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The Great Calcium Hoax (Updated Oct. 15, 2006)

Dr. Nan Kathryn Fuchs

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d think the rate of osteoporosis would have gone down. But it hasn't. In fact, it's gone up!

Studies show that 9 out of 10 postmenopausal women have osteoporosis to some degree. And over a million of those women suffer from bone fractures every year.

In fact, if you're a woman over 60, your chance of having a hip fracture is equal to your risk of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer combined!

From there, it only gets worse. Half of hip fracture sufferers never regain the ability to walk…and 13% die within 6 months of the fracture.

What's going on here? I'll tell you what's going on. Despite all those messages urging you to drink more milk and take more calcium, the problem isn't that you're getting too little calcium... it's that you're getting too much!

That's right, too much. Here are the facts:

FACT: American women already have one of the highest levels of calcium consumption in the world. They also have one of the highest rates of osteoporosis!

FACT: Women in Asia and India consume just a fraction of the calcium that we do...yet rarely get osteoporosis or arthritis!

FACT: No matter how much calcium you consume, this calcium cannot be absorbed into your bones without the help of magnesium!

Experts estimate that most American women (even those taking mineral supplements) have a magnesium deficiency. Which means that if you're like most women, all that calcium you're taking is not being absorbed! What happens to that extra unabsorbed calcium?

Some gets into your muscles, causing them to contract too much, and even contributing to muscle cramps and "unexplainable" pains ("fibromyalgia")...

Some gets stuck in your joints, where it can cause arthritis...

Some collects in your kidneys, where it can form kidney stones...

And some collects in your arteries, where it forms rock-hard plaque deposits that contribute to heart disease!

So if you want to prevent these ailments, you should take twice as much magnesium as calcium! Here are just a few of the ways magnesium heals your body:

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Health Benefit #1:

It Reverses Osteoporosis...

Several studies show that magnesium not only slows down bone loss but actually reverses it! In one such study, gynecologist Dr. Guy Abraham gave a reversed calcium-to-magnesium formula to several hundred older women. Result: Women in the study increased their bone density by an average of 11%.

When you consider the fact that the average postmenopausal woman loses about 1% of bone mass per year, that means the women in the study actually regained a DECADE'S worth of bone loss!

Health Benefit #2:

It Prevents Heart Attacks...

Heart disease is by far the #1 killer of women. And according to several studies, the vast majority of people who suffer from heart attacks have magnesium deficiencies. I've already told you about how magnesium keeps calcium from building up in your arteries. But that's just the beginning. Magnesium also helps maintain your heart's smooth, regular beat. Here's how:

Magnesium causes muscles to relax ...while calcium causes them to contract. So while a proper balance of calcium and magnesium keeps the heart muscle working properly, an excess of calcium can cause the muscles to contract too much...leading to the muscle spasms we know as a heart attack!

The medical world has long been aware of calcium's dangerous effect on heart muscle. That's why the most widely prescribed heart medications are calcium channel blockers — drugs that prevent calcium from entering your heart.

Well, you don't have to wait for your doctor to try and save your life with those dangerous drugs. You can protect your heart, starting today, by taking magnesium. The prestigious American Heart Journal calls it "nature's calcium channel blocker!"

Additional Health Benefits:

It Relieves Migraines... Insomnia...Depression...And More!

Fighting osteoporosis and preventing heart disease and arthritis are just the tip of the iceberg for this versatile nutrient. Studies show that magnesium is also effective in healing migraine headaches...insomnia...depression... PMS...high blood pressure ...

backache ... constipation ... kidney stones … and chronic fatigue!

What's more, magnesium helps fight food cravings! It's no accident that many women get chocolate cravings before and during their periods. You see, PMS is caused by low levels of magnesium...and cocoa is one of the world's most magnesium-rich foods!

There's a lot more I can tell you about magnesium, but I don't have room to do it here. That's why I'd like to send you a FREE report I've written called New Breakthroughs for Preventing and Reversing Osteoporosis. In it, you'll get the full story on this miraculous mineral and how it can help you.

You'll find out why most mineral supplements on the market contain the wrong amounts of calcium and magnesium. You'll find out the correct dosages to the form of magnesium that is easiest for your body to digest and assimilate. And you'll also find which foods are richest in magnesium...and which foods to avoid. (They bind with magnesium and prevent your body from absorbing it!)

It's all in your Special Report, and with your permission, I'd like to send you a copy absolutely FREE. Why? It's my way of introducing you to the health-boosting information in my monthly advisory, the WOMEN'S HEALTH LETTER.

Health Advice FOR


Why a health letter exclusively for women? Because our health concerns are different from men's. Because our bodies are different from men's. And because so many of the "cures" you read about were designed by men...for men...and were tested only on men!

