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FDA Proposal to "Caputre Alternative Procedures and Products as "Medicine" and Make Them Illegal

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ow, it is truly up against the wall time for all of us who use alternative supplements to maintain our health. I don't think many know about these plans. If you think this should be listed on your website, please do because time is short and the more who know about this, the better. Perhaps; just perhaps, we can do something about these plans. At least we can try. From what I have read, parts of Europe have lost their freedom to purchase over the counter vitamins, minerals, etc. and what they can get from their physicians are minuscule in comparison to what the body needs, therefore health is suffering.

Love & Harmony,




Public, professional and industry comments are being accepted on the FDA proposal to "capture" alternative procedures and products as "medicine" and then make them illegal. The history of these

repressive attacks by the FDA makes it clear that public outcry, IN HUGE NUMBERS, is the only effective tool that natural health supporters have to change this disastrous outcome. Comments will be accepted until April 30. By contacting everyone you can reach to ask for their participation in this comment campaign, we can kill this assault on personal health freedom.

This new proposal is designed to redefine every complementary and alternative health care modality and product as "medicine." This has direct implications on the services and products provided by every alternative health care professional. There is no facet of complementary and alternative health care that is not affected.

Essential oils, herbs, herbal remedies, homeopathic remedies, minerals, nutritional supplements, plant enzymes and vitamins are redefined in this proposal as "medicine." Very simply, medicine is

under the jurisdiction of the FDA and, by law, only licensed medical doctors may prescribe "medicines."

Anybody else who advises, advocates, counsels, distributes, markets, recommends or suggests anybody use "medicine" is practicing medicine without a license. This is a felony in the USA punishable by fines and incarceration.

This subtle change of vocabulary from "alternative health care" to "alternative medicine" makes all of these industries subject to control by the FDA as medicine. Only medical doctors would be allowed to provide, prescribe and supervise the delivery of these services.

Anybody else who provided any of these services would be practicing medicine without a license and subject to incarceration and fines.

Natural Solutions Foundation has a form letter that you send or edit

Click on Take Action Now on the left of the page

Link to the actual FDA docket - click on htm