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Dave Hodges

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May 2, 2013


Gregory H. Stanton. Originally presented as a briefing paperat the US State Department in 1996 in which he postulated that there are eight discreet and overlapping stages which a society passes through on the way to manifesting genocidal behavior. Part one of this series discussed the first four stages. This part of the series discussed the fifth stage, polarization.

Stage Five: Polarization

Stanton states that in stage five, extremists drive the groups apart and begin to broadcast polarizing propaganda. The corporate controlled media does a wonderful job of doing just this very thing  every single day. Immediately, after the bombs were exploded at the Boston Marathon, one of the major CIA’s mouthpieces, Wolf Blitzer speculated on air if the bombs were detonated by a “patriot group”.

Further, the media would have one believe that anyone who wants a real investigation into Sandy Hook is a “conspiracy theorist”, as if investigations are somehow an extremist act. Since 95%+ of the major media is owned by the globalists, should we be surprised that the media is a tremendous polarizing agent?

Also in stage five, Stanton postulates that extremist operatives target the moderates from one’s own group in order to eliminate any derivation of the mission from within. Generally speaking, moderates are in a position to be the most able people capable of stopping the coming genocide. Therefore, anyone who is perceived to not be on board, are the first to be marginalized, arrested and killed.      

Although Obama is not presently murdering dissenting moderates within his ranks who are not on board with his brand of tyranny, he is purging senior officers in the command ranks of the military for the slightest disagreement with him.  . 



The Late Ambassador

The Late Ambassador

Last fall, Obama purged two senior command officers in the Middle East in a potential war zone, thus risking these very commands. Subsequently, Obama needlessly endangered a large portion of the military in favor of establishing his absolute dominance over his subordinates.


Obama fiddled, with regard to the threat at Benghazi,  and subsequently, Ambassador Stephens was murdered. The former commander of AFRICOM, General Carter Ham, and the commander of Carrier Task Force Three, Admiral Charles M. Gayouette, were fired when they attempted to rescue Chris Stephens in violation of their orders. However, the reckless and unprecedented action of firing these commanders came at a critical time in the Middle East as the US was making hints at attacking Syria and Iran at the time. Despite the high levels of tension in the Middle East, Obama was willing to sacrifice military leadership to purge two commanders who refused to be his accomplice to the murder of Ambassador Stephens. In addition, General Joseph Dunford, the Marine Corps’ second in command, suddenly stepped down as well, presumably because he also took issue with idly standing by while a group of barbarians raped and killed an American ambassador. Further, CIA Director, David Patreaus was fired during the same time frame for having an extramarital affair. Nobody, but the CNN Kool-aid drinkers, believes the official explanation for the Patreaus departure. Obama has purged 17 senior level officers.Soldiers who attempt to rescue and ambassador against orders, might be hesitant to give the order to fire upon unarmed American citizens when given the directive from the President.

Although Obama is not murdering the moderates under his command, he is removing them from positions of power nonetheless and as such, is accomplishing the polarization he desperately seeks.

civil disobedience

Stanton’s genocidal theory presupposes that all polarization emanates from the government. However, polarization can be a two way street. If the government, through a series of provocations, such as passing extreme gun control/gun confiscation legislation, can force the people to take to the streets, the same objectives can be achieved. In other words, is the current administration pushing a sizable number of citizens to react violently? Is Obama trying to force America into a winner take all civil war? Before you would say no, I would invite you to decide for yourself as you take a look at the April 28th poll run by Farleigh Dickinson University’s Public Mind Poll.  Registered voter participants were surveyed on whether they believe it will necessary to revolt against government in order to protect our liberties. The results are stunning and are revealed below.


public mind poll rebellion

These results are indeed quite telling in that 30% of surveyed registered voters feel that an armed revolution is may be necessary in order to protect our American liberties. Over 44% of Republicans answered yes, while only 18% of democrats answered in the affirmative.

Polarization can occur at several levels and the Obama administration, at the behest of his puppeteers, are doing a marvelous job of polarizing the country.

Therefore, I have concluded that this administration is in the process of meeting the fifth goal of polarization. This process is not completed but it definitely is a work in progress.

Polarization can occur at several levels and the Obama administration, at the behest of his puppeteers, are doing a marvelous job of polarizing the country.

Therefore, I have concluded that this administration is in the process of meeting the fifth goal of polarization. This process is not completed but it is definitely a work in progress.


So far, this administration’s report card, is five for five, with regard to the first five stages of Stanton’s blueprint for America’s coming genocide.

Part three will examine stage six, the Preparation stage, of this blueprint leading to national genocide.