For example, did you know that many popular prescription drugs have totally different effects on women than they do on men?

It's true! Yet doctors continue to prescribe those drugs...causing us to experience a dizzying array of nasty side effects.

The wide-spread ignorance regarding the female body is astounding! Many doctors treat women as though they were no different than men. Many more go to the opposite extreme — treating you like a bundle of raging hormones that must be tamed and controlled!

And when they can't figure out what's wrong with you, they simply tell you it's "all in your head."

One study found that women are TWICE as likely as men to have their symptoms dismissed as "psychosomatic." Another found that over 70% of all Prozac prescriptions are written for women!

And further studies paint an even bleaker picture of the second-class health treatment we often receive:

One study found that women with kidney failure are 30% less likely to receive a kidney transplant than men!

Another study found that women who have heart attacks are TWICE as likely to die.

Still another study concluded that almost half of all mastectomies could have been treated with a simple lumpectomy!

And still another one concluded that as many as 90% of all hysterectomies are "medically unjustified!" That's 598,000 unnecessary operations per year!

I think women need someone to tell them the truth about their health. That's why I put my heart and soul into every issue of WOMEN'S HEALTH LETTER.

Everything I write in WOMEN'S HEALTH LETTER is 100% independent and unbiased. My newsletter accepts no outside advertising...and I have no financial ties to the medical establishment, the pharmaceutical industry, or the vitamin lobby. That means I'm free to tell you the complete, unvarnished truth about drugs, supplements, and medical procedures.

For example, I recently finished writing a report for my subscribers called…

The Life-Saving Breakthrough That

Goes Beyond Mammograms

For years, the medical establishment has been telling us to get annual mammograms. And for years, many of us have complied. We've let them put our breasts into cold, metal, vice-like contraptions that flatten and mash them without mercy. And we've exposed ourselves to dangerous radiation that may actually increase our risk of cancer!

And for what? The overwhelming evidence shows that mammograms do very little to prevent cancer deaths. Indeed, mammograms can only find that have already grown and reached a certain size. By that time, it's often too late to treat them successfully. So much for early detection!

And here's something even worse: Mammograms squeeze the breasts so hard that encapsulated cancer cells can rupture, causing a dormant cancer to become active and grow! So a test designed to detect cancer can actually give you cancer!

Yes, mammograms are painful, have limited effectiveness, and are potentially dangerous. My personal decision was to stop having them.

Instead, I chose to focus on prevention. I exercised, ate right, and took supplements. I managed the stress in my life. I avoided pesticides, synthetic hormone replacement, and other carcinogens. And I performed regular self-exams.

I didn't like the fact that there was no accurate way to detect breast cancer early. But I took comfort in the fact that I was doing everything I could to prevent this terrible disease.

Then I found out about a safe, painless, non-invasive test that detects cancer years earlier than a mammogram. The test is called Breast Thermography, and it works by taking infrared photos of your breasts.

How it Works

When cells begin to turn cancerous, the surrounding tissues start to create new blood vessels. This is called neoangiogenesis. These new blood vessels carry oxygen and nutrients to the newly formed and extremely hungry cancer cells.

All that blood-flow activity produces additional heat in the area. And this heat can be detected using infrared photography. So the theory is that by finding "hot spots" in the breast, you can identify cancer activity early.

But does this theory hold up in the real world? Some skeptical researchers decided to put thermography to the test. They gave thermograms to 58,000 women and recorded the results. Then they monitored those women for 12 years. Here's what happened:

Most of the women got "normal" readings on their thermograms, and the majority of these women remained cancer-free. But in 1,527 of the women, the thermograms recorded abnormal cell activity. Of those women, almost HALF developed breast cancer within 5 years!

Well, you don't have to hit me over the head to get me to see the importance of something like this. I decided to have a thermogram myself, and to write about it in WOMEN'S HEALTH LETTER.

What Happened Next

Shocked Me

There are times in your life when you look back and realize you made a life-saving decision. I believe this was one of them.

When the results of my thermogram came back, they showed "hot spots" in both of my breasts! The doctor told me I had excess estrogen.

I was stunned. I've been postmenopausal for more than a decade, and my recent blood tests showed that my estrogen levels were low. How had they jumped so high?

The answer is that there's a big difference between blood levels of estrogen and the levels in your breast. Your breast tissue actually produces estrogen, which means you can have a lot of estrogen in your breasts even when you have very little in your blood.

In my case, the extra estrogen was causing precancerous changes in my breasts. These changes would not have shown up on a mammogram for years. In fact, a follow-up mammogram showed nothing. But with thermography, I was able to pick up the problem at its earliest and most treatable stage.

