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The FDA Has Blood on its Hands

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r right to choose healthy alternatives over harmful and deadly patent drugs, and believes Americans should not be prevented form learning about simple ways to improve their health.

This bill puts the burden of proof on the FDA/FTC when it comes to proving that a label or advertisement is false and misleading. As it stands now, the manufacturer has to satisfy an unobtainable standard of proof—as was the case with the American cherry growers a few years ago. The FDA went on a witch-hunt after the growers used evidence from studies funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, to state that cherries have anti-inflammatory properties.

The FDA ruled that the cherry growers could not use that evidence to make these claims. Instead, the FDA approved another dangerous anti-inflammatory drug that went on to take the lives of some 20,000 Americans … Clearly, the FDA does not object to the spilling of blood in the course of maintaining the pharmaceutical status quo.

Big Pharma has the FDA firmly in pocket, and censoring vital information—like the fact that eating 20 cherries has the same effect as popping aspirin or a Cox-2 inhibiting drug—is their only way to stay in business! Perhaps bill H.R. 2117 can get enough traction to stick if enough of us stand firmly behind it, pushing at the rear. May 16, 2007

Dr. Mercola's Comment:

The multi-national drug cartel has cleverly manipulated and controlled the FDA to maximally benefit their bottom line while virtually ignoring the safety of the American public.

Over 80 percent of the FDA's resources are geared toward the approval of new drugs, and only 20 percent for all the rest. Only 5 percent goes to drug safety.

As if that wasn't bad enough, any company that sells supplements, including yours truly, is handcuffed from telling you the truth about supplements because it would make a claim that the FDA did not approve.

Ostensibly this is to "protect" the public, but the reality is that it protects the bottom line of the drug companies and prevents the public from having access to information that could save their lives.

Gary Null has done an excellent job on researching just how extensive this deception is. His book, Death By Medicine, shows how over 2,000 people die every day in the United States from this fatally flawed model.

Fortunately, there is ONE politician who is seeking to put an end to the nonsense.

U.S. presidential candidate, congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) says, "enough is enough," to the Big Pharma Bullies running the FDA. He wants to put an end to the federal bureaucrats' meddling with your right to choose healthy alternatives over harmful and deadly patent drugs, and believes Americans should not be prevented from learning about simple ways to improve their health.

At the same time the FDA went on a witch-hunt against cherry growers for citing evidence that cherries have anti-inflammatory properties, the FDA approved dangerous anti-inflammatory drugs that went on to take the lives of some 20,000 Americans ... Clearly, the FDA does not object to the spilling of blood in the course of maintaining the pharmaceutical status quo.

Big Pharma has the FDA firmly in pocket, and censoring vital information -- like the fact that eating 20 cherries has the same effect as popping aspirin or a Cox-2 inhibiting drug -- is their only way to stay in business! Perhaps bill H.R. 2117 can get enough traction to stick if enough of us stand firmly behind it, pushing at the rear.

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