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Global Fascism...Or 'Codex Alimentarius'

Cavid Icke

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national law'. We keep hearing questions like: 'Is it within international law?' 'Was it against international law?' 'Would it breach international law?' It's like everything is okay, so long as it's in line with 'international law'. However, it is worth remembering that the global Orwellian state is being created through 'international law' - the law that everyone on earth is supposed to obey. It is not whether the law is 'international' or applies only to your neighbourhood. The question is whether it is fair, just, or even necessary. To hear some people, you would think that slaughtering hundreds of thousands in Iraq is wrong if it breaches international law, but fine if it complies. Crazy. Slaughtering people is evil and no law can stop it being so.

Now we are having 'international law' imposed on health and food supplements which means that those at the centre control everything. In this case, the 'centre' is the global pharmaceutical cartel or 'Big Pharma', which is targeting everyone and everything that it doesn't currently control. Big Pharma doesn't want people to reject the scalpel and the drug for other treatments and where they can't destroy something, such as health food stores and food and vitamin supplements, they buy them up and turn them into corporate chains that no longer sell the quality of what was there before.

One of Big Pharma's main attacks on personal choice and health freedom is something called the Codex Alimentarius, which is Latin for 'food code' or 'food book'. It is the work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. This is controlled by the pharmaceutical cartel, the World Health Organisation (itself controlled by the pharmaceutical cartel) and the United Nations, the creation of the Illuminati bloodlines.

It claims, using the usual Orwellian language, to be seeking international 'harmonisation' in health and food supplements. The real deal is to criminalise health products and information about them that are not under Big Phama control and to severely limit dosages to the point where taking them will be a waste of time and money.

The laws decided by this Big Pharma cartel would replace those in your country and they are enforceable through the Illuminati World Trade Organisation that can impose massive fines and trade sanctions on nations that don't comply. The legislation and agreements for this were being quietly put into place while the world was watching Friends, The Price is Right, football or baseball, or being diverted by the latest celebrity 'news'.

Under the so-called 'Uruguay Round' of GATT, the predecessor of the World Trade Organisation, countries agreed to 'harmonise' their laws with 'international standards', including those demanded by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The agreement says:

Members are fully responsible under this Agreement for the observance of all provisions ... members shall formulate and implement positive measures and mechanisms in support of the observance of the provision .... by other than central government bodies. [WTO TBT Agreement at Article 3.5]

This means that, in the United States for example, the Codex regulations must be introduced by state as well as the federal government. Anything that talks about 'harmonisation' is Newspeak for global laws that every country must obey and it is happening everywhere. The introduction of the Codex Alimentarius will mean:

Dietary supplements cannot be sold for preventive or therapeutic use.

Potencies would be limited to extremely low dosages. Only Big Pharma would have the right to produce and sell the higher potency products and dictate the price.

Prescriptions would be required for anything above extremely low doses.

Common foods such as garlic and peppermint would be classified as drugs, or a third category (neither food nor drugs) that only Big Pharma could regulate and sell. Any food with any therapeutic effect can be considered a drug.

Codex regulations for dietary supplements would become binding with all escape clauses eliminated.

All new dietary supplements would be banned unless they go through Codex testing and approval.

Nearly all food must be irradiated.

Genetically altered food would be sold worldwide without labelling.

John Hammell, founder of International Advocates for Health Freedom, said this of the consequences:

If Codex Alimentarius has its way, then herbs, vitamins, minerals, homeopathic remedies, amino acids and other natural remedies you have taken for granted most of your life will be gone. The name of the game for Codex Alimentarius is to shift all remedies into the prescription category so they can be controlled exclusively by the medical monopoly and its bosses, the major pharmaceutical firms.

The Codex laws would define dietary supplements as toxins and not as foods, as they are now. This means they would go through toxicology testing which is designed to ensure that a substance has no discernible effect on the body. Taking those supplements that remain available would, therefore, be next to useless. Many supplements currently available would be banned and illegal to consume.