Breast Thermography

Saved My Life

When I found out about the hot spots in my breast, I was frightened. But I was also grateful. I felt as though I was given a chance to save my own life.

My doctors and I went to work immediately. We developed a cancer-fighting program that included natural progesterone cream, plus cancer-fighting supplements like calcium d-glucarate and indole 3-carbinol.

After 5 months, I'm happy to report that my latest thermogram reading has greatly improved. The technician was amazed that most of the hot spots were gone!

I'm scheduled to have another thermogram in a few months, and I'm optimistic that the remaining hot spots will be gone by then. I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, I strongly urge you to get a thermogram yourself.

Listen: when it comes to cancer, the best approach is prevention and early detection. And there's no better tool for early detection than breast thermography.

Unfortunately, most hospitals do not yet offer this life-saving test. That's why I wrote a Special Report that lists the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of reputable thermography centers.

Chances are good that there is one within driving distance of you. You'll get complete details in this report.

Now, let me tell you about …

Weight Loss Supplements:

What Works and What Doesn't

The older we get, the harder it is to keep those inches off our bellies, butts, and thighs. It's no wonder that weight-loss supplements are a $20-billion a year industry!

But do these products really work? Are they safe? I've studied and examined dozens of different weight-loss preparations. The sad truth is that most of them are a bunch of dangerous junk.

There are, however, some notable exceptions that really do work. And while they can't "make the pounds disappear overnight," they can boost your metabolism and decrease your appetite. What's more, some of these supplements can actually flush high-calorie foods out of your body before you even digest them!

So if you're having trouble shedding the pounds …if you keep gaining back the weight you lost …or if you simply want to give your fitness program an extra boost, you might want to try some of these:

Phaseolamin 2250

(also known as "Phase 2")

It's no secret that you can lose weight by avoiding starchy carbohydrates like bread, pasta, and rice. The problem is that sticking to such a diet long-term is almost impossible. After all, who wants to spend the rest of their life saying "no" to fresh-baked bread … or flaky croissants … or yummy Belgian waffles!

Well, now there's a way to "cheat" on your low-carb diet, and still get all the benefits. The secret is a special bean extract called phaseolamin 2250 (or Phase 2 for short). Phase 2 works by blocking your body from digesting and absorbing starchy carbohydrates. So most of the carbs pass right through your body!

In laboratory studies, a single gram of Phase 2 neutralized 2,250 calories of starch. That's the equivalent of more than a pound of pasta or an entire loaf of bread!

And in placebo controlled human studies, people taking Phase 2 lost an average of 6 pounds a month without any change in diet or exercise whatsoever. (The people taking the placebo lost less than a pound.)

But here's the real amazing part: 85% of the weight loss was fat and not muscle!

As you probably know, dieting causes you to lose muscle as well as fat. (After all that starvation and deprivation, your tummy and thighs still look flabby!) That's why most experts advise you to add muscle-building exercises to your weight-loss program.

Yet the people in this study who took Phase 2 were able to lose fat and maintain nearly all their muscle without doing exercise! That makes it an excellent choice for anyone who's interested in looking trim and toned.

Phase 2 is totally safe. It doesn't interact with any supplements or medications. And it doesn't interfere with the absorption of vitamins and minerals. The only side effect is a slight gassiness in some people. But that seems to go away after you've been taking Phase 2 for a while.

Green tea

Green tea suppresses your appetite so you eat less. It's also a terrific metabolism booster. In one study, people taking green tea were able to boost their metabolism by an average of 4%. What's more, their metabolisms remained fast for an entire 24-hour period after they took it.

But that's not all. Green tea contains polyphenols potent antioxidants that are many times stronger than vitamins C and E. And several studies show that taking green tea protects you from cancers of the breast, lung, skin, colon, liver, esophagus, and pancreas.

CLA (conjugated linoleic acid)

CLA is an essential fatty acid that helps your body convert dietary fat into energy. Indeed, studies show that when you take CLA in supplement form, it actually changes the way your body processes fat! The fat is transported straight into the nucleus of your muscle cells, where it's burned for quick energy.

How well does CLA work? Well, a recent study in Norway found that people who took it for 12 weeks were able to reduce their body fat by a staggering 20%! And that's with no exercise or change in diet. What's more, the people who took CLA had a faster metabolism, a decrease in appetite, and more energy, too.

But CLA works for more than just weight loss. Recent studies suggest that it protects against cancer, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and more! That makes it a valuable part of your supplement program, even if you're not trying to lose weight.

But please don't rush out and buy any old CLA product on the market. The fact is that many popular brands are next to useless! Some companies are selling regular vegetable oil and calling it CLA! Others are selling the real McCoy, but in dosages that are too small to have any weight-loss effect.

