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Never Forget This TRUE American Hero and His Unexpjlained Death

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It has been alleged that Pat Tillman, the man who gave up a multi-million dollar pro football contract to fight in Afghanistan after 9-11 and protect his country, was present when the military found Bin Laden and his group in Tora Bora. As this Captain America-type hero and his platoon prepared to go in and get this villain, they were ordered to hold off, while Pakistani Troops airlifted Bin Laden to safety. Tillman was not prevented from going in due to enemy gunfire as it was falsely reported, it was due to the orders of his own superiors, IN THE US ARMY!

It is said that when he realized that we really did not want to catch Bin Laden, and he began to loudly complain that the war was a hoax, he was soon thereafter found dead. After all, if this man spoke of the truth about Bin Laden in Tora Bora, with his unquestionable integrity, he could be a severe blow to the credibility of this war and this administration. This was not a person they could claim was a "liberal" or "Bush-hater," he was a true-blue American hero and he was impeachable.

The Army first claimed that Tillman was killed "bravely charging up a hill." They even had soldiers perjure themselves with wild stories of Tillman in battle that later proved to all be false. But the family's subsequent investigation proved such stories to be complete fabrications. Then the government came up with a second story. It too proved to be a lie. The last I looked, the government was on the 7th lie and they still can not seem to find the truth. Bush has been questioned in public and every time, he stumbles over his own lies and ineptitude, scrambling away from discussing the issue as fast as he can. In truth, Tillman was shot to the head - 3 times - at close range. In essence, he was executed.

Could it be true that Bin Laden has always been the C I A boogeyman used to justify a bogus war, and Bush and his cronies had to protect the real truth? After all, trillions of dollars have been made by international bankers and defense contractors, and dark political objectives of control have been furthered on the American people, all due to this war. You certainly can not believe that the "loans" from China, Russia, the Middle Eastern Nations, and even Mexico are really from those nations, do you? The money is being loaned by the international banking cartel, just like 100 times in history, but this time through other nations who are acting as their front men - of course, for a piece of the action.

Remember, Bin Laden and the elements of AlQueda were trained by our intel agencies, the Bin Ladens are CLOSE friends of the Bush family; that the BUSH family leader, Prescott Bush, was one of Hitler's top financial advisors; that the Bush family name is alleged to originally be Scherf, and only later changed to Bush as they came to America.

Who are these international bankers and corporate globalists? They are the current members of the Bildeberg group, they are the elites who attend Bohemian Grove, they are the high-level freemasons, they are the families who own the Federal Reserve Banking cartel. They are the relatives of other evil men found in American history. In 1934 General Stanley Butler, a man who admitted to many atrocities in the name of American corporate interests, finally had enough of being a "friend" of these elites, and ultimately foiled a plot of these banking and corporate elites from taking over the government and instituting a fascist regime in the US.

Are we so sure that the decedents of these men, filled with the same spirit of greed and a thirst for power, are not influencing and controlling our government this very day? President Eisenhower certainly thought so as late as 1961.

Kennedy spoke of Secret Societies that were tremendous threats to our American freedoms.

..and then he was killed by Oswald... errr.. nawww... The Commission (read "Farewell America" by James Hepburn - a book that should be mandatory reading for every single American).

Now, after 7 different explanations about Tillman's death, all of which proved to be lies, when pressed for truth, the White House has apparently claimed Executive Privilege so it will not have to cooperate with the congressional investigation on the matter. Will someone please tell me how do the falsified reports of Tillman's death, coached and perjured testimony of soldiers, and White House lies regarding the death of soldier Pat Tillman give a cause for invoking Executive Privilege? Are these thugs in suits merely covering up their lies? Doesn't America deserve to know? Don't the Tillmans? Don't you think that maybe these constant bogus claims of "National Security" and/or the claim of "Executive Privilege" to cover up for endless government corruption and lies is getting justa little bit old?

This president and his cronies are criminals - nothing but mafia thugs in suits and under the color of authority - catering to a banking and corporate elite who are systematically destroying our great nation one war at a time - one bank collapse at a time - one sell-out to foreign entities at a time. The Clintons are part of it, Obama is part of it, McCain, the vast majority of the congress is part of it, much of the president-appointed federal judiciary is part of it. They are all bought and paid for by the real powers behind the scenes - the banking elite and the corporate elite who always radically profit from these scam wars, engineered "financial crisis"and from ever greater controls over us. The federal government no longer belongs to "We, the People" - it is run by criminals.

What can you do? Be a voice for change and a total return to the constitution - DEMAND IT! Get this word out - become involved again - care once again more than just about yourself, but for your country and your countrymen. You have been intentionally conditioned to be silent - to do nothing - to just sit and stare like a deer in the headlights. We are at a critical point in our history. What will you do?. America - can anything ever awaken your spirit?