All dairy cows worldwide would have to be treated with Monsanto's recombinant bovine growth hormone and all animals produced for food, whether with 'feet, fins or feathers', will have to be given antibiotics – even those from organic producers. Seven out of nine cancer-causing organic chemicals known as 'Pops', or Persistent Organic Pollutants, which are banned in 176 countries, including the United States, will be allowed again by Codex Alimentarius because it overrides all national laws.

It is estimated by official studies that billions of people will die from starvation and preventable disease as a consequence of the Codex laws.

It is nothing less than global fascism and so how appropriate that Codex Alimentarius was instigated by those who controlled I.G. Farben, the pharmaceutical cartel at the heart of the Nazi war machine. It ran the concentration camp at Auschwitz. The cartel was made up of corporations like BASF, Bayer and Hoechst, which, of course, still exist today. I.G. Farben was the biggest single funder of Hitler's election and made fantastic profits from the Second World War. A US government investigation in 1946 concluded that, without I.G. Farben, the war in which more than 50 million died would not have been possible. It also used concentration camp inmates to test unsafe pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines that killed many.

The Nuremberg War Crime Tribunal prosecuted 24 Farben executives and board members for crimes against humanity, including mass murder and slavery. Telford Taylor, the US lead prosecutor at Nuremberg said of the Farben executives:

Not the Nazi lunatics but these accused are responsible for this war. And if they are not punished for these crimes the harm they will do to future generations is much greater than Hitler could ever have done if he were alive.

That is precisely what they have done. Those that Telford Taylor condemned and warned about were allowed to resume their posts with Hoechst, Bayer and BASF, the 'Farben Three', thanks to Nelson Rockefeller, US Undersecretary of State and former Farben business partner.

One of them, Fritz ter Meer, the highest-ranked 'scientist' on the Farben board, had said of human experiments in the concentration camps: 'Forced labour did not inflict any remarkable injury, pain, or suffering on the detainees, particularly since the alternative for these workers would have been death'. It was ter Meer who devised the slogan at the entrance to Auschwitz: 'Arbeit mach frei' ('Work makes you free').

This same Fritz ter Meer was released after serving four years of a seven-year sentence and was reinstated to the supervisory board at Bayer in 1955 before becoming chairman a year later. It was ter Meer and other executives of BASF, Bayer and Hoechst who were behind the creation of Codex Alimentarius that was officially launched in 1963. They set out to control food because that meant control of the people.

In countries where these Codex regulations have already been adopted, the health food industry has been taken over by Big Pharma and herbs sold as food have become illegal drugs if the corporations are not involved. In Norway, only a single government-controlled pharmacy is allowed to import supplements, now called 'medicines', which they can sell to the stores. As a result of Codex, Shering-Plough, the Norway pharmaceutical giant, controls an Echinacea tincture, which is being sold as an over-the-counter drug at outrageously inflated prices.

Codex Alimentarius laws also already apply in Germany and its health food industry has been taken over by the drug companies. Vitamin C above 200 mg, vitamin E above 45 IU, vitamin B1 over 2.4 mg, are all illegal and it's the same with the others. It is a criminal offence to sell herbs as foods in parts of Europe and it is equated to selling illegal drugs. Canadian politician, Paul Hellyer, says in his book, The Evil Empire:

Codex Alimentarius is supported by international banks and multinational corporations including some in Canada, and is in reality a Bill of rights for these banks and the corporations they control. It will hand over our sovereign rights concerning who may or may not invest in our countries to an unelected world organization run by big business. The treaty would make it impossible for Canadian legislators either federal or provincial to alter or improve environmental standards for fear of being sued by multinational corporations whether operating in Canada or not.

This will create a world without borders ruled by a virtual dictatorship of the world's most powerful central banks and multinational companies. This world is an absolute certainty if we all sit on our hands and do nothing.

The Codex Alimentarius laws are due to go into global effect on December 31st 2009.