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McCain’s Funeral was a Disgusting Exercise in Historical Revisionism


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September 02, 2018 "Information Clearing House" John McCain’s death has inspired a slew of whitewashed obituaries, cringe worthy plaudits and declarations of love from both sides of the political divide — but as historical revisionism goes, his funeral was a step too far.

If there is anyone who owns the right to whitewash John McCain’s legacy, it is his daughter, Meghan McCain. In her hour of grief, we can permit her to rewrite her father’s personal history, to cast him as a hero among men. That much is to be expected — and few would take much issue with it.

But we cannot permit her to stand in front of the world, on the huge platform that she has been given, to rewrite and whitewash the Vietnam War — and that is exactly what she attempted to do at her father’s funeral.