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Alert: Email Veiled Threat From KK

Mary Neal

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----- Original Message -----
From: Mary Neal
Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 3:20 PM
Subject: [WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED] Fw: Alert: Email veiled threat from KK
Ours is the only American family in the 21st century to have a member secretly arrested and returned a corpse with no explanation, excuse, full autopsy report, arrest records, and denied any investigation.  We got The Cochran Firm to represent us against Shelby County Memphis Jail after this atrocity - the wrongful death of Larry Neal (Google it).


I have a court order that there is NO COCHRAN FIRM OFFICE IN GEORGIA.  I was allowed to sue in United States District Court on a Diversity basis, meaning that I sued based on the premise that there was no Cochran Firm office at all in Georgia - and the court took the suit and The Cochran Firm raised no objection to my filing diversity.  EVERYONE WAS AGREED THEY DID NOT EXIST HERE.  See


Now they are ready to resume their identity as The Cochran Firm Atlanta, although they never really stopped existing at all - just a ruse to dodge our family's fraud lawsuit after the firm tricked us, signed contract with us after the secret arrest and wrongful death of Larry Neal in Shelby County Jail Memphis TN. 

I get threatening emails about kidnappings, asbestos poisoning, and induced cancers (like Johnnie Cochran died from four years ago come March).

The "new" Cochran Firm kept our lawsuit inactive for 10.5 months while the statute of limitations was passing (only 12 mo. in TN), and then admitted that the managing partner of The Cochran Firm in Memphis actually worked as a County Commissioner and that the County Commission owned and operated the jail.


It gets worse:  The jail was under USDOJ overview after abuses to inmates.  Once the Johnnie Cochran Firm got our case, no report was filed from the Jail about Larry's death at all, as was required by the terms of USA v. Shelby County Jail.  Then I contacted the USDOJ and asked for the report on Larry's death, and they told me there was none made by the jail.  Thing is, The Cochran Firm apparently used its position as our legal agents to trick us and let the time pass along for 10.5 mo. to save the jail, but even after we reported Larry's death to the USDOJ, they did nothing.


Now The Cochran Firm is on YouTube with commercials.  See my videos made for protection and their new videos uploaded on 2/17 at YouTube.  Type in their search:  The Cochran Firm.


This makes us all very nervous because we have a Court Order of nonexistence for that Atlanta office, and they are ready to resume being that now.  I have been stalked through emails and in person.  Police did not come the hour I waited terrified while surrounded by four cars of men and a USDOT truck on 9/27/08.  On 11/9/08, Duanna Johnson, the transgender woman who was suing Shelby County Jail for being beaten (on film), was executed near her home.  I have stayed home ever since.  Now there are new neighbors in four houses across the street from me (foreclosures)

, but no for sale or for rent signs went up.  The folks drive new cars with driveout tags, and most of the folks who come to their homes have drive out tags.  The folks don't seem to work - always home.  One man sits in his truck facing my home for hours in the cold, just looking.  Here is the email I got last night from KK:


--- On Fri, 2/27/09, K K <> wrote:

From: K K <>

Subject: I sent you beads for Mardi Gras


Date: Friday, February 27, 2009, 5:16 PM


See my articles about all of this at .  Type Mary Neal in their search field at NowPublic.


Mary Neal

On Sat, 2/28/09, Mary Neal <> wrote:

From: Mary Neal <>

Subject: Alert: Email veiled threat from KK

To:,, "AFRO-REVOLUTIONARY (PANTHER)" <>, "jmalo torriel" <>,,,, "PanAfrican Films" <>,,,, "bcu" <>,, "int'l human rights org" <>,,, "Prison Abuse" <>

Date: Saturday, February 28, 2009, 3:18 PM