You'll get complete details on the right dosage and the right form in a new report I've written called Easy Ways to Trim Your Belly, Butt, and Thighs. This report gives you the complete scoop on CLA, Phase 2, and the other supplements. It also reveals lots of other ways to lose weight without torturing yourself.

But that's not all. You'll also receive…


The Ultimate Arthritis Cure

If you suffer from arthritis or other joint pain, here's amazing news. Scientists have discovered a new joint-healing breakthrough that cures many sufferers for good. Unlike drugs and supplements, this remedy keeps on working after you take it. And unlike joint replacement surgery, it's totally safe. (Plus it costs a lot less!)

How well does this treatment work? In one study of people suffering from osteoarthritis for over 10 years, more than 88% experienced significant improvement. In another study, it was proven 92% effective in curing (yes, curing) chronic joint pain and

back pain. And in still another study, the people who got this treatment actually got stronger joints and ligaments!

With this treatment, you can finally be free of pain that slows you down. And you can retain the independence and freedom to continue doing all the things you enjoy.

Currently, there are about 300 doctors in the U.S. who offer this treatment. To find one near you, see your free report.


Look 10 Years Younger

in 5 Weeks

Is it really possible to make your face look 10 years younger? The answer is a resounding yes! In this report, you'll find a dozen secrets that give you silkier hair… smoother, firmer skin …and eyes that sparkle!

For example, you'll find out about the powerful micronutrient that boosts collagen production in your skin.

You'll discover simple techniques for getting rid of frown lines, crow's feet, flabby chin, and "turkey neck."

You'll learn why beauty pageant contestants often use Preparation H (yes, Preparation H!) to give their skin a healthy glow.

And you'll even discover a secret way to reverse skin damage that's been caused by years of sun exposure!

It's all right here in Free Report #5. You'll also get …


How to Wipe Out Fatigue and Feel Great

You've done it all. Juggled your career, your children, and your husband. Been the family nurse, bookkeeper, chef, and social director. Stayed awake worrying about your kids and parents. And some days, you're so tired you can hardly move.

Well, here's good news. You can put an end to fatigue and regain the type of energy you had when you were young. And you'll learn how to do it in the pages of this report.

For example, you'll learn about an absolute "no-no" that sucks the energy right out of you. Legions of women make this mistake. And when they stop doing it, their energy comes roaring back!

You'll also find out about a common hormonal imbalance that can make you tired, sluggish, and run down. But you don't need hormone therapy to cure this imbalance. In fact, many women who have this imbalance can cure themselves by taking an ordinary mineral. I'm not kidding!

Lastly, you'll find out about the top 3 energy-boosting supplements you can take. One of them actually boosts the energy output of every single cell in your body! Complete details are in free report #6. Now let me tell you about …


Hidden Toxins in Your Home

Every day, we expose ourselves to unsafe levels of dozens of toxic chemicals... in the products we use, the medications we take, the foods we eat.

Some of these chemicals can wreak havoc with your hormones and lead to cancer. Others can cause allergic reactions like sneezing, sniffling, and skin rashes. And still others can cause low-grade, non-specific problems like fatigue, brain fog, and aches and pains. (If you have unexplained pains or energy problems, the culprit might very well be something in your home.)

Now please understand: I'm not suggesting you should live in a plastic bubble or avoid everything that doesn't come from the health food store.

What I am suggesting is that you avoid the worst offenders, the ones that are so bad for you that I'd feel I was derelict in my duty if I didn't tell you about them.

In this report, you'll find out about the 12 foods that contain over 90% of all pesticide residue. You'll find out how to guarantee your air and your water are safe. You'll find out how to clean your home without toxic products (and save a bundle in the process!). And you'll discover an easy, effective way to flush cancer-causing toxins out of your body – without juice fasts, colonics, or other drastic measures.

You'll get all this and more in your Special Report #7, and the report is free with your risk-free subscription to WOMEN'S HEALTH LETTER.

As a subscriber to WOMEN'S HEALTH LETTER, you'll continue to get valuable information every month. Information you'll want to read immediately, then share with others. That's because my staff and I put you first in so many ways:

1. You'll be among the first to learn about powerful new ways to fight illness ... boost your immune system ... fight aging ... increase your energy ... and more.

Long before the media reported on the dangers of estrogen replacement therapy, I was telling my readers to stay away.

Long before the vitamin companies started adding magnesium and vitamin D to their calcium supplements, I was telling you that calcium alone was not enough.

Long before most people ever heard of progesterone cream ... glucosamine sulfate ... or Coenzyme Q10, I was featuring these natural cures in the newsletter.

And I'll continue to bring you the latest news every month.

