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Organic Sulfur and Chemotherapy

Patrick McGean

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used by the lack of oxygen transport across the cell membrane. The Study is not ready to publish any finding regarding Organic Sulfur’s ability to counteract cancer by enabling intracellular oxygen, but in reviewing our case studies we feel that the information gained to date may be of benefit to those at risk of cancer or some of the therapies used to combat the cancer.

Thirty three individuals have undergone some form of chemotherapy for cancer, many as a follow-up to previous therapies and a few during their first experience with chemo-therapy. No documentation still exists from these studies and no lab work has been shared with the Study which though unfortunate does not change the hypothesis causing the Study to issue this information.

Of the 33 Study members who had chemotherapy and took 15 or more grams of Organic Sulfur twice a day during their chemotherapy none reported any side effects to the chemotherapy. No hair loss, no nausea and no diarrhea.

Of interest was that many of the members were told by their doctors they had increased red and white blood counts with a remarkable decrease in the cancer cells. This is at present “hearsay” being that many of the physicians declined contacting the Study.

A brief note regarding how organic sulfur enables oxygen on a cellular level may be necessary to understand why the Study believes this information is of importance to anyone considering chemotherapy, or not. Organic Sulfur enables the transport of oxygen across the cell membrane by causing said membrane to return to a pliable and flexible condition. Not unlike the conditioning of cell membranes of the skin which has made organic sulfur a beauty aid since the 10 Century in China.

The side effects of chemotherapy are feared by the public, and that fear sometimes can be detrimental to a healthy result. The Study is not an advocate or opponent of chemo-therapy. But for those who agree with their physicians that chemotherapy is in their best interest then the following suggestion could be of some value.

Chemotherapy targets rogue or diseased cells in an attempt to stem the invasion of the

cancer. These cancer cells are undergoing anaerobic cellular regeneration. Considering Dr Warburg’s work in the early 1920s we believe that by enabling oxygen to be transported across the cell membrane especially cells that have not been compromised can be protected from both the cancer and the chemical poisons designed to disable the cancer cells ability to reproduce.

We suggest to those who are faced with chemotherapy to consider what our Study members have reported as an effective supplemental addition to whatever chemotherapythey and their doctors have agreed upon.

When asked, the Study members who had taken sulfur said they would repeat the regimen with Organic Sulfur if they had to have more chemotherapy. Only 12 study members have continued to take sulfur on a daily basis. The Study believes most all of us in the US are sulfur deficient and are continually looking for new members to document that belief and any health improvements which this necessary mineral may provide.

All but one Study member benefited during chemotherapy with Organic Sulfur. There were no side effects, “improved” cell counts and they are still very much alive. One Study member with lung to bone cancer died after her physician told her to stop the sulfur, their

protocol required a decrease in white blood cells to continue chemo. She died before

completing her next course of chemo.

15 grams or more ( too much has yet to be documented by the Study or in the literature) twice a day during whatever chemotherapy is given. If intracellular oxygen is an enemy of both cancer cells and viruses which often follow the destructive course of cancer, then possibly the increase in intracellular oxygen can explain our preliminary results of a 92% improvement over chemotherapy without Organic Sulfur. The Live Blood and Cellular Matrix Study’s only interest is the health of the person receiving the chemotherapy.

Patrick McGean


Live Blood and Cellular Matrix Study

Body Human Project
