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Sulfur: A Cure for Disease (Updated Nov. 11, 2006)

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. Never a preliminary hearing because the Mayor I was supposed to have threatened refused to testifyto any threats, Mayor Rocky Anderson wrote " Patrick you never threatened me."

We are all sulfur deficient thanks to the use of ammonium nitrates and sulfates which were developed by Farbin I.G. in 1938 for two American oil Men whose names rhyme with Bush and Rockefeller. But that is political stuff and we terrorists are urged to refrain from such inanities. The West Nile Region of Africa will look like paradise compared to Sub Saharan Africa if the Gates Foundation moves forward to utilizechemical fertilizers offered by the Rockefeller Group in the Greening of Africa. I see a land grab in the works once the Black Man has been decimated from the Dark Continent. Just an opinion, based on research as to "What really causes AIDS" ( Harold D Foster Ph.D is the author. )

But of possible interest are the preliminary findings of the Live BloodStudy and itsobservational research into organic sulfur as a way to recreate the sulfur cycle with-in our own bodies. 1100 members of the Study since 1999, roughly 60% have persisted in taking sulfur continuously or for at least 18 months. Some have stoppedbecause they now feel so much better that they don't feel they need anything other than "good" food air and exercise. 157 days of bad food, little air an no exerciseconvinced me why sulfur is the forth most abundant mineral for all living organismsand to be without it can be unhealthy.

The following figures are from memory being that the Salt Lake Citypolice trashed the Study's data base looking for terroristic stuff which could be used to prosecute a poor mineral deficient crazy dude. I have been lithium deficient controlled with lithium carbonate since 1969. And without it I am "over the top." But as LInus Pauling stated in 1990 "If we search carefully every disease we will find a mineraldeficiency as its cause." Yet I have not found one word regarding sulfur in the writings of the man known most for his work with Vitamin C.

From memory, 54 open heart procedures cancelled after as little as 6 weeks of organic sulfur due to a return to normal EKG.13 Orthopedic surgical procedures cancelled due to a resolution of the pain in hips knees and shoulders.One man who had been on a morphine drip and MSM for pain caused by a faileddisc fusion no longer is relying on morphine or MSM to control his pain the organic sulfur has proven very effective and his motility has improved greatly.

One case of liver regeneration after 15 months of sulfur was verified by liver biopsy,he had been battling the Hep C virus for 25 years. Even though it appears the USGovernment is responsible for infecting Vietnam Vets with the Hep C virus at a rate20 times greater than any other group world wide they are not offering a solution tothese veterans. They are not candidates for transplant. We in the Study have discovered two doctors one in New Mexico and an Alchemist in the Bay Area who also have observed liver regeneration with sulfur based amino acids from natural sources. ( Names available upon request )

The Study is still looking for someone who is HIV positive to test our theory of howto stop the syndrome of AIDS since you first published that same theory back in 2002. The amount of sulfur has been updated to 50 grams twice daily. We have had 30 people who have undergone chemotherapy for cancer with no side effects to the Chemo and radically lower cancer cells counts than previously observed. A few cases of cancer only treated with oxygen as enabled by sulfur are also significant. Like viruses cancer is anaerobic and hates intracellular oxygen as it prevents the abilityof the cancer cells to regenerate..

All of the known entities that respond to "clean" or unaltered methylsulphonylmethanehave been observed but cellular regeneration even of lung tissue is what we have beenmost interested in and are looking for more members so that our data when reconstructedand expanded will be significant when published.

But something we never expected has been made crystal clear thanks to the responsesfrom those members who take sulfur and would not go a day without it, they no longertake any of the drugs advertised on the Tube for which Pharma boasted $200 billion dollars of net profits in 2004 nor do they suffer any of the myriad of side effects that those drugs "offer."

Cellular regeneration is not an overnight proposition, it takes seven years for all of the cellsin the body human to regenerate. We began life as one cell and created all of the cells which makes the body human in roughly 9 month in the womb, and when not scarred or damaged we continue to regenerate those cells until we die. Those cells have two oxygen

sources, one the pulmonary / cardiovascular and the other lymphatic, and sulfur though effective on both enables more oxygen through the lymphatic system via the stomach. The air we breathe is for our organs not our superstructure "the beef" and bones.

I realize that your current thrust is political with the elections coming up next Tuesdayand as the war rages on but consider this, the profits that could be in peril thanks to organicsulfur elected only red state representatives. The Drug industry has not even supported Dear Hillary, they sleep with profit mongers who care not how someone dies as longas they have paid their deductibles.

No virus can replicate in cells which have adequate amounts of oxygen as enabled by organic sulfur to be transported across the cell membrane ( David Gregg of has an interesting article "MSM and DMSO the biological transport pair.")Whether cancer, a virus, or any other modality of disease one thing is very important,without oxygen we regenerated unhealthy cells and often we die. In closing "We are what we eat! But where do you get your sulfur if our foods no longer containthis sulfur?

Patrick McGean

Director Live Blood Study and

the Cellular Matrix Study of the

Body Human Project

Anyone interested in joining the Cellular Matrix Study which follows its members with digital face photographs contact the study or phone at801-290-2013

Pure crystal Organic Sulfur is supplied by the Study to its members at a reduced rate.


The Sulfur Cycle Defined by Patrick McGean

From: patrick mcgean

To: patrick bellringer

Date: Nov 6 2006

Three things which make the

issue of the sulfur cycle so prominent to me other

than my son's history of cancer is

the nature of our food supply.

We are what we eat.

1. Fertilizers and pesticide, the former has broken the sulfur

cycle according to the Study, lack of bio availability of

sulfur in the fertilizers and by adding sulfites and sulfates into the atmosphere which cause any available atmospheric sulfur to be chemically bound and no longer bio available.

2. Lack of crop rotation, depletes our soil of nutrients and minerals which can not be replaced with chemicals.

3. Preservatives added to our foods only for self life, not for any nutritional value.

Kevin Trudeau says if you can not pronounce it don't eat. The first official act of the newly formed FDA in 1906 was allowing preservatives in bread. Which may have made the Great Flu of 1912-1918 more deadly.

See where those

who died, lived. Did they bake their own bread?