2. You'll be alerted to deadly health myths, fraudulent claims, and other dangers that can harm you.

Because WOMEN'S HEALTH LETTER is 100% independent, I am 100% dedicated to looking out for you. That means telling you the truth about everyday myths and misconceptions, and the horrifying realities of some of today's popular products.

I'm free to tell you about the dangers and problems of any product, drug, or surgical procedure. As long as I can back up what I write, we print it.

3. You'll learn about the most powerful and safest treatments anywhere.

After years of researching women's health news, one of the most important lessons I've learned is that no single organization has all the answers you need.

So I consult with a wide variety of health-care experts. In addition to some of the top MDs in the country, I consult with homeopaths, osteopaths, naturopaths, and microbiologists. I interview acupuncturists, chemists, pharmacists, and many others.

I draw from the best medical journals and the latest published studies, both conventional and alternative. If someone — anyone — has life-saving information for you, my mission is to find it, confirm it, then explain it in WOMEN'S HEALTH LETTER.

More important than whether a treatment is considered alternative or conventional is whether or not it works. And that's what you'll discover in WOMEN'S HEALTH LETTER — what works, what to watch out for, and what to avoid.

4. You'll discover simple and easy-to-follow ways to maximize your health.

Every issue of WOMEN'S HEALTH LETTER is absolutely loaded with simple ways to enjoy better health.

If you are sick and need answers, you'll get them. If you are well and want to stay that way, you'll discover how to protect your health against the many little-known but serious threats you face daily.

I feel so strongly about the benefits you'll receive from your very first issues of WOMEN'S HEALTH LETTER that I'll make you this unequivocal promise:

Whatever your present health — whether good, so-so, or worse — in just 90 days you'll feel better than you do today.

How can I be so certain? Because I've had countless, grateful subscribers tell me how the information I've given them has changed their lives!

Which brings me to one more promise I want to make you today:

5. You'll feel and look better than ever — because you'll have the information you need to take charge of your own health decisions with confidence.

One of the things that makes me saddest about traditional health care in this country is how little the medical "experts" have told us about how to be vibrantly healthy.

Worse yet, a lot of what they have told us later turned out to be wrong and even harmful!

Wouldn't you agree that good health is your most valuable asset? That without health, everything else we might be fortunate to have — family, love, money, whatever — isn't nearly as important?

Then let me share with you everything I can about how to get healthy and stay that way — the fastest, easiest, and safest ways possible.

After reading just two or three issues of WOMEN'S HEALTH LETTER, you'll feel better and look better. I promise. In fact, I guarantee it.

Look and Feel Better In 90 Days

Or You Pay Nothing!

Try my newsletter for three months. If you don't find it the best you've seen ... if you don't find that it makes a huge difference in your health and well-being ... or if you don't like it for any reason at all — or no reason whatsoever — simply let me know within the first three months and I'll refund every single penny you paid.

And if you decide to cancel your subscription any time after that, I'll send you a complete refund on all unmailed issues. Either way, you still get to keep the issues you've received … plus your free Special Reports.

By now, you're probably wondering how much a subscription to WOMEN'S HEALTH LETTER costs. Actually, it's a lot less than you'd think ... especially when you consider the money it can save you on health bills.

Even with your insurance covering most of the bill, a round of doctor's visits and prescription medications can cost you plenty.

And if you end up in a hospital, it can mean hundreds — even thousands — of dollars out of your pocket.

The cover price of WOMEN'S HEALTH LETTER is just $60. But if you subscribe as part of this special introductory offer, you can get a full year (12 issues) of health-building advice for just $39.

That's just 75 cents per week — less than the price of a cup of coffee or your Sunday paper!

And here's a way for you to get an even better value: Subscribe for 2 years and I'll send you 24 issues for just $77. Plus I'll send you 8 additional gifts:

Subscribe For Two Years

And You'll Also Receive:


What Every Woman Needs to

Know About Heart Attacks

Did you know that after the age of 60, women are more likely to die of heart disease than men? It's true!

Heart disease is by far the leading killer of women. But you don't have to let it happen to you. In this report, you'll learn how to keep your arteries clear, your heart strong, and your blood pumping.

You'll find out about a female heart attack trigger that most doctors never look for. It's more important than cholesterol, blood pressure, and homocysteine. And it's detectable with a simple lab test.

You'll find out about the 7 best heart-healthy foods … and the 5 best healing supplements.

You'll also find out about a simple thing you can do during a heart attack that can save your life or the life of a loved one.

Studies show that doing this can increase the chance of survival by as much as 10 times!


Powerful Sight Savers for

Aging Eyes

Imagine losing your sight. You wouldn't be able to read...or drive...or enjoy the smiling faces of your loved ones.

