Abu Nidal

Abu Nidal was the leader of the infamous Black September terror organization, and spent 30 years hijacking jets and planting bombs for Israel intelligence. O'Neill suspected Abu Nidal was a Mossad operative and talked openly about it with other field agents. 


O'Neill Was Sent To Investigate the USS Cole Attack

He took a team of FBI agents to Yemen, where his investigation pointed to Israeli involvement. 

Bodine, who is Jewish, was the Ambassador to Yemen. When the USS Cole was attacked, the FBI sent a team led by John O’Neill who immediately suspected Israeli involvement. Bodine started an intense political battle to oust O’Neill.

Bodine wanted to control the investigation, and resented the fact that suddenly there were hundreds of FBI personnel in the country. Albright provided a handful of State Department personnel to watch the investigation. 


Albright and Bodine Panic as O’Neill Investigation Points to Israel

Albright complains to upper echelons of the FBI about O'Neill. [Figures...Albright is in on the cover-up too.]

Bodine wanted O'Neill to drop his bodyguards and he became suspicious of Mossad assassination. Bodine and Madeleine Albright finally went to the Zionist Jewish FBI Director, Louis Freeh, to remove John O'Neill from Yemen.  [Of course: we lose MANY good people everyday, including set-up soldiers to fights their Faction-1 and Faction-2 wars, to NWO/dark Illuminati.]  Then January 2001 came, and O'Neill wanted to go back to Yemen. But, Ambassador Bodine wouldn't give him clearance. In July 2001, O’Neill resigned from the FBI. 


Larry Silverstein Offered Him a Job
In September of 2001, mere days before 9/11, he got a job offer from Larry Silverstein (owner of WTC). Oddly, O'Neill was missing for two days before 9/11 –miraculously his body was discovered in tact in the WTC ruins.