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Washington State Bill & News

Brenna Hill

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legislation that addresses the unfair attacks on health care providers simply because they are using a procedure (treatment, diagnostic, philosophy) that someone disagrees with (most are cases where there is no patient harm or even patient complaint).

This bill has real “teeth” to it and will offer stronger protection to licensed practitioners from needless investigations and “fishing expeditions” – simply because they are integrative practitioners. This is model language (along with our process) that we intend of using with our state chapters.

We have STRONG support from members of the state senate health committee and have ALL but one of the health committee members as supporters (but we still need your help!). Furthermore, the Health & Long Term Care Chair is the main sponsor and other leaders are also cosponsors such as the Majority Whip, the Republican Deputy Leader and Republican Caucus Chair, among others!

There is already a hearing scheduled for Thursday, January 25th on this and other related bills and we’ll keep you updated.

Can you take even more news? Our health freedom bill for nonlicensed practitioners is in the final stages and we are expecting it to be introduced by the end of the month.

This is remarkable progress and I hope you join us in our excitement. There is still more news coming and we’ll be sure to keep you informed!


If you’re a Washington state citizen, please write your state senator and let them know you support the bill. CLICK HERE!

Are you able to attend the hearing to support health freedom? The hearing is 10 am on Thursday the 25th in Olympia Senate Hearing Room 4, J A Cherberg building. If you're planning on attending, let us know by emailing

If any of your contacts are Washington state citizens, please forward this message and encourage them to take action. CLICK HERE!

No matter where you live, please consider joining AAHF (or making a donation) to help us with our efforts in Washington and in other states.

Brenna Hill

Executive Director

Health Freedom Foundation and American Association for Health Freedom

4620 Lee Highway, Suite 210

Arlington, VA 22207


Fax: 703.294.6380