Yet, tragically, this is the fate that awaits millions of American women. But it doesn't have to happen to you. In Free Report #9, I tell you how to protect your vision from the three biggest threats: cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. I also tell you about a miraculous nutrient that literally slows down the aging process in the eyes, so that your eyes can stay young and healthy for years to come!

These nutrients are totally safe and remarkably effective. In fact, I gave them to my mother when she was 95 years old. And yes, her eyesight did improve. You'll get complete details in free report #9.


Beyond Ginkgo:

The Newest Memory-Boosters for Women

Do you misplace your glasses or house keys? Or walk into a room and forget what you went there for? If so, you're not alone.

A short time ago, I noticed I was having those "senior moments" a little too often. So I started taking various brain nutrients...and the results were nothing short of astonishing. My memory improved dramatically in just 2 weeks!

I'd like you to get the same results. That's why I wrote this report, which tells you about all the nutrients I took to get rid of my memory problems. Some of these are nutrients you've already heard of, like ginkgo biloba and phosphatidyl serine. But others are little-known nutrients that have only recently been studied.

For example, there's a group of peptides that help replenish vital brain chemicals that get depleted as you get older. And there's another remedy that actually increases energy production in your brain cells!

You'll get details on these remedies in your Special Report. Best of all, you'll find out where you can get all these ingredients in one single pill!


Cancer-Proof Your Body,

Cell by Cell

The most dramatic breakthroughs in cancer came over the last decade — and practically no one noticed!

Why? Because these breakthroughs had nothing to do with chemotherapy, surgery, or any other high-tech cures. Rather, these breakthroughs were all about prevention.

Yes, prevention. It is estimated that up to 90% of all cancers can be prevented — using knowledge that is already available!

I don't want you to ever have to suffer the agony and terror of cancer. And I don't want you to endure the horrible treatments that ravage your body while providing low rates of success. That's why I urge you to read this report.

In it, you'll discover the latest breakthroughs on how to boost your immune system … how to flush cancer-causing chemicals out of your body … and how to destroy cancer cells before they have a chance to develop into tumors and spread.

You'll find out about the 7 best cancer-fighting foods. Pound for pound, these favorites provide the strongest concentration of antioxidants, indoles, lignans, and other cancer-fighting substances.

You'll learn about 3 vitamins that work as a team to protect you against cancer. Though you might be taking some already, they are much more effective when taken together.

And you'll find out about the amazing plant extract that fights cancer 3 different ways. It stops tumors before they start … stops existing cancer from spreading … and even restores malignant cells to normal!

So if you'd like to stay cancer-free, or if you or a loved one have had cancer in the past and don't want it to return … please order this Special Report.


How to Avoid a Hormone Nightmare

The hormones in your body regulate practically everything. Not just your sex organs and your hair and skin … but your heartbeat, your respiration, your bone growth, and your sleep patterns.

When your hormones are in balance, your body is, too. But when they get out of whack, you can get fatigue, weight gain, insomnia, hair loss, mood swings, and even heart disease and cancer.

The good news is that you can rebalance your hormones and keep them in harmony. One of the keys is a protein called sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG). Known as "estrogen's chaperone," this protein helps raise estrogen when it's low, and lower it when it's high. You'll find out all about SHBG in this free report.

You'll also learn about safe and easy ways to nourish and support the glands in your body that make hormones. You'll find out about common nutrients that act as hormone precursors. And, when all else fails, you'll learn about the one and only form of estrogen replacement therapy that is totally safe! It's all here in report #12.


Say Good-bye to Stomach Pain and Indigestion

If you suffer from heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, or abdominal pains and IBS, then you'll find this report a godsend. Why?

Because it shows you not only how to treat digestive discomfort but how to cure yourself for good!

You'll find out about the amazing amino acid that heals ulcers, leaky gut, and Crohn's disease. You'll find out about natural remedies that rid you of pain and inflammation and soothe intestinal walls. And you'll find out why many popular digestive-health products in the health food store are a complete waste of money … plus what you should take instead.


The World's Easiest Stress Reducer

Stress isn't just unpleasant — it can actually kill you! Research shows that it can lead to depression, obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, brain atrophy, and osteoporosis.

Fortunately, there's an easy way to reduce stress and anxiety. What's more, it doesn't involve strenuous exercise or complicated breathing techniques or mental imagery.

No, it's not kava or valerian or any other supplement that makes you drowsy. Rather, it's two safe, natural remedies that make you calm and relaxed while increasing your energy and alertness!

Both of these remedies have been proven in double-blind studies. Both have positive effects on your brain chemistry. And one of them has been found to help insomnia, depression, poor appetite, irritability, hypertension, and headaches. Now, that's what I call an all-purpose stress buster!

You'll get complete details on these 2 remedies, including where to get them and how much to take, in your free report.


Say Good-bye to Migraines!

Migraines are an absolute nightmare. The pain is excruciating … and it's often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light.

Finding a cure is elusive. While prescription painkillers provide relief, they don't keep migraines from coming back. And while feverfew and other natural remedies work for some people, they don't work for others.

But here's good news. Doctors and scientists have made some remarkable breakthroughs in the treatment and prevention of migraines. One of these is the use of a special "combination therapy" consisting of a vitamin, a mineral and an herb. In double-blind studies, this combination therapy worked for two-thirds of the people who took it!

But that's just the beginning. You'll also find out about 4 other remedies to have in your migraine-fighting arsenal. Some of them work by increasing your serotonin levels … some work by lowering inflammatory chemicals in your body … and some work by improving blood flow.

So no matter what the cause of your migraines, you'll probably find something here that can stop the pain and prevent it from coming back.

Finally, you'll find out about migraine-triggering foods you should avoid. A study in the Lancet found that a whopping 85% of people got relief when they simply avoided these few foods! You'll get complete details in your free report.

Get This Valuable Women’s Health Library, Absolutely FREE!

Fastest way to reverse damage done by stress. Just add a little of this to your juice. Quickly repairs your body where stress affects it the most.

Hidden “pre-stroke” warnings you should never ignore! How to recognize these “quiet” symptoms and what to do if you have them.

How to wipe out even the nastiest bacteria without antibiotics. Amazing therapy targets the specific bacteria only, so you don’t get diarrhea or yeast infections. Widely used in Europe, and now available in the U.S.

The best water purifier for safe drinking water. Clears away chlorine, bacteria, and pesticides. Easy to use, fits right on your faucet and requires no cleaning. What it is and where to get it.

The best help for thinning hair. Just take two drops of this and massage into your scalp. Amazing!

Want to age slower? 2 delicious foods slow down aging better than any supplement!

What you should never drink when eating a salad. Blocks absorption of vital nutrients.

How to heal yourself after radiation therapy. Breakthrough “combination therapy” reverses the damage that’s often done to surrounding tissue. Proven in landmark study.

Brown rice is healthier for you than white, right? Wrong. When it can be a very bad idea.

Fun way to keep your brain young. University study finds better memory and function in women who do this activity.

Eating fish can save your life … but only if it’s the right kind of fish. Here are the top 5 fish to eat.

Snacks you should never eat after 9 pm. Hardest to digest … bad for your stomach and waistline. What you can eat instead.

Popular breakfast food you should never mix with prescription drugs! Doing so can actually kill you!

Nature’s sunscreen. But you don’t apply it to your skin; you swallow it.

The real reason you’re having trouble losing weight? Hint: Check your skin and hair for these signs.

Thyroid trouble? You may be deficient in this important mineral. How to know before you rush to the doctor.

Secret ingredient in Italian food (not garlic!) that cuts your cancer risk and protects you from heart disease.

The absolute worst food you can eat if you have cancer. Makes cancer cells grow like crazy!

Why eating Italian food can make your arthritis worse! Avoid any dishes that contain this popular ingredient.

Want great looking skin and more energy? Just add a handful of these to your daily diet. You’ll be amazed at the difference.

Cataracts reversed without surgery! These supplements reverse early cataracts … and stop the progression of more advanced ones!

Complete regression of breast cancer in 5 out of 6 patients! Researchers astonished at how well this remedy worked … and it’s available at any drugstore without a prescription!

Should you be worried about your hair loss? Rule out hidden illness by having your doctor check for this.

Did you know that when you use a heating pad the heat only penetrates a few millimeters? Here’s a better way, and it’s guaranteed to get the heat where you need it.

The secret link between asthma and osteoporosis. Why women who have asthma lose more bone density than someone who smokes a pack a day. Plus what any woman can do to relieve asthma and protect her bones.

The easiest way to improve your memory without spending a fortune on supplements. Especially helpful when starting a new job or activity.

Secret link between soy and Alzheimer’s. Shocking findings from university study. Plus … how to protect yourself while getting all the nutrition you need.

The truth about the Atkins diet. What it does that’s harmful to your brain! Plus: a safer way to lose weight safely and permanently!

Warning: 40% of strokes in women are linked to this common but seemingly “harmless” condition. How to tell if you’re at risk … and what you can do to protect yourself.

Get rid of household insects without noxious pesticides. This home remedy works fast — and is 100% safe.

Get rid of vaginal dryness without using hormones. This natural moisturizer reduces irritation, dryness and discomfort. No prescription necessary, and you can even get it at Wal-Mart!

The most accurate hormone test available. Tells you the exact combination of hormones you need. Don’t let your doctor treat your menopausal symptoms with a “one size fits all” mentality. Make sure you ask for this first.

The one source you should never buy your vitamins from. Quality is often lousy, and the cost is much too high. Where to go instead.

Shocking link between microwave popcorn and lung disease! Urgent warning from top health officials.

A fun, relaxing way to lower your risk of heart disease. (Hint: it’s not exercise, yoga, sex, or meditation. And you’ll never guess the answer!)

Natural remedy that wipes out nicotine cravings fast. Has none of the side effects of the nicotine patch, and can be bought without a prescription.

Why frozen vegetables are sometimes better for you than fresh! Surprising findings.

Astonishing therapy actually suffocates cancer cells and reverses tumor growth. Nobel-Prize-winning research!

Slow down graying hair without a trip to the hairdresser. The secret is this safe, natural hormone, available without a prescription.

How to burn more calories without exercising harder. Just do this right before … and you’ll speed up your metabolism and burn more fat.

The popular juice you should never drink if you have arthritis. Fine for most people, but terrible for you.

To get your Free Health Library, try Women's Health completely without risk, Click Here.

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10th Anniversary Collection

Not long ago, WOMEN'S HEALTH LETTER turned 10 years old. And to celebrate, we created this report for our subscribers. Think of it as a "Greatest Hits" collection, with nuggets like these:

How to stay healthy when everyone else in your house is sick. 7 immune-boosting secrets that make you invisible to cold and flu germs.

What you should take with Tylenol to prevent liver damage.

How busy women stay healthy when they don't have time to cook. These healthy fast foods keep you slim, fit, and full of energy.

How to shorten your recovery time from any kind of surgery. Just take one of these in the operating room with you.

The shocking reason why gardening can double your risk of Parkinson's disease! What you can do to protect yourself.

Travel kit must-haves. Natural remedies for upset stomach, diarrhea, sore muscles, and more. Don't leave home without them!

What you should never eat in a restaurant if you suffer from asthma. Can trigger a nasty attack.

And much more.


How to Increase the Healing Power of Your Supplements

This report helps you sort through all the hype and hoopla and shows you how to get the most out of your supplements. You'll discover:

How to select high-quality nutritional supplements. Once you know these tricks, you'll never be taken again.

The juice you should never drink when taking zinc to fight a cold. Cancels out the zinc!

The truth about coral calcium. Is it really healthier and more absorbable than other kinds? Here's the answer, based on scientific research.

The right way to take CoQ10. If you leave this important step out, you're not getting all the nutrients you need. And much, much more.

So there you have it. If you act now, you'll get a total of 9 free reports with a 1-year subscription and 17 reports with a two-year subscription.

Frankly, I think a 2-year subscription is a no-lose proposition. You're still covered by the same iron-clad guarantee, which means that if you're not satisfied, it costs you nothing. And if you are satisfied, you get to lock in two years of WOMEN'S HEALTH LETTER at the absolute lowest price.

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Given the tremendous savings, the extra gifts, and the risk-free guarantee, I strongly urge you to take advantage of the two-year offer. But I'll leave that decision up to you.

There's no risk, so why not order now! You'll join the tens of thousands of women who've found better health, greater happiness, and more confidence.

Yours for better health,

Nan Kathryn Fuchs, PhD


P.S Most women I know fall into this trap: They're so busy caring for others that they forget to take care of themselves! As a result, they end up exhausted or sick.

Well, I think it's time you did something for you! I think it's time you nurtured your own body and your own mind and your own spirit. That's why I'd like to send you 17 free gifts that will have a huge effect on your health and well-being.

* * * * * * *

----- Original Message -----



Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2006 4:15 PM

Subject: Great calcium hoax

Regarding your article "The great calcium hoax", I don't think you've got it

entirely correct yet. Yes, calcium is pushed and many people are calcium deficient. They give calcium supplements to dogs and horses as well and it does serve a useful purpose.

And you are right that often magnesium plays a very important role to help assimilate calcium. But there are other minerals as well which need to be taken to keep calcium in balance such as potassium and sodium, silica and iron.

Nutritional medicine is basicaly ignored by the medical profession, but they

don't seem to mind pushing just calcium on its own, without the support of other minerals.

I would say that calcium is a very important and mostly deficient nutrient, but it needs to be kept in balance. I have a website at which is basically about the 12

organic cellsalts which includes calcium and the other minerals I have mentioned. I'm not a professional medical person, but a user who has been taking cellsalts for about 30 years, and frankly don't agree with knocking people taking calcium. Westerners probably need more calcium because of their high phosporus intake, with so much protein foods and its not really helpful to compare western diets to oriental diets where they concentrate more on vegetables.

All the best

Carole